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4.8 Spatial and seasonal distributions at 925 hPa of zonal wind in colour (m/s) and wind intensity (in m/s vector) for the period 2001–2006 of ERA5 (a–d) and the different experiments (e–l).

Schematic illustration of spatial and seasonal distributions at 200 hPa of zonal wind in colour (m/s) and wind intensity (m/s vector) for the period 2001–2006 of ERA 5 and the different experiments.

      The results showed that the experiments satisfactorily reproduced the main characteristics of the rainfall regime, surface temperature, and wind in Central Africa and the Congo Basin in all seasons, despite a lower performance in terms of temperature. The position of the rainfall maxima and minima is fairly well represented. The surface temperature is well represented, but with an underestimation of 2 to 3 °C. Also, the experiments satisfactorily reproduce the different phases of the seasonal cycle of rain and temperature. Finally, the experiments manage to faithfully reproduce the main characteristics of the atmospheric wind dynamics at the surface (925 hPa) and at altitude (200 hPa): the positioning of the monsoon flow is satisfactory and agrees well with the ERA 5 reanalysis. A comparative analysis reveals subtle differences between the two experiments: RegCM_CTR and RegCM_SLAB. This difference can be attributed to a large variability associated with slab‐ocean convection, which takes into account ocean–atmosphere interaction. These results are similar to those of Umakanth and Kesarkar (2017) conducted in India. Generally, it is understood that the parameterization of the slab‐ocean, which provides information on ocean–atmosphere interaction, considerably improves the performance of version 4.6 of the RegCM regional climate model for simulating the Central African monsoon. This work opens new perspectives in the regional climate modeling of Central Africa: It would be appropriate to repeat sensitivity experiments of RegCM to different convective schemes and process‐based assessment.

      The authors thank ICTP for providing the RegCM4.6 regional climate model. We wish to thank the data producers GPCP, ARC2, ERA‐Interim, ERA 5, and OISST. Our thanks also go to the three anonymous reviewers whose criticisms and suggestions made it possible to significantly improve the manuscript.

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