
Des femmes sont retrouvées mortes dans l’état de New York, leurs corps suspendus par des chaînes. Quand le FBI est appelé en renfort, ils n’hésitent pas une seule seconde devant la nature étrange des meurtres – et l’absence de pistes crédibles. Ils savent qu'un seul agent pourra résoudre l'enquête : l'agent spécial Riley Paige. Secouée par sa précédente affaire, Riley hésite. Elle est convaincue qu’un tueur en série – son ancien tourmenteur – la harcèle. Cependant, elle sait que sa capacité à pénétrer les esprits malades et sa nature obsessive seront nécessaires pour venir à bout de l’enquête. Elle ne peut tout simplement pas refuser – même si cela doit la pousser dans ses derniers retranchements. Ses recherches l’emportent très loin, entre les illusions du tueur, un orphelinat, une prison, dans l’espoir de cerner sa psychose. Quand elle réalise qu’elle a affaire à un véritable psychopathe, elle comprend qu’il frappera à nouveau très bientôt. Mais la propre carrière de Riley est en jeu et sa famille est devenue une cible. Sa psyché fragile menace de s’effondrer sous le poids des responsabilités. Pour elle, c’est trop – et trop tard. Sombre thriller psychologique au suspense insoutenable, REACTION EN CHAINE est la deuxième enquête d’une nouvelle série de thrillers qui met en scène un personnage principal attachant et qui vous poussera à lire jusqu'à tard dans la nuit. Le tome 3 des enquêtes de Riley Paige sera bientôt disponible.


Dall’autore di successo Blake Pierce, una nuova serie di gialli mozzafiato. Una donna viene trovata morta nei campi di granoturco del Nebraska, legata a un palo, vittima di un folle assassino. La polizia non ci mette molto a realizzare di avere a che fare con un serial killer – e che la sua furia omicida è appena iniziata. La detective Mackenzie White è giovane, determinata e più intelligente dei maschilisti di mezza età che lavorano con lei nella polizia locale. È quindi a malincuore che viene interpellata per risolvere il caso. Anche se detestano ammetterlo, i suoi colleghi poliziotti hanno bisogno della sua mente giovane e brillante, che li ha già aiutati in passato a risolvere casi per loro difficili. Eppure, stavolta l’enigma sembra impossibile anche per Mackenzie: né lei né la polizia locale hanno mai visto prima qualcosa del genere. Con il supporto dell’FBI, ha inizio una caccia all’uomo. Mackenzie, turbata da un oscuro passato, relazioni fallite e dall’innegabile attrazione che prova verso il nuovo agente dell’FBI, deve affrontare i propri demoni quando la caccia al killer la trascina nei luoghi più bui della sua mente. Immergendosi nella mente dell’assassino per tentare di comprendere la sua psicologia contorta, scopre che il male esiste davvero e che l’unica speranza è non rimanerne invischiata, mentre il mondo inizia a crollarle addosso. Dopo che altre donne vengono trovate morte, inizia una corsa contro il tempo. L’unica soluzione è scovare il killer prima che uccida ancora. Thriller-noir psicologico dalla suspence mozzafiato, PRIMA CHE UCCIDA è il primo libro di una nuova, avvincente serie—con un nuovo, irresistibile personaggio— che vi terrà incollati alle pagine fino a tarda notte. Il libro#2 della serie I Misteri di Mackenzie White sarà presto disponibile.


Da Blake Pierce, autore di successo del libro IL KILLER DELLA ROSA (un best-seller con più di 800 recensioni da cinque stelle), è in arrivo il volume #4 della serie di gialli mozzafiato di Mackenzie White. In PRIMA CHE PRENDA (Un Mistero di Mackenzie White—Libro 4), un nuovo, inquietante caso viene affidato a Mackenzie White, agente dell’FBI fresca di accademia. Delle donne stanno scomparendo dalle campagne dell’Iowa, ad un ritmo sempre più preoccupante. Dietro le sparizioni sembra esserci uno schema, facendo pensare che si tratti dell’opera di un serial killer. Date le sue origini, Mackenzie è la scelta perfetta per il caso. Mackenzie però è restia a tornare nel Midwest. Quelle campagne le ricordano troppo la sua infanzia, i fantasmi del suo passato. Nel frattempo, sta anche dando la caccia all’assassino del padre e l’oscurità è in agguato dietro ogni angolo nella sua ricerca. Immersa in un mondo fatto di fattorie, silos, mattatoi e lunghi tratti di strade deserte, Mackenzie sente di stare sprofondando sempre di più nella propria psiche e negli incubi che ha sempre avuto il terrore di affrontare. In un mortale gioco di gatto col topo, riesce finalmente a capire la mente malata del killer, scoprendo che il luogo della propria infanzia ha in serbo atrocità ben più oscure e perverse di quello che immaginava. Thriller-noir psicologico dalla suspense mozzafiato, PRIMA CHE PRENDA è il libro #4 in una nuova, avvincente serie—con un nuovo, irresistibile personaggio— che vi terrà incollati alle pagine fino a tarda notte. Il libro#5 della serie I Misteri di Mackenzie White sarà presto disponibile. Di Blake Pierce è anche disponibile il best-seller IL KILLER DELLA ROSA (Un Mistero di Riley Paige—Libro #1), con più di 800 recensioni da cinque stelle, da scaricare gratuitamente!


