
“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ONCE BOUND is book #12 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 1,000 five star reviews! In this heart-pounding thriller, women are being found dead on train tracks across the country, forcing the FBI into a mad race against time to catch the serial killer. FBI Special Agent Riley Paige may have finally met her match: a sadistic killer, binding victims to the tracks to be killed by incoming trains. A killer smart enough to evade capture across many states—and charming enough to go unseen. She soon learns it will require all of her faculties to enter into his sick mind—a mind which she unsure she wants to enter. And all with a final twist that is so shocking, even Riley could not expect it. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE BOUND is book #12 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night.


“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) NEXT DOOR (A Chloe Fine Mystery) is book #1 in a new psychological suspense series by bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. FBI Evidence Response Team intern Chloe Fine, 27, finds herself forced to confront her own dark past when her troubled twin sister needs her help—and when a body turns up dead in her small, suburban town. Chloe feels life is finally perfect as she moves back into her home town, and into a new house with her fiancé. Her career with the FBI looks promising, and her wedding is on the horizon. But, she learns, all is not as it seems in suburbia. Chloe begins to see the underside—the gossip, the secrets, the lies—and she finds herself haunted by her own demons: her mother’s mysterious death when she was 10, and her father’s imprisonment. And when a fresh body is found, Chloe soon realizes that her past, and this small town, might hold the key to solving both. An emotionally wrought psychological suspense with layered characters, small-town ambiance and heart-pounding suspense, NEXT DOOR is book #1 in a riveting new series that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #2 in the CHLOE FINE series is also available!


MARSZ WŁADCÓW ukazuje kolejne przygody Thora w jego heroicznej podróży, dzięki której staje się prawdziwym mężczyzną. Obrawszy drogę wojownika, coraz lepiej rozumie, kim jest i jakie moce posiada. Thor ucieka z lochów i z przerażeniem dowiaduje się o kolejnej próbie zamachu na życie króla MacGila. Kiedy MacGil umiera, królestwo pogrąża się w chaosie. Rywalizacja o koronę przybiera na sile, a królewski dwór przepełniają rodzinne tragedie, walka o wpływy, korzyści i przywileje. Towarzyszy temu zazdrość, przemoc i zdrada. W związku z koniecznością wybrania następcy tronu spośród dzieci króla, pojawia się kolejna okazja, aby Miecz Przeznaczenia będący źródłem królewskiej potęgi, został podniesiony przez kogoś nowego. Wszystko to jednak może rychło obrócić się wniwecz, kiedy zostaje ujawnione narzędzie zbrodni, a w efekcie poszukiwań zabójcy, coraz bardziej zacieśnia się krąg podejrzanych. Jednocześnie MacGilowie stają w obliczu ataku ze strony McCloudów, którzy kolejny raz gotują się do wojny na terytorium Kręgu. Thor walczy o odzyskanie względów Gwendolyn, ale ma coraz mniej czasu: otrzymuje bowiem rozkaz spakowania się i wyruszenia z towarzyszami broni na Rytuał Stu Dni: wyczerpującą, koszmarną, trwającą sto dni wyprawę, którą wszyscy członkowie legionu muszą przetrwać. Przekraczając kanion, opuszczają bezpieczne tereny Kręgu. Przemierzają Wilds, aby w końcu zaokrętować się i przebyć Morze Turtuwiańskie z zamiarem dotarcia do Wyspy Mgieł, którą rzekomo patroluje smok. Jest to prawdziwa inicjacja zmieniająca chłopców w mężczyzn. Czy uda im się wrócić? Czy Krąg przetrwa podczas ich nieobecności? Czy Thor pozna w końcu sekret swego przeznaczenia? MARSZ WŁADCÓW to finezyjny świat pełen wyrafinowanej scenerii, to epicka opowieść o przyjaźni i miłości, rywalizacji i zalotach, rycerzach i smokach, intrygach i politycznych machinacjach, dojrzewaniu, złamanych sercach, oszustwach, ambicjach i zdradach. To opowieść o honorze i odwadze, losie i przeznaczeniu oraz czarnoksięstwie. To opowieść fantasy, która wciąga czytelnika w świat, którego nigdy nie zapomni, a który przemawia do każdego bez względu na wiek, czy płeć. Księgi od 2 do 13 są dostępne w wersji anglojęzycznej! Tłumaczenie Księgi 2 na język polski – w przygotowaniu.


