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had the trouble to provide people with plenty of paths and opportunities to come to Him.

      The trick is not in finding out who’s right. We just need to accept that all the paths have one and the same source and lead us to one and the same home, however differently…

      Those who rejoice at being a part of the «elite» don’t even realize that they are not the exception, that they are being controlled too. They understand it much later than those who aren’t in the «elite».

      It is indeed time-consuming and complicated, from the point of view of our mortal coil. We always want to achieve a quick result and we don’t care that aggressive methods are deprived of faith and don’t take into consideration the lives of those who were created by… the most divine being or beings. It’s not much, as far as our soul is concerned. But this is a much more careful and gentle way.

      You should propagate your ideas not through violence. But by way of example. Sincerely! Because it is really good, because you like it. Because you do it out of love – not only towards yourself and your ideas but to those around you!

      The challenge is to see beauty and wisdom in the generous diversity and learn how to make your own choices while respecting the choices of others.

      Surprisingly enough, having one and the same path for everyone is a way to self-annihilation of the system in general.

      Put aside the myth of the single path in religion, politics, and the question of nations. Put aside the conflict of duality (either this or that) in all other matters. Then the excuse for wars will just disappear. But there is yet another problem. Those who want to have wars will come up with new myths and new excuses. It will go and on until the masses realize it!

      In order to get beyond limitations you should first acknowledge the abundance of diversity and take interest in it…

      The myth in a nutshell

      There are many paths to God. Each person or a group of people has their own path. In different periods of time, there are different paths too. In different periods of time, there come different people who create certain paths.

      A Soul Prayer for PEACE

      Thou art the one who has many names and forms

      To whom many paths lead

      The one who lives in everything and yet everything lives inside thee

      Who guides and always endows with freedom of choice

      Help me understand thy intentions and lessons.

      I am the one that remains eternal among the perishable

      The one that stays real among illusions

      The one that stays unchanged among all the changes

      The one that is called to serve thee while being true to oneself.

      Help me find peace and awareness.

      Thou art the creator and true master of everything, so help me

      Serve thee and take care of thy creations

      In freedom from fears, passions, attachments, and sins

      On the path of knowledge, gaining reason and goodness

      In the revelation of love and compassion

      In unity therewith, and therefore, with everything thou created.

      2. The Myth of the Need to Forget about Your Body, Emotions, and Mind on Your Way to God

      Your experience

      How well do you know your body? And how well do doctors know human body?

      How well do you know the bodies of other creatures that inhabit our planet? How well do scientists and researchers know them?

      How well do you know bodies in general? How well do scientists and physicists know them?

      And what does it mean – to know a body? What do you think about bodies? About your own? About the bodies of other people? About the bodies of various species inhabiting this planet?

      And what do you feel about your body and the bodies of other creatures?

      And what do you know (just like in previous questions) about emotions and mind? About your own feelings and thoughts? Do you recognize them? And what about feelings and thoughts of other people?

      What do you know about shapes and forms?

      What do you know about essence and content?

      About the myth

      Let’s discuss it using the example of Christianity (or any other religion). God made man. In flesh and blood. And what was done to man by fellow man in the Middle Ages? What was done to the divine creation – allegedly in the name of faith? What was done to it later – in the age of colonization?

      Was it a declaration of the will of God? Or was it just a cover to conceal the pursuit of power, riches, and keeping them no matter the cost?

      And suppressing the wonder of fleshliness, the brilliance of emotions. Suppressing the genius of thought, destroying others! By double standards, among other things (when some people are allowed something and others are not).

      Why thrust your nose into someone’s bedroom and dictate what they should do, in which position, and how many times? Why have such limitations and control?

      Why pry into someone’s private life? Why forbid feeling something and allow only a tiny part of the wide range of feelings?

      Why force something so violently and aggressively, telling what one can think and what one cannot?

      There are powerful historic examples behind all these questions. Powerful and yet tragic! For not only books were burnt but people too. Talented. Beautiful.

      Who gave them that talent? Who bestowed upon them sensuality? And intuition? And mind’s eye? Who bestowed upon them intelligence in all its forms? And beauty? Oh, right. There is the Devil. And yet we were made and endowed with gifts by God. In any case, this is a divine creation, we don’t have any right to control it. However, some people conceited themselves to be near as great as God and began to pride themselves. Others understood the simple truth and yet were not able to abandon power and its gifts. Suppression, control, jealousy, neglect (devaluing), and destruction won’t bring you to God… Neither will pridefulness and pursuit of power. Ignorance and clinging to one’s passions. In this regard, maybe we should study the works of various spiritual teachers and Eastern masters of various religions to get a deeper understanding and analysis?

      Perhaps, instead of making fires for the wrong books and people, we should have taken a different path. The one that is fast in terms of our soul but long and tiresome for those who are attached to worldly passion. The path of decent examples, discussions, learning, stories, reflection, mentorship, etc.? Meaning the path of the freedom of agreement, acceptance, and choice. The path of the creation of beauty and comfort (that’s it!), creativity and art instead of violence and fear, destruction and hate, instead of strangling the potential of the Great Creation… We should have taken the path of freedom (freedom from our own ignorance, our fears, power, riches, pridefulness, arrogance, vanity, etc.).

      Oh, how much the church opposed progress (not all the clergy really serve the Almighty, since some people choose to serve their own or someone else’s interests by way of religion). How much it opposed paganism that provided, perhaps, even more opportunities for harmony – with ourselves and the world around us – or probably just interfered with the goals of certain people. Those in power don’t like to share and they

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