“Morgan Rice did it again! Building a strong set of characters, the author delivers another magical world. ONLY THE WORTHY is filled with intrigue, betrayals, unexpected friendship and all the good ingredients that will make you savor every turn of the pages. Packed with action, you will read this book on the edge of your seat.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos This is a new edition of ONLY THE WORTHY, significantly rewritten and newly published in December, 2018! THE WAY OF STEEL is a riveting new fantasy series by Morgan Rice, #1 bestselling author of the 17 book fantasy series THE SORCERER’S RING, which begins with A QUEST OF HEROES (book #1), a free download with over 1,300 five star reviews! ONLY THE WORTHY (The Way of Steel—Book 1) tells the epic coming of age story of Royce, 17, a peasant farmer who senses he is different, that powers reside within him beyond what he can understand. When his true love, Genevieve, 17, is stolen from him, he must risk it all to wage war with the nobles and save his love. Banished from his homeland, sentenced to the infamous Red Isle—a barren island known for turning boys into warriors, and for leaving behind more dead than alive—Royce must hope to survive. Genevieve, meanwhile, desperate for Royce’s return, is forced to inhabit the cruel and conniving world of aristocracy, immersed in a world of cutthroats and liars. As Royce’s powers develop, and as he learns of his secret lineage, he can only wonder: is he the destined one? ONLY THE WORTHY weaves an epic tale of friends and lovers, of knights and honor, of betrayal, destiny and love. A tale of valor, it draws us into a fantasy world we will fall in love with, and appeals to all ages and genders. Book #2 in the series will be available soon!


“Morgan Rice did it again! Building a strong set of characters, the author delivers another magical world. ONLY THE WORTHY is filled with intrigue, betrayals, unexpected friendship and all the good ingredients that will make you savor every turn of the pages. Packed with action, you will read this book on the edge of your seat.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos From Morgan Rice, #1 Bestselling author of THE QUEST OF HEROES (a free download with over 1,000 five star reviews), comes a riveting new fantasy series. In ONLY THE VALIANT (The Way of Steel—Book Two), Royce, 17, is on the run, fleeing for his freedom. He reunites with the peasant farmers as he attempts to rescue his brothers and flee for good. Genevieve, meanwhile, learns a shocking secret, one that will affect the rest of her life. She must decide whether to risk her own life to save Royce’s—even as he thinks she betrayed him. The aristocracy prepares for war against the peasantry, and only Royce can save them. But Royce’s only hope lies in his secret powers—powers he is not even sure he has. ONLY THE VALIANT weaves an epic tale of friends and lovers, of knights and honor, of betrayal, destiny and love. A tale of valor, it draws us into a fantasy world we will fall in love with, and appeals to all ages and genders. Book #3 in the series—ONLY THE DESTINED—is now also available for pre-order.


“Morgan Rice did it again! Building a strong set of characters, the author delivers another magical world. ONLY THE WORTHY is filled with intrigue, betrayals, unexpected friendship and all the good ingredients that will make you savor every turn of the pages. Packed with action, you will read this book on the edge of your seat.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos From Morgan Rice, #1 Bestselling author of THE QUEST OF HEROES (a free download with over 1,000 five star reviews), comes a riveting new fantasy series. In ONLY THE DESTINED (The Way of Steel—Book Three), Royce, 17, must embark with his friends on an epic journey across the sea to find the magic relic that can lead him to his father. With the king gathering an army to attack their lands, the fate of his people depends on him. Genevieve, meanwhile, finally aware of the evil nature of her noble guests, must make an epic decision that will decide her own life or death. ONLY THE DESTINED weaves an epic tale of friends and lovers, of knights and honor, of betrayal, destiny and love. A tale of valor, it draws us into a fantasy world we will fall in love with, and appeals to all ages and genders. Book #4 in the series will be available soon.


“Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….[This is] the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads.”–Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re: For Now and Forever) “A very well written novel, describing the struggle of a woman to find her true identity. The author did an amazing job with the creation of the characters and her description of the environment. The romance is there, but not overdosed. Kudos to the author for this amazing start of a series that promises to be very entertaining.”–Books and Movies Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re: For Now and Forever) LOVE LIKE THIS (The Romance Chronicles—Book #1) is the debut of a new romance series by #1 bestselling author Sophie Love. Keira Swanson, 28, lands her dream job at Viatorum, a slick magazine in New York City, as an aspiring travel writer. But their culture is brutal, her boss is a monster, and she doesn’t know if she can last for long. That changes when Keira, by a fluke, is handed a coveted assignment and given her big chance: to travel to Ireland for 30 days, witness the legendary Lisdoonvarna festival of love, and to debunk the myth that true love exists. Keira, cynical herself and in a rocky place with her long-term boyfriend, is all too happy to oblige. But when Keira falls in love with Ireland and meets her Irish tour guide, who just may be the man of her dreams, she is no longer sure of anything. A whirlwind romantic comedy that is as profound as it is funny, LOVE LIKE THIS is book #1 in the debut of a dazzling new romance series that will make you laugh, cry, and will keep you turning pages late into the night—and will make you fall in love with romance all over again. Book #2 in The Romance Chronicles is also now available!