„INELUL VRĂJITORULUI are toate ingredientele pentru a deveni un succes imediat: comploturi, contrauneltiri, mister, cavaleri curajoşi şi relaţii înfloritoare, pline de inimi zdrobite, decepţie şi trădare. Vă va delecta ore în şir şi va satisface cititorii de toate vârstele. Recomandată pentru biblioteca permanentă a tuturor cititorilor de ficţiune.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos MARŞUL REGILOR ne duce cu un pas mai departe în călătoria eroică a lui Thor spre maturitate, pe măsură ce acesta începe să înţeleagă mai bine cine este, ce sunt puterile sale, când se hotărăşte să devină un războinic. După ce scapă din temniţă, Thor este îngrozit să afle de o altă tentativă de asasinare a lui MacGil. Când MacGil moare, întregul regat intră în criză. Cum toată lumea se luptă pentru tron, Curtea Regală este sfâşiată, mai mult ca niciodată, în drame de familie, lupte pentru putere, ambiţie, gelozie, violenţă şi trădare. Trebuie ales un moştenitor dintre copii, iar străvechea Sabie a Destinului, sursa întregii lor puteri, va fi mânuită de un nou venit. Dar totul se complică: arma crimei este recuperată şi laţul care va prinde asasinul se strânge. În acelaşi timp, cei din clanul MacGil înfruntă o nouă ameninţare a celor din clanul McCloud, care plănuiesc să îi atace din nou din interiorul Inelului. Thor luptă să recâştige dragostei lui Gwendolyn, dar nu are timp: i se cere să-şi strângă lucrurile, să se pregătească, împreună cu camarazii săi de arme, pentru Sută, cele o sută de zile istovitoare de iad, cărora toţi cei din Legiune trebuie să le supravieţuiască. Pentru proba bărbăţiei, Legiunea trebuie să traverseze Canionul, dincolo de protecţia Inelului, în Sălbăticie şi să navigheze pe Marea Tartuvian spre Insula Ceţii, despre care se spune că e păzită de un dragon. Oare vor reuşi să se întoarcă? Va supravieţui oare Inelul în absenţa lor? Va afla Thor, în cele din urmă, secretul destinului său? Cu modul sofisticat în care creează şi descrie lumi, CALEA EROILOR este o epopee despre prieteni şi îndrăgostiţi, despre rivali şi pretendenţi, despre cavaleri şi dragoni, intrigi şi conspiraţii politice, despre iniţiere, inimi zdrobite, decepţie, ambiţie şi trădare. Este o poveste despre onoare şi curaj, despre soartă şi destin, despre magie. E o ficţiune care ne duce într-o lume pe care nu o vom uita niciodată şi care cucereşte oameni de toate vârstele şi sexele. Cărţile 2-13 din serie sunt de asemenea disponibile acum!


