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is justified, run away! When dissenters, their friends and relatives are declared public enemies, run away! Crawl away! For any idea and any faith is not worth the life of even one human being, let alone hundreds, thousands, or millions of them! Why? Read the myths further to find out!

      Though it is true not only on the scale of nations, countries, monarchs, and rulers. The same can be applied to any ordinary person. Do the idea and the means of its implementation concur or run contrary to each other? If they don’t concur, does the one who conceived and/or articulated the idea realize that their means of implementation is entirely about something else?


      – Ponder over everything that has been created by human beings over the course of the last five thousand years. And everything that has been created over the last one hundred years. How many creations in various fields! How many discoveries, achievements, accomplishments that changed our life. Can oil, land, gold, and other resources match them? Can these resources match the creative potential of man? Of course, they are important. Sometimes they act as components. But still!! What are these resources without the power of human thought? Just think of it and comprehend the true power of human potential! Could oil and gas pull themselves and produce useful goods on their own basis without human thought? Could gold become wonderful jewelry or a convenient means of payment without human mastery? Is the land worth something at all without the human skill of farming?

      – Think of who created powerful and legendary companies and states? Is it oil, land, or gold? Nope. It’s people. Some certain, living people. If we are capable of such enormous transformations, will we be able to deal with the challenges of modern times? Oh yeah! So what is the main resource? What and who should we invest in? What resource should we protect and treasure? At least in the form of a resource… At least we can see human beings and their potentials like this. If they are not of value…

      – What potential do you personally have? How and in what forms is it manifested? How and in what forms can you manifest it?

      – What potential do your friends, relatives, colleagues, employees, bosses, and acquaintances have? How and in what forms is it manifested? How and in what forms can they manifest it? Unlock it and use it?

      – Test whether the idea and the means of its implementation concur before blindly following it.

      Key points

      While reading this book, some people may say that it should be banned since it is insulting to the feelings of religious believers. It is not. It is insulting only to the feelings of those who exploit faith for their own benefit.

      Almost all religions were meant to create something that could keep humanity from relentless intraspecific and all other kinds of aggression.

      Unfortunately, instead of providing a path, religions often turned into servants (or even obedient slaves) of human passions.

      It’s no accident that in some religions, the pinnacle of divine creation is man. Nothing was created after man.

      You may have a beautiful idea but it will be implemented poorly.

      I encourage you to reflect while you follow a religious or ideological path on whether your way of implementing an idea is a relevant one.

      An idea and a way of its implementation are two quite different things. You may have a beautiful idea but it will be implemented poorly. And vice versa, you may have a poor idea but some people can turn it into a wonder! Of course, the best scenario is when we have both a wonderful idea and a decent way of its implementation.

      For any idea and any faith is not worth the life of even one human being, let alone hundreds, thousands, or millions of them!

      The myth in a nutshell

      A lot of religions and ideas are good. But it is also important to check whether the means of their implementation is good too.

      4. Myth of Our Heavenly Future and Sinful Past

      Your experience

      – How often do you reminisce of the past? And what about other people? And what about the common past that we share with someone?

      – What is your past like? And what about other people? And what about the shared past? How do you see it? How do other people see it?

      – How do you see your future? How do other people see their future? What is the difference between your vision and theirs with regard to your shared future?

      – What and who are you in your present? What and who are other people in their present?

      – What do you think about the phrase «Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift»?

      About the myth

      Different religions have different descriptions of the past. Some see it in glowing colors, others have a less radiant picture, and yet others are in two minds about that. The description of the past is exciting. It is our origin. And, on the other hand, it is all the values that were originally established or a sort of their historic or modern interpretation.

      Interpretation is a pretty curious affair. It reflects our ability to look at one and the same thing, event, or phenomenon from different points of view. And there may be endless number of points of view and versions! Therefore, the dichotomy of black and white options makes no sense here. The color of the event is in the eye of the beholder. Given that our past is history, no one can be sure what it was really like. What it was like for our ancestors, for those who used to live in a given period of time. Or does someone or something know everything? The Almighty? Our soul? Our spirit?

      The past can influence the present and future but it also can just remain history. In any case, we cannot turn back time, change or repeat our past. However, some cultists tend to forget about it. They remind modern people of things pertaining to the ages long gone by. Blame them.

      For instance, some people genuinely believe that for the sin Eve committed by sharing her apple with Adam (who took a bite out of it of his own free will, and very willingly by the way), people shall pay even now. And others believe that women are the only ones to blame. As if Adam was forced to do it (according to the written sources, it wasn’t the case). Eve, a weak woman, forcing Adam, a strong man to do something… There is something wrong in this story at that point already. It’s the same with prostitutes. They are just the supply. The demand is provided by men. And yet, according to the followers of some religious or political institutes, it is prostitutes who are to blame. There have been centuries, millennia, and maybe even dozens of them… But the habit to blame is still here. Very convenient, isn’t it? A lot of people know that those who feel guilt will either forget about it or try to atone for it! In this latter case, they will do whatever it takes in the hope of getting at least a tiny chance of forgiveness. This violent and rigid manipulation enslaved humanity for years to come. Both women and men, though the heaviest load was born by supposedly fragile women’s shoulders. And I doubt that God needed such manipulation. For otherwise God becomes way too human and appears not to be able to forgive though this is exactly what God demands of us! To love, unconditionally. To search for awareness and see the essence of things.

      Think about it. Imagine your little child peeking into your chest filled with secret letters (which the child is too young, in your opinion, to read) and reading them. How much time will it take the child to make amends with you? A day? A year? A decade? Or the entire life? Or will you hold even grandchildren and great-grandchildren responsible? From one generation to another? Isn’t it absurd? And if we consider that the further in the past the event is, the more indistinct

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