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system. But those interests resented the constraints on their activities and were quick to push back and sow seeds of discontent in the years immediately following the conference. New coalitions were established to finance political parties, candidates, and an apparatus of experts that pushed for a revival of classical liberalism, first in national capitals and then at the international institutions themselves (Blyth 2002; Gallagher 2015). The overarching philosophy is now referred to as “neoliberalism,” which pushes for unregulated markets and individual freedoms as primary ends, arguing that “free trade,” “free enterprise,” and the unbridled movement of capital are the only guarantees of a healthy economy and widespread prosperity.

      These efforts achieved some early success, but not enough to reverse the ideological tide in support of social solidarity and interventionism that had emerged from the wartime experience and continued to animate policy discussions over the following three decades. They began to yield more bountiful returns from the early 1980s with the abandonment in advanced countries of full employment, the privatization of state-owned assets, and the deregulation of financial markets, with further gains as these measures were adopted and spread by the Bretton Woods institutions.

      The resulting “liberal international order,” often lauded as “rules-based,” now serves gargantuan and increasingly footloose firms in their endless pursuit of higher rents in heavily concentrated markets across the globe. The result is a polarized world economy in which instability and insecurity have become the norm for more and more households in rich and poor countries alike.

      Figure 1.1 The Elephant Curve: Global Income Distribution and Real Income Growth, 1980–2016

      Source: World Inequality Report 2020

      The World Inequality Lab estimates that since 1980 inequality has risen or remained extremely high nearly everywhere in the global economy, with some of the sharpest rates of increase occurring in India and China and among emerging-market and developing countries, showing that even in the places where larger aggregate growth has occurred it is not shared across the population (World Inequality 2020).

      The third picture is the Weather, Climate, and Catastrophe Index. The twenty-first century has been marked by climate-related natural catastrophes that have posed great economic risks to the world economy, and the risks are rising each year. There has been an increased incidence of floods, droughts, heatwaves, and fires globally that has cost hundreds of billions of dollars on an annual basis. The price tag for these events has been upwards of $6 trillion in this century. Just one event in Dominica in 2017 caused over 200 percent of GDP in economic damage, while the cost for just the first half of 2021 was $298 billion, showing that the climate crisis is bringing major economic costs as we speak.

      Figure 1.2 The Crocodile Graph: Top 2,000 Transnational Corporations’ Profit and Global Labor Income Share (Percentage Point Change of GDP)

      Source: UNCTAD 2017

      Figure 1.3 Economic Losses from Extreme Weather

      Source: Climate, Weather, and Catastrophe Insight 2021

      With this backdrop in mind, we co-convened a series of roundtables in Geneva and Boston in 2018 and 2019 – including diplomats, experts and scholars, civil society organizations, union representatives, and former and current government officials – to articulate a set of design principles for a new multilateralism. We titled these principles the “Geneva Principles for a Global Green New Deal”:

       Global rules should be calibrated toward the overarching goals of social and economic stability, shared prosperity, and environmental sustainability and be protected against capture by the most powerful players.

       States should share common but differentiated responsibilities in a multilateral system built to advance global public goods and protect the global commons.

       The right of states to policy space to pursue national development strategies should be enshrined in global rules.

       Global regulations should be designed both to strengthen a dynamic international division of labor and to prevent destructive unilateral economic actions that prevent other nations from realizing common goals.

       Global public institutions must be accountable to their full membership, open to a diversity of viewpoints, cognizant of new voices, and have balanced dispute resolution systems.

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