
"Uno de los mejores thrillers que he leído este año."–Críticas de Libros y Películas (referente a Por Todos Los Medios Necesarios)En el muy esperado debut de una nueva serie del exitoso autor Jack Mars, cuando el soldado de élite de las Fuerzas Delta, Luke Stone, de 29 años, se une a una agencia secreta del gobierno, es enviado a la misión de su vida: una trepidante carrera entre Europa y Oriente Medio para salvar a la hija del Presidente antes de ser decapitada por los terroristas.En OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL (Libro nº1), vemos la forja de uno de los soldados más duros y letales del mundo: Luke Stone. Un veterano de 29 años que ha visto suficientes batallas para toda su vida, Luke es reclutado por el Equipo de Respuesta Especial, una nueva agencia secreta del FBI (dirigida por su mentor, Don Morris) para abordar las operaciones de terrorismo de mayor riesgo en el mundo.Luke, aún atormentado por su pasado en tiempos de guerra y recién casado con una embarazada Becca, es enviado a una misión en Irak, con su nuevo compañero Ed Newsam, para capturar a un contratista estadounidense deshonesto. Pero lo que comienza como una misión rutinaria se convierte en algo mucho más grande.Cuando la hija adolescente del Presidente es secuestrada en Europa y mantenida como rehén por terroristas, Luke puede ser el único en el mundo que pueda salvarla antes de que sea demasiado tarde.OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL es un thriller militar indescriptible, un viaje de acción salvaje que te mantendrá pasando las páginas hasta altas horas de la noche. Marca el esperado inicio de una nueva serie fascinante del número 1 en ventas Jack Mars, calificado como «uno de los mejores autores de suspense.»“Thriller en su máxima expresión.”–Midwest Book Review (referente a Por Todos los Medios Necesarios)También está disponible la serie THRILLER LUKE STONE, superventas de Jack Mars (7 libros), que comienza con Por Todos los Medios Necesarios (Libro nº 1), ¡una descarga gratuita con más de 800 reseñas de cinco estrellas!


“Un capolavoro del thriller e del mistero. Blake Pierce ha creato con maestria personaggi dalla psiche talmente ben descritta da farci sentire dentro la loro mente, a provare le loro stesse paure e fare il tifo per loro. Questo libro è ricco di colpi di scena e vi terrà svegli fino all’ultima pagina.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (su Il Killer della Rosa) LA BUGIA DI UN VICINO (Un Mistero di Chloe Fine) è il secondo libro di una nuova serie thriller di Blake Pierce, autore del best-seller Il Killer Della Rosa (Libro #1, download gratuito), che ha ottenuto più di 1000 recensioni da cinque stelle. Chloe Fine, 27 anni, agente nella Squadra Ricerca Prove dell’FBI, ancora sconvolta per le rivelazioni sul proprio passato, si ritrova catapultata nel suo primo caso: l’omicidio di una tata in un paesino di provincia all’apparenza idilliaco.Immersa in un mondo fatto di segreti, coppie infedeli, artifici e finzione, Chloe si rende ben presto conto che chiunque potrebbe essere il colpevole. Nel frattempo, con suo padre ancora in carcere, è anche impegnata a combattere i propri demoni e svelare altri segreti, che minacciano di distruggerla prima ancora che la sua carriera sia decollata.Thriller psicologico dall’intensa carica emotiva, con l’ambientazione intima di una piccola cittadina e una suspense mozzafiato, LA PORTA ACCANTO è il libro #1 in una nuova, avvincente serie che vi terrà incollati alle sue pagine fino a tarda notte.Il libro #3 nella serie di CHLOE FINE sarà presto disponibile.


