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href="#ulink_f63caf8f-81ca-5025-bb47-0041316e2be9">Figure 7.7 Daily time series of accumulated rainfall over Maroua, Garoua, an...Figure 7.8 Daily time series of accumulated rainfall over Bertoua, Douala, a...Figure 7.9 Categorical indices for daily rainfall and linear regression fitt...Figure 7.10 Sensitivity of categorical indices (a: BIAS [frequency bias], b:...Figure 7.11 Interannual Hovmöller diagrams of the monthly accumulated convec...Figure 7.12 Spatiotemporal distribution of the 90th percentile of the monthl...Figure 7.13 Same as Figure 7.12, but for 3B43.Figure 7.14 Correlation, mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Congo Basin: a) situation of the Congo Basin and the five main hy...Figure 8.2 Congo Basin and its main drainage subsystems. The sub‐basins stud...Figure 8.3 Topography of the Congo Basin and the flooded portion of the Cent...Figure 8.4 Sequencing of the reduced centered variables: (a) rainfall for th...Figure 8.5 Changes in mean daily hydrological regimes by homogeneous flow pe...Figure 8.6 Comparison of hydrological regimes of the seven main drainage ent...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Study region showing the Congo Basin. The Congo River and its num...Figure 9.2 Relationship between GPCC and CRU‐based precipitation over the Co...Figure 9.3 Spatial distribution of GPCC‐based precipitation (mm) over the Co...Figure 9.4 Analysis of (a) trends (mm/yr) and harmonic components (mean annu...Figure 9.5 Spatial and temporal variability in the Congo Basin rainfall (mm)...Figure 9.6 Spatial and temporal variability in the Congo basin rainfall (mm)...Figure 9.7 Spatial distribution of trends (mm/yr) in (a) annual and (b) maxi...Figure 9.8 Dominant modes of river discharge time series of the Congo river ...Figure 9.9 Interannual variations and cumulative departures of rainfall and ...Figure 9.10 Temporal relationship between rainfall and discharge during 1903...Figure 9.11 Localized rainfall (mm) over the Congo Basin (1991–2010). The in...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Geographical location of the Congo River Basin showing river net...Figure 10.2 The spatial distribution of monthly (a) precipitation and (b) te...Figure 10.3 The land‐use and land cover distribution in the Congo River Basi...Figure 10.4 Change in land cover in the Congo River Basin between 1992–2003 ...Figure 10.5 Change in land cover in the Qubangui and Middle Congo regions be...Figure 10.6 Spatial variation in daily precipitation for historical (1950–20...Figure 10.7 Spatial variation in the daily temperature for historical (1950–...Figure 10.8 Results of land cover change analyses. (a) Spatial maps of ET de...Figure 10.9 Spatial maps of terrestrial water storage change (TWSC) from GRA...Figure 10.10 Variation in the ensemble mean of monthly total water storage c...Figure 10.11 Comparisons of total water storage anomalies (TWSAs) and MPDSI....Figure 10.12 Historical drought conditions in the Congo Basin. (a) Time seri...Figure 10.13 Historical drought conditions in the Congo Basin. (a, b) Time s...Figure 10.14 Water budget changes between historical (1956–2005) and future ...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Geographic location of the CRB and the Land cover in 2003 with a...Figure 11.2 Geographical location of the CRB (green) and regions selected as...Figure 11.3 Temporal evolution of the SPI (a) and SPEI (b) at time scales of...Figure 11.4 Trends of (a) SPEI‐1 and (b) SPEI‐12 from 1981–2018. Significant...Figure 11.5 Contribution (%) of climatological moisture to precipitation ove...Figure 11.6 Temporal correlations between monthly anomalies of │(EP) < 0│...Figure 11.7 Monthly anomalies of the contributions of moisture from the AO (...Figure 11.8 Scatterplot: anomalies in moisture contributed from the (a) AO, ...Figure 11.9 Temporal evolution of the │(EP) < 0│ anomalies computed over ...Figure 11.10 Trends of │(EP) < 0│ calculated over the CRB for air masses ...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Congo Basin features.Figure 12.2 Distribution and hydrologic properties of the dominant soils in ...Figure 12.3 Conceptual dominant hydrologic processes for the CRB.Figure 12.4 Density of streamflow gauges in the CRB before the 1960s (left) ...Figure 12.5 Development of a WEAP application in the CRB (the water demand s...Figure 12.6 Magnitude of predictive uncertainty in model simulation at the r...Figure 12.7 Magnitude of predictive uncertainty in model simulation for high...Figure 12.8 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman and WEAP at ...Figure 12.9 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selected...Figure 12.10 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.11 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.12 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman and WEAP at...Figure 12.13 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.14 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman at K‐CB85 g...Figure 12.15 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.16 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.17 Spatial distributions of lakes and wetlands in the Lualaba drai...Figure 12.18 Observed and simulated flow volume from GW‐Pitman at L‐CB68 (ID...Figure 12.19 Observed and simulated flow volume from GW‐Pitman at L‐CB74 (ID...Figure 12.20 Observed and simulated streamflow volume using the wetland sub‐...Figure 12.21 Observed and simulated flow volume for the lower Lualaba gaugin...Figure 12.22 Observed and simulated flow volume from WEAP for the Kinshasa s...