“TROLLKARLENS RING har allt som krävs för att bli en riktig succé: intriger och motintriger, mysterier, tappra riddare och spirande förälskelser, brustna hjärtan och svek. Det här är många timmars underhållning, och något för alla åldrar. Ett måste i varje fantasyläsares bokhylla.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos #1 På topplistan! En ny, fantastisk fantasyserie från bästsäljarförfattaren Morgan Rice! HJÄLTARS VÄG (första delen av TROLLKARLENS RING) är den storslagna berättelsen om en alldeles särskild pojke, en fjortonåring från en liten by i utkanten av Ringens kungarike. Yngst av fyra syskon, minst omtyckt av sin far och avskydd av sina tre bröder har Thorgrin en känsla av att han är annorlunda. Han drömmer om att en dag bli en stor krigare, om att bli en av kungens män och skydda Ringen från de vilda horder av fiender som lever på den andra sidan Klyftan. När han väl har åldern inne, men förbjuds av sin far att ens försöka bli uttagen till kungens legion så vägrar han att ge upp: han ger sig av på egen hand, fast besluten att ta sig till Kungsgård för att bli tagen på allvar. Men Kungsgård är en plats full av familjeintriger, maktkamp, ambitioner, avund, våld och svek. Kung MacGil måste välja ett av sina barn till arvinge, och det uråldriga Ödessvärdet – källan till all makt – ligger fortfarande orört, i väntan på att den utvalde skall komma. Thorgrin är en främling och kämpar för att bli accepterad och tas in i Legionen. Thorgrin inser att han har märkliga krafter som han inte ens själv kan förstå, att han har en särskild gåva och ett särskilt öde. Mot alla odds förälskar han sig i kungens dotter, och fastän deras förbjudna kärlek växer så upptäcker han att han har mäktiga rivaler. När han kämpar för att förstå sina krafter tas han i beskydd av kungens trollkarl, som berättar om den mor han aldrig träffat, i ett land långt i fjärran, bortom Klyftan och till och med bortom drakarnas land. Innan Thorgrin kan ge sig ut i världen för att bli den krigare han önskar måste han först avsluta sin träning. Men allt kan ta slut redan innan det börjat eftersom han kastas rakt in i kungahusets intriger och ränker som hotar att ta ifrån honom hans kärlek och förgöra honom – och hela kungariket. HJÄLTARS VÄG erbjuder ett sofistikerat världsbygge och spännande karaktärer. Det är en storslagen berättelse om vänner och älskande, rivaler och friare, riddare och drakar, intriger, politiska ränker, om att bli vuxen och brustna hjärtan, ambitioner och svek. Det är en berättelse om mod, om att finna sitt öde och om trolldom. Det är fantasy som för läsaren till en helt oförglömlig värld och som tilltalar alla åldrar och kön. Boken är 80000 ord. ”Eldfängd fantasy med en berättelse full av intriger och mysterier. Hjältars väg handlar i grunden om kampen för att växa i mod och leva för erfarenhet, personlig mognad och perfektion… För de som är på jakt efter ett rejält fantasyäventyr så levererar berättelsens huvudpersoner, berättargrepp och action en fartfylld räcka händelser som beskriver Thors utveckling från drömsk pojke till ung vuxen i kamp mot omöjliga odds för sin överlevnad… Och det här är bara början i vad som lovar att bli en helt storslagen serie för unga vuxna.” –Midwest Book Review (D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer)


„INELUL VRĂJITORULUI are toate ingredientele pentru a deveni un succes imediat: uneltiri, contrauneltiri, mister, cavaleri curajoşi şi relaţii înfloritoare, pline de inimi zdrobite, decepţie şi trădare. Vă va delecta ore în şir şi va satisface cititorii de toate vârstele. Recomandată pentru biblioteca permanentă a tuturor cititorilor de ficţiune.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos Bestsellerul numărul 1, cu peste 500 de recenzii de cinci stele! Lui Morgan Rice, autorul numărul 1 de bestselleruri, îi datorăm debutul unei geniale noi serii epice şi de fantastice. CALEA EROILOR (PRIMA CARTE DIN SERIA INELUL VRĂJITORULUI) se bazează pe eroica poveste a maturizării unui băiat special, de numai 14 ani, dintr-un sat neînsemnat de la periferia Regatului Inelului. Cel mai tânăr dintre patru fraţi, cel mai puţin îndrăgit de tatăl său, urât de fraţi, Thorgrin simte că este diferit de ceilalţi. Visează să devină un mare războinic, să se alăture oamenilor Regelui şi să apere Inelul de hoardele de creaturi de pe cealaltă parte a Canionului. Când atinge vârsta la care răspunde pentru faptele sale, iar tatăl său îi interzice