“LOVE LIKE THIS creates a world of emotions and turmoil, describing superbly the mind of a young lady (Keira) and her struggles to balance her social life and her career. Sophie Love is a natural storyteller. LOVE LIKE THIS is very well written and edited, and I highly recommend it to the permanent library of all readers that appreciate a romance that can be savored during a weekend.” –Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos) LOVE LIKE THEIRS (The Romance Chronicles—Book #4) is book #4 in a new, sweet romance series by #1 bestselling author Sophie Love. The series begins with LOVE LIKE THIS (Book #1), a free download! Keira Swanson, 28, has sworn off of love. With her heart still hurting from her breakups with Cristiano and Shane, she will not allow her magazine to use her for another love experiment. Which is fine by them, because they want to send her off on a different kind of trip: to prove that someone suffering from a breakup can avoid a knee-jerk rebound affair and manage NOT to fall in love. To emphasize the point, they will NOT assign her a new tour guide. Instead, Keira will take a cruise to the Scandinavian countries and have to navigate herself. Keira is thrilled to accept the assignment. There is nothing she wants more than to be alone, and go to the Northern climes, where she can cool her head, and where surely she will not find love. But Keira does not anticipate the beauty of Copenhagen and of Stockholm (“the Paris of the North”) or the stunning hospitality of the Scandinavians. With Christmas on the way, resisting a new love may be harder than she thinks…. A wholesome romantic comedy that is as profound as it is funny, LOVE LIKE THEIRS is book #4 in a dazzling new romance series that will make you laugh, cry, and will keep you turning pages late into the night—and will make you fall in love with romance all over again. Book #5 will be published soon! “Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….[This is] the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads.” –Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re: For Now and Forever)


“Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….[This is] the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads.” –Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re: For Now and Forever) “A very well written novel, describing the struggle of a woman to find her true identity. The author did an amazing job with the creation of the characters and her description of the environment. The romance is there, but not overdosed. Kudos to the author for this amazing start of a series that promises to be very entertaining.” –Books and Movies Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re: For Now and Forever) LOVE LIKE THAT (The Romance Chronicles—Book #2) is book #2 in a new romance series by #1 bestselling author Sophie Love. Keira Swanson, 28, returns to New York, her head spinning from her Ireland trip and still madly in love with Shane. But when a surprise event comes between them, their relationship may have to end. Keira is a star at her magazine, though, and they give her their next plum assignment: to travel to Italy for 30 days and discover what the Italian secret is to love. Keira, still reeling from her Ireland trip, finds her high expectations for Italy dashed, as nothing at first goes as was planned. In her whirlwind trip through Italy, spanning Naples, the Amalfi Coast, Capri, Rome, Verona, Venice and Florence, Keira begins to wonder if the Italians really do hold a secret to love. That is, until she meets her new tour guide—and everything she thought she knew is turned on its head. A whirlwind romantic comedy that is as profound as it is funny, LOVE LIKE THAT is book #2 in a dazzling new romance series that will make you laugh, cry, and will keep you turning pages late into the night—and will make you fall in love with romance all over again. Book #3 will be available soon!


“LOVE LIKE THIS creates a world of emotions and turmoil, describing superbly the mind of a young lady (Keira) and her struggles to balance her social life and her career. Sophie Love is a natural storyteller. LOVE LIKE THIS is very well written and edited, and I highly recommend it to the permanent library of all readers that appreciate a romance that can be savored during a weekend.” –Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos) LOVE LIKE OURS (The Romance Chronicles—Book #3) is book #3 in a new romance series by #1 bestselling author Sophie Love. The series begins with LOVE LIKE THIS (Book #1), a free download! Keira Swanson, 28, returns to New York City, this time with Cristiano in tow. Having him in New York, and having him meet her family, is culture shock for them both. Keira is soon assigned a new article, her most important yet: a 30 day trip to Paris—with Cristiano in tow. Her assignment: to find out if their love can last in a foreign country, on new ground for them both. As Keira and Cristiano take the romantic trip of a lifetime to Paris, they find their love tested in unexpected ways. When a surprise twist comes their way, everything changes. Can their love withstand it? A whirlwind romantic comedy that is as profound as it is funny, LOVE LIKE OURS is book #3 in a dazzling new romance series that will make you laugh, cry, and will keep you turning pages late into the night—and will make you fall in love with romance all over again. Book #4 will be published soon! “Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….[This is] the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads.” –Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re: For Now and Forever)