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      Translated by Helen Morrison


      Originally published in French as L’invention du colonialisme vert. Pour en finir avec le mythe d’Éden africain. Préface de François-Xavier Fauvelle © Flammarion, Paris, 2020

      This English edition © Polity Press, 2022

      1892 maps of Ethiopia: ‘Carta dimostrativa dell’ Etiopia’. Credit: Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division.

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      ISBN-13: 978-1-5095-5090-6

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      The Invention of Green Colonialism. By virtue of its title, as soon as it was published, this book was associated with postcolonial studies, even with ‘decolonial’ thinking. These fields of study have of course influenced my work, but what I wanted first and foremost was to write a book focusing on environmental history. With this discipline, ‘we can create a more usable past, one more relevant to the everyday lives of people today’, as Ted Steinberg puts it. And to do that, the American historian tells us, we need to re-establish ‘the way power operates through and across landscape’.1

      Let us begin with the institutional aspect. For many environmental historians, confining nature within a park represents a double act of appropriation and of disappropriation. This is the case everywhere and perhaps particularly in Africa. Under colonial rule, the colonists first set about creating hunting reserves as a way of demonstrating their capacity to dominate nature and space.3 Next it was the turn of European administrations to use the national parks as a means to better control, manage and suppress populations.4 Then, once the postcolonial period had begun, the international conservation institutions continued to impose coercive models for the protection of nature, models which involved displacing local people, restricting right of access to resources and criminalizing use of the land.5 The majority of those African states called upon to put these programmes in place took advantage of the situation to impose tighter controls over their citizens.6 And the latter therefore found themselves seeking out any available gaps which would enable them to get round the conservation rules, and even to use them to exercise political advantage over their neighbours and their communities.7 Put differently, for all the actors involved in the institutionalization of the environment, protecting nature always involves the exercise of power.

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