să participe la selecţia pentru Legiunea Regală, refuză să se supună interdicţiei: pleacă pe cont propriu, hotărât să-şi croiască drum spre Curtea Regelui şi să fie luat în serios. Dar Curtea Regală este plină de propriile drame de familie, lupte pentru putere, ambiţii, gelozie, violenţă şi trădare. Regele MacGil trebuie să-şi aleagă un moştenitor dintre copiii săi, iar Sabia Destinului, sursa întregii lor puteri, este încă neatinsă, aşteptând ca cel Ales să sosească. Thorgrin vine ca un intrus şi luptă pentru a fi acceptat şi pentru a fi primit în Legiunea Regală. Thorgrin ajunge să descopere că are puteri misterioase pe care nu le înţelege, că are un dar special şi un destin aparte. În ciuda tuturor adversităţilor, se îndrăgosteşte de fiica regelui şi, în timp ce relaţia lor înfloreşte, descoperă că are rivali puternici. În timp ce se luptă să-şi înţeleagă puterile, vrăjitorul Regelui îl ia sub aripa sa şi îi vorbeşte despre o mamă pe care nu o cunoscuse, dintr-un tărâm îndepărtat, de dincolo de Canion, de dincolo chiar şi de Ţinutul Dragonilor. Înainte ca Thorgrin să se aventureze în afara Inelului şi să devină războinicul care îşi doreşte să fie, trebuie să-şi completeze pregătirea. Dar aceasta este întreruptă brusc, căci se trezeşte propulsat în centrul comploturilor regale şi al contrauneltirilor, care îi pot ameninţa dragostea şi îl pot doborî−şi întregul regat odată cu el. Cu modul sofisticat în care creează şi descrie lumi, CALEA EROILOR este o epopee despre prieteni şi îndrăgostiţi, despre rivali şi pretendenţi, despre cavaleri şi dragoni, intrigi şi conspiraţii politice, despre iniţiere, inimi zdrobite, decepţie, ambiţie şi trădare. Este o poveste despre onoare şi curaj, despre soartă şi destin, despre magie. Este o ficţiune care ne duce într-o lume pe care nu o vom uita niciodată şi care cucereşte oameni de toate vârstele şi sexele. Are 82 000 de cuvinte. Cărţile 3 – 14 din această serie sunt, de asemenea, disponibile acum! „O fantezie plină de vervă, care ţese elemente de mister şi intrigă în firul naraţiunii. CALEA EROILOR spune totul despre curaj şi despre a avea un ţel în viaţă, care duce la evoluţie, maturitate şi excelenţă…Celor care caută aventuri fantastice consistente, protagoniştii, procedeele şi acţiunea le oferă un set substanţial de conflicte, care se concentrează pe evoluţia lui Thor, de la un copil visător la un tânăr cu şanse minime de supravieţuire…Este numai începutul din ceea ce promite a fi o serie epică destinată tinerilor.” –Midwest Book Review (D. Donovan, recenzent e-book) “Încântătoarea fantezie epică a lui Rice [INELUL VRĂJITORULUI] prezintă trăsăturile clasice ale genului−un cadru bine conturat, inspirat de vechea Scoţie şi istoria acesteia, şi o subtilă înţelegere a intrigilor de la curte.” —Kirkus Reviews


“Shades of THE HUNGER GAMES permeate a story centered around two courageous teens determined to buck all odds in an effort to regain their loved ones. A believable, involving world, recommended for those who enjoy dystopian novels, powerful female characters, and stories of uncommon courage.” –Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer (regarding Arena 1) ARENA 3 is book #3 in the Bestselling Survival Trilogy, which begins with ARENA 1, a free download. After nearly freezing to death on their trek north, Brooke and her small group wake to find themselves in civilization. They have found the utopian city, hidden deep in a remote stretch of Canada. They have heat, food, comfortable beds, clean clothes, and security. Finally, they have made it. As Brooke recovers, she meets the mysterious survivors who inhabit this city, and who vie for her love. She trains again, enhancing her fighting skills greatly under the wing of a new mentor, and matures into a woman. Brooke soon realizes, though, that being safe and secluded is not all there is to life. When she hears rumors of survivors underground, deep in America, fighting to restore order from the inside—her Dad possibly amongst them—Brooke finds herself facing the choice of a lifetime: to live in this perfect place, free and safe for the rest of her days, or to embark and fight for others’ freedom. It would be a journey, she knows, back through post-apocalyptic America, this time traveling west, across its breadth, in search of the rumored survivors, of her father. She would have to fight her way through a land transformed by apocalypse, try to survive a never-ending stream of