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Map of study area with eight wetlands along the Congo mainstem. ...Figure 13.2 Flux rates over each wetland. The shaded areas represent the unc...

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) digital elevation model ...Figure 14.2 (a) Outline map of the Congo River basin showing the four main d...Figure 14.3 Main SWAT inputs showing (a) land uses, (b) soil classes, (c) di...Figure 14.4 Close up map of the Cuvette Centrale in the CRB wetlands showing...Figure 14.5 Envisat stage measurements compared with simulated and observed ...Figure 14.6 Maps of mean annual rainfall, interception, evapotranspiration, ...Figure 14.7 Hydrograph showing the observed and simulated discharge for the ...Figure 14.8 Pie chart showing the annual mean contribution of Cuvette Centra...Figure 14.9 Average monthly interannual hydrograph of flows in and out, prec...Figure 14.10 Relative interannual change in storage within the Cuvette Centr...Figure 14.11 Monthly averages of water balance components (in millimeters) w...

      15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Location Plan showing field data, including sonar data input int...Figure 15.2 Preparation of estimated bathymetry model (EBM): (a) a channel d...Figure 15.3 Preparation of Observed bathymetry model (OBM): (a) raw sonar, a...Figure 15.4 Estimated bathymetry model (EBM) geometric validation: (a–e) plo...Figure 15.5 Modeled and observed bed elevations and velocities at ADCP trans...Figure 15.6 Summary of velocity prediction errors in both the EBM hydraulic ...Figure S15.1 Gaussian filter preliminary rest runs to smooth step changes in...Figure S15.2 Illustration of Gaussian filter applied to sonar data to remove...Figure S15.3 Sonar derived sections across a Primary Channel Thread (P1) and...Figure S15.4 Mean of sonar depth measurements at distance from bank interval...Figure S15.5 Illustration of adjusted channel depth calculation within a dep...Figure S15.6 Centrelines generated from Voronoi tessellations.Figure S15.7 Longitudinal plot of modeled WSEs for different terrain resolut...

      16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Global rainfall estimates at 0.25° spatial resolution from the (...Figure 16.2 Congo River Basin with Pfafstetter level 1 hydrologic sub‐divisi...Figure 16.3 (a) Location of the station of interest (yellow square) and othe...Figure 16.4 Annual evaporation estimates (mm) for 2005 as produced by the GL...Figure 16.5 Three‐day satellite‐based soil moisture (m3/m3) information from...Figure 16.6 Results from the studies by Crowley et al. (2006) (a) and Syed e...Figure 16.7 Map showing the Congo basin regions selected in the detailed hyd...Figure 16.8 Slope and ICESat elevations for the middle reach of the Congo Ri...Figure 16.9 Measurements of changes in water level superimposed on SRTM elev...Figure 16.10 Time series of the Congo River discharge (m3/s) as derived from...Figure 16.11 Mean monthly flood area probability (2006–2008) in the Logone f...

      17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 (a) Principles of SWOT measurement (Source: Yeosang Yoon/NASA); ...Figure 17.2 Principle of spatial altimetryFigure 17.3 Map of operating (red) and historical (green) stations.Figure 17.4 Comparison between the water heights estimated by altimetry with...Figure 17.5 Virtual stations currently available on Hydroweb

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