« Un chef-d’œuvre de thriller et de mystère. Blake Pierce est parvenu à créer des caractères avec un côté psychologique tellement bien décrit, que nous avons l’impression de pouvoir pénétrer dans leur esprit, suivre le cheminement de leurs pensées et nous réjouir de leurs réussites. Plein de rebondissements, ce livre vous tiendra en haleine jusqu’à la dernière page. »–Critiques de livres et de films, Roberto Mattos (re Une fois partie)LE MENSONGE D’UN VOISIN (Un mystère Chloé Fine) est le volume 2 d’une nouvelle série suspense psychologique par Blake Pierce, l’auteur à succès de Une fois partie (volume 1) (téléchargement gratuit), un bestseller nº1 ayant reçu plus de 1 000 critiques à cinq étoiles.L’agent de l’équipe scientifique du FBI, Chloé Fine, 27 ans, encore sous le choc des secrets issus de son passé, se retrouve plongée au cœur de sa première enquête : le meurtre d’une nounou dans une ville de banlieue aux allures parfaites. Plongée dans un monde de secrets, de couples infidèles, d’apparences et d’artifices, Chloé réalise très vite que tout le monde pourrait être coupable. Mais en même temps, avec son propre père toujours incarcéré, elle doit se battre contre ses propres démons et découvrir les secrets de son propre passé, au risque de finir démoralisée avant même que sa propre carrière n’ait eu le temps de démarrer. Un suspense psychologique émotionnel avec des personnages complexes, une atmosphère de petite ville et un suspense qui vous tiendra en haleine, LE MENSONGE D’UN VOISIN est le volume 2 d’une fascinante nouvelle série qui vous fera tourner les pages jusqu’à des heures tardives de la nuit. Le volume 3 dans la série CHLOÉ FINE sera bientôt disponible.


« Un chef-d’œuvre de thriller et de mystère. Blake Pierce est parvenu à créer des caractères avec un côté psychologique tellement bien décrit, que nous avons l’impression de pouvoir entrer dans leur esprit, suivre leurs peurs et nous réjouir de leurs succès. Plein de rebondissements, ce livre vous tiendra en haleine jusqu’à la dernière page. »–Critiques de livres et de films, Roberto Mattos (re Une fois partie) LA MAISON D’À CÔTÉ (Un mystère Chloé Fine) est le volume 1 d’une nouvelle série suspense psychologique par Blake Pierce, l’auteur à succès de Une fois partie (volume 1) (téléchargement gratuit), un bestseller nº1 ayant reçu plus de 1 000 critiques à cinq étoiles.Chloé Fine, 27 ans, interne au sein de l’équipe scientifique du FBI, doit faire face à son lourd passé personnel quand sa sœur jumelle se retrouve à avoir besoin de son aide – et quand un cadavre apparaît au sein de sa petite ville tranquille de banlieue. Chloé a l’impression que sa vie est enfin devenue parfaite quand elle revient s’installer dans sa ville natale avec son fiancé. Sa carrière au sein du FBI est plutôt prometteuse et son mariage se profile à l’horizon.Mais très vite, elle se rend compte que la banlieue n’est pas toujours ce qu’elle paraît. Chloé en découvre la face cachée – les rumeurs, les secrets, les mensonges – et elle se retrouve hantée par ses propres démons : la mort mystérieuse de sa mère quand elle avait dix ans et l’incarcération de son père. Et quand un cadavre est découvert, Chloé se rend rapidement compte que son passé et cette petite ville pourraient être la clé dont elle a besoin pour élucider les deux. Un suspense psychologique émotionnel avec des personnages complexes, une atmosphère de petite ville et un suspense qui vous tiendra en haleine, LA MAISON D’À CÔTÉ est le volume 1 d’une fascinante nouvelle série qui vous fera tourner les pages jusqu’à des heures tardives de la nuit. Le volume 2 dans la série CHLOÉ FINE est maintenant disponible en précommande.


“Uno dei migliori thriller di quest’anno.”–Books and Movie Reviews (re A ogni costo)In COMANDO PRIMARIO (Le origini di Luke Stone—Libro #2), un travolgente thriller dello scrittore di bestseller #1 Jack Mars, il veterano della squadra d’élite Delta Force Luke Stone, 29 anni, guida il Gruppo di Intervento Speciale dell’FBI in una missione mozzafiato per salvare ostaggi americani da un sottomarino nucleare. Ma quando la situazione precipita, e il presidente sconvolge il mondo con la sua reazione, potrebbe stare proprio a Luke non solo salvare gli ostaggi, ma anche il mondo. COMANDO PRIMARIO è un thriller militare da leggere tutto d’un fiato, un’avventura eccitante che vi terrà svegli tutta la notte. Il precursore della serie bestseller #1 LUKE STONE, ci porterà indietro dove tutto ha avuto inizio. Una serie emozionante dall’autore di bestseller Jack Mars, definito “uno dei migliori scrittori di thriller” del momento. “Il thriller al suo meglio.”–Midwest Book Review (re A ogni costo)Inoltre è disponibile la serie thriller bestseller di Jack Mars LUKE STONE (7 libri), che inizia con A ogni costo (Libro #1), un download gratuito con più di 800 recensioni a cinque stelle!