dangers, roving packs of violent gangs, with few resources and fewer supplies. It would be a two thousand mile trek to a certain suicide. And if she leaves this utopia, she knows, there is no coming back. Yet that is not the worst of it: something else lies in her way. Arena 3. The greatest arena left in what was once America, the most brutal and dangerous of them all, the one from which no one survives. The one, she knows, that would test the very limit of all that she is. Will she risk it all for others? An action-packed dystopian thriller featuring a tough female heroine whom readers worldwide have fallen in love with, ARENA THREE is the shocking conclusion to the bestselling Survival Trilogy, and one that will leave you turning pages late into the night. ""Addicting…ARENA ONE was one of those books that you read late into the night until your eyes start to cross because you don’t want to put it down."" –Dallas Examiner


“ARENA TWO takes ARENA ONE to a whole new level. Move over THE HUNGER GAMES!” –Allegra Skye, Bestselling author of Saved From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice, comes Book Two in THE SURVIVAL TRILOGY, a new trilogy of dystopian fiction. Having just escaped from the treacherous island that was once Manhattan, Brooke, Ben, Logan, Bree and Rose make their way up the Hudson river in their stolen boat, low on fuel, low on food, and desperately needing shelter from the cold. On their tails are the slaverunners, who will stop at nothing until they capture them and bring them back. As they make their way upriver in this post-apocalyptic, action-packed thriller, on their way to try to find the mythical city in Canada, they will need to use all their ingenuity and survival skills to stay alive. Along the way they will encounter crazed survivors, roving gangs of predators, cannibals, wild animals, a desolate wasteland, and an unstoppable blizzard. They sustain injuries, get sick, and the Hudson freezes over as they do their best to salvage what they can and avoid the slaverunners’ pursuit. They find a small island and think they have found respite—until events don’t go their way. It is not until they board a mysterious train to nowhere that they find that things can always get worse. Along the way, Brooke’s feelings for Logan intensify, as do her feelings for Ben. Torn between these two boys, caught between their jealousy, she is unsure how she feels—until events choose for her. As they find themselves thrown back into an arena, they are shocked to discover that Arena Two is even worse. Thrown into a barbaric fighting stage, equipped with weapons, pitted against other teenagers—and against themselves—Brooke and the others will be forced to choose what’s important, and to make the most difficult sacrifices of their lives. Because in Arena Two, no one survives. Ever. “Addicting....ARENA ONE is one of those books that you read late into the night until your eyes start to cross because you don't want to put it down."" –The Dallas Examiner “Grabbed my attention from the beginning and did not let go….This story is an amazing adventure that is fast paced and action packed from the very beginning. There is not a dull moment to be found.” –Paranormal Romance Guild {regarding Turned} “Jam packed with action, romance, adventure, and suspense. This book is a wonderful addition to this series and will have you wanting more from Morgan Rice.” –vampirebooksite.com {regarding Loved} “Morgan Rice proves herself again to be an extremely talented storyteller….This would appeal to a wide range of audiences, including younger fans of the vampire/fantasy genre. It ended with an unexpected cliffhanger that leaves you shocked.” –The Romance Reviews{regarding Loved}


“Shades of THE HUNGER GAMES permeate a story centered around two courageous teens determined to buck all odds in an effort to regain their loved ones. But the true strength in any story lies not so much in its setting and events as in how the characters come across, come alive, and handle their lives–and it's here that ARENA ONE begins to diverge from the predictable and enters the more compelling realms of believability and strength….ARENA ONE builds a believable, involving world and is recommended….for those who enjoy dystopian novels, powerful female characters, and stories of uncommon courage.” –Midwest Book Review D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer The #1 Bestseller! New York. 