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‘in motion’ or ‘at rest’ and in designation of qualities. In referring to mental operations, we spatialize the mind as the container wherein they occur, and borrow names and images of real entities to designate them (1843: viii. 327–9).4 Abstract nouns are not only useful but essential, they permit the exchange of complex and subtle information relating indirectly to the exterior world, even though they do not designate actually existing objects: ‘A proper substantive, the name of a real entity, is understood immediately and of itself it offers a certain image to the conception. An improper substantive offers no such image. Of itself it has no meaning’ (2016b: 401).

      To make sense of a fictitious entity, it is necessary first to include its name in a proposition (phraseoplerosis). Modern philosophers have recognized the importance of Bentham’s insight that analysis of meaning was properly conducted at the level not of individual words, but of the proposition, anticipating later developments in analytical philosophy (Ogden, 1932: xlii–lii; Quine, 1981: 67–70; Harrison, 1983: 64–8). Paraphrasis consists in ‘that sort of exposition which may be afforded by transmuting into a proposition having for its subject some real entity, a proposition which has not for its subject any other than a fictitious entity’ (UC cii. 217 (1843: viii. 246); see also 1983c: 272n; 2016b: 386). In paraphrasis of normative abstractions, the real entities that do the work are the sensations of pleasure and pain (1977: 495n; 2010b: 286).6 Thus a man is under an obligation when he faces pain in consequence of failure on his part to act in a certain way. Harrison notes that a significant difficulty arises concerning the criteria by which we understand that the substituted proposition possesses the same meaning as the original, and concludes that for Bentham it is simply impossible to compare the import of the two, since the first proposition, like the term, has no meaning: ‘The options are either nonsense or taking it to mean what the analysis says: there is no separate way of understanding it’ (1983: 72).

      Nothing has no properties. A fictitious entity, being . . . a mere nothing, can not of itself have any properties: no proposition by which any property is ascribed to it can therefore be in itself . . . a true one, nor therefore an instructive one: whatsoever of truth is capable of belonging to it can not belong to it in any other character than that of the . . . supposed equivalent of . . . some proposition having for its subject some real entity. (UC cii. 217 (1843: viii. 246))

      Bentham cautioned that correspondence between perception and reality will rarely be complete; we often err in interpretation of sensory data, since interpretation depends not purely on passive perception but on inference therefrom, on ‘judgment, ratiocination, which is liable to be erroneous’ (UC ci. 118 (1843: viii. 224)). Fictitious entities are essential to all but the most basic communication, and, since language is the medium for thought, to all but the most basic thought. No discussion of mental acts can occur without this substantification of the mind, and the pretence that fictitious entities (e.g. judgment, motive) are really existing objects (1983c: 371–2). Language may be ‘an instrument for the communication of thought from one mind to another’ (UC cii. 456 (1843: viii. 329)), but language, because of the unavoidable resort to employing names of fictitious entities as if they were real entities, necessarily misdescribes.

      Although all experience is subjective, successful communication depends on the capacity to agree on meanings by attaching the same import to the same words. Bentham fell back on the regularities of experience and the broad equality among human agents, each equipped with the same sensory organs and, generally speaking, possessed of sufficient cognitive competence to process similar sensory inputs in similar ways. Cohen calls this premise universal cognitive competence (1983), and without this assumption communication and co-ordination among human beings in general would be difficult if not impossible. Yes, sensory and cognitive capacities vary along a broad continuum but, even allowing for such differences, the possibilities of inter-subjective communication are sufficient to permit almost universal access to knowledge of the external world through sensation and reflection on it. This universalized inter-subjectivity entails that we can (and should, aided by inductive empirical science) draw the same inferences from the same sensory inputs.

      Now, what is in man’s power to do, in order to believe a proposition, and all that is so, is to keep back and stifle the evidences that are opposed to it. For, when all the evidences are equally present to his observation, and equally attended to, to believe or disbelieve is no longer in his power. It is the necessary result of the preponderance of the evidence on one side over that on the other. (1843: x. 146 [emphasis added]; see also 1843: vi. 18n)

      For Bentham, a belief ‘is an act of the Judgment’ (2016b: 155), while judgments about facts admit of objective assessment. Although absolute certainty is incompatible with human existence, what Bentham calls ‘Practical certainty, a degree of assurance sufficient for practice’ (1843: vii. 105), is not. How can we approach practical certainty? How but by relying on the basis of all knowledge: experience, observation, experiment and reflection?

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