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In most cases, the crystal structure or form taken by the mineral is strongly influenced by the environment in which it forms. Polymorphs therefore record important information concerning the environments that produced them. Many polymorphs belong to very common and/or economically significant mineral groups, such as the examples summarized in Table 4.13.

Chemical composition Common polymorphs
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) Calcite and aragonite
Carbon (C) Diamond and graphite
Silica (SiO2) α‐quartz, β‐quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, stishovite
Aluminum silicate (AlAlOSiO4) Andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite
Potassium aluminum silicate (KAlSi3O8) Orthoclase, microcline, sanidine
Iron sulfide (FeS2) Pyrite, marcasite
Schematic illustration of phase stability the conditions under which graphite, the low pressure polymorph of carbon, and diamond, the high pressure polymorph of carbon, are stable beneath continental lithosphere.

       Reconstructive transformations

       Displacive transformations

      Some polymorphs are characterized by structures that, while different, are similar enough that the conversion of one into the other requires only a rotation of the constituent atoms into slightly different arrangements without breaking any bonds. Transformations between polymorphs that do not require bonds to be broken and involve only small rotations of atoms into the new structural arrangement are called displacive transformations and tend to occur very rapidly under the conditions predicted by laboratory experiments and thermodynamic calculations. Polymorphs involved in displacive transformations rarely occur as metastable minerals far outside their normal stability ranges and so may preserve less information about the conditions under which they and the rocks in which they occur originally formed.

Schematic illustration of the closely similar structures of α- and β-quartz.

      Source: Courtesy of Bill Hames.

      Other transformations between silica polymorphs are reconstructive. For example, the transformations between the high‐pressure minerals stishovite and coesite and between coesite and quartz are reconstructive. Therefore, both stishovite and coesite can be expected to exist as metastable phases at much lower pressures than those under which they are formed. Their preservation in rocks at low pressures allows them to be used to infer high pressure conditions, such as meteorite impacts, long after such conditions have ceased to exist.

       Order–disorder transformations

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