2120. American has been decimated, wiped out from the second Civil War. In this post-apocalyptic world, survivors are far and few between. And most of those who do survive are members of the violent gangs, predators who live in the big cities. They patrol the countryside looking for slaves, for fresh victims to bring back into the city for their favorite death sport: Arena One. The death stadium where opponents are made to fight to the death, in the most barbaric of ways. There is only one rule to the arena: no one survives. Ever. Deep in the wilderness, high up in the Catskill Mountains, 17 year old Brooke Moore manages to survive, hiding out with her younger sister, Bree. They are careful to avoid the gangs of slaverunners who patrol the countryside. But one day, Brooke is not as careful as she can be, and Bree is captured. The slaverunners take her away, heading to the city, and to what will be a certain death. Brooke, a Marine’s daughter, was raised to be tough, to never back down from a fight. When her sister is taken, Brooke mobilizes, uses everything at her disposal to chase down the slaverunners and get her sister back. Along the way she runs into Ben, 17, another survivor like her, whose brother was taken. Together, they team up on their rescue mission. What follows is a post-apocalyptic, action-packed thriller, as the two of them pursue the slaverunners on the most dangerous ride of their lives, following them deep into the heart of New York. Along the way, if they are to survive, they will have to make some of the hardest choices and sacrifices of their lives, encountering obstacles neither of them had expected—including their unexpected feelings for each other. Will they rescue their siblings? Will they make it back? And will they, themselves, have to fight in the arena? “Grabbed my attention from the beginning and did not let go….This story is an amazing adventure that is fast paced and action packed from the very beginning. There is not a dull moment to be found.” –Paranormal Romance Guild {regarding Turned} ""I will admit, before ARENA ONE, I had never read anything post-apocalyptic before. I never thought it would be something I would enjoy….Well, I was very pleasantly surprised at how addicting this book was. ARENA ONE was one of those books that you read late into the night until your eyes start to cross because you don't want to put it down….It is no secret that I love strong heroines in the books I read….Brooke was tough, strong, un-relentless, and while there is romance in the book, Brooke wasn't ruled by that....I would highly recommend ARENA ONE.” –Dallas Examiner ARENA ONE is Book #1 in the Survival Trilogy, and is 85,000 words. Book #2 in the series, ARENA TWO, is now also available.


The Time Machine cemented author H.G. Wells as the father of modern science fiction. In it, the Time Traveller embarks on a staggering journey 800,000 years into the future, where he is propelled to the age of a slowly dying Earth. There he encounters the highly evolved Eloi, as well as the brutish Morlocks who lurk beneath in tunnels. The Time Machine offers a harrowing and penetrating look into a proposed future for mankind, and illuminates its roots in the present. This Essential Classics edition includes a new introduction by Professor Vivian Heller, Ph.D. in literature and modern studies from Yale University. H.G. Wells was an English writer who pioneered the science fiction genre and wrote more than 100 books during his career. The Time Machine, his first novel, brought him instant fame. Wells is known also as a futurist, his works foretelling the advent of aircraft, tanks, space travel, and nuclear weapons. Vivian Heller received her Ph.D. in English Literature and Modern Studies from Yale University. She is author of Joyce, Decadence, and Emancipation(University of Illinois Press) and of The City Beneath Us (W.W. Norton & Company), a history of the building of the New York City subway system. She is an associate at Columbia’s School of Professional Studies and is the writing tutor for the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College. She is also a long-standing member of the non-fiction committee of the PEN Prison-Writing Committee, which awards prizes to inmates from across the country. Essential Classics publishes the most crucial literary works throughout history, with a unique introduction to each, making them the perfect treasure for any reader’s shelf.