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      Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Conceptions, and Designs

       Edited by

       Oliver Heckmann

Logo: Wiley

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      The right of Oliver Heckmann to be identified as the author of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with law.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data applied for

      ISBN: 9781119734857

      Cover design by Wiley

      Cover image: © fuelfor/The Care Lab with Lien Foundation and ACM Foundation, © Arup, © Housing & Development Board, © LOHA, © SHAU Architects, © Trevor Ryan Patt, © Urban Housing Lab, ReAL Lab, © Keng Hua Chong, © Mulki Salman, © MKPL Architects

      Devni Acharya Arup, Singapore

      Emma Boucher Arup, London UK

      Richard Boyd Arup, London UK

      Michael Budig Architecture and Sustainable Design Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore

      Yuen Chau Singapore University of Technology & Design Singapore

      Im Sik Cho Department of Architecture School of Design and Environment National University of Singapore Singapore

      Chong Keng Hua Social Urban Research Groupe Singapore University of Technology & Design Singapore

      Vincent Chua Department of Sociology National University of Singapore Singapore

      Ian Dickenson Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects [LOHA] Los Angeles USA

      Timur Dogan Department of Architecture Cornell AAP Architecture Art Planning Cornell University Ithaca USA

      Airí Dordas Perpinyà The Care Lab Barcelona Spain

      Adrià Garcia I Mateu Holon Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Open University of Catalonia Barcelona Spain

      Ha Tshui Mum Social Urban Research Groupe Singapore

      Florian Heinzelmann SHAU Architects Bandung, Indonesia Rotterdam, Netherlands

      László Herczeg The Care Lab Barcelona Spain

       John Alstan Jakubiec Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design and The School of the Environment University of Toronto Toronto Canada

      Marta Juan Barcelona City Council Area of Social Rights Barcelona Spain

      Gerald Kössl GBV Österreichischer Verband gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen (Austrian Federation of Limited‐Profit Housing Associations) Vienna Austria

      Gérald Ledent Faculté d’architecture, d’ingénierie architecturale, d’urbanisme Université Catholique de Louvain Brussels Belgium

      Jeremiah Lim Housing & Development Board Singapore

      Yee Wei Lim Department of Medicine Yong Loo Lin School

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