"Um dos melhores suspenses que eu li este ano."– Roberto Mattos, Books and Movie ReviewsNesta tão esperada estreia de uma épica série de suspense de espionagem do autor número de best-sellers, Jack Mars, os leitores são levados para um suspense com muita ação através da Europa com o agente da CIA Kent Steele, caçado por terroristas, pela CIA e pela sombra da sua própria identidade. Ele precisa resolver este mistério. Quem está atrás dele, quem ele é? Alvo dos terroristas – e da bela mulher que ele continua vendo em sua mente.Kent Steele, 38 anos, brilhante professor de História Europeia na Universidade de Columbia, vive uma vida tranquila em um subúrbio de Nova York com suas duas filhas adolescentes. Tudo isso muda quando, numa noite, alguém bate à sua porta e ele é sequestrado por três terroristas – e se vê atravessando o oceano para ser interrogado em um porão em Paris.Eles estão convencidos de que Kent é o espião mais letal que a CIA já conheceu.Mas Kent está convencido de que eles pegaram o homem errado.Quem tem razão?Com uma conspiração à sua volta, adversários tão espertos quanto ele e um assassino em sua cola, o jogo selvagem de gato e rato leva Kent a um caminho perigoso – que pode levar a Langley – e a uma descoberta chocante sobre sua própria vida e sua identidade.


“Has all the ingredients for an instant success: plots, counterplots, mystery, valiant knights, and blossoming relationships replete with broken hearts, deception and betrayal. It will keep you entertained for hours, and will satisfy all ages. Recommended for the permanent library of all fantasy readers.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re The Sorcerer’s Ring) “The beginnings of something remarkable are there.” –-San Francisco Book Review (re A Quest of Heroes) From #1 bestseller Morgan Rice, author of A Quest of Heroes (over 1,300 five star reviews) comes a startlingly new fantasy series. In THRONE OF DRAGONS (Age of the Sorcerers—Book Two) King Godwin mobilizes his army to cross the great bridge and invade the South to rescue his 17 year old daughter, Lenore. But Lenore is imprisoned deep in the South, under the watchful and hateful eye of King Ravin, and she may have to learn to escape herself first if she has any chance of escape. Her brother Rodry, though, is way ahead of the King’s men, deep in hostile territory, alone on a mission to save his sister—while her other brother, Vars, offers a lesson in cowardice and betrayal. Devin follows Gray, eager to learn more about how to harness his powers and about who he is. Greave travels to remote regions to find the house of scholars and to try to save his sister, Nerra. But Nerra, sickened by the scale sickness, is dying on a remote isle once touched by dragons. And her only chance of survival may just compel her to risk it all. And all of this will culminate in an epic battle that may just determine the fate of the two kingdoms. AGE OF THE SORCERERS weaves an epic sage of love, of passion, of sibling rivalry; of rogues and hidden treasure; of monks and warriors; of honor and glory, and of betrayal, fate and destiny. It is a tale you will not put down until the early hours, one that will transport you to another world and have you fall in in love with characters you will never forget. It appeals to all ages and genders. Book #3 (BORN OF DRAGONS) is now available for pre-order. “A spirited fantasy ….Only the beginning of what promises to be an epic young adult series.” –-Midwest Book Review (re A Quest of Heroes) “Action-packed …. Rice's writing is solid and the premise intriguing.” –-Publishers Weekly (re A Quest of Heroes)


“When you think that life cannot get better, Blake Pierce comes up with another masterpiece of thriller and mystery! This book is full of twists and the end brings a surprising revelation. I strongly recommend this book to the permanent library of any reader that enjoys a very well written thriller.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Almost Gone) ALMOST DEAD is book #3 in a new psychological thriller series by USA Today bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. After the disastrous fallout from her last placement in England, all 23-year-old Cassandra Vale wants is a chance to pick up the pieces. A high-society, divorced mother in sunny Italy seems to be the answer. But is she? With a new family come new children, new rules, and new expectations. Cassandra’s determined to make this one last – until a horrifying discovery pushes her to a breaking point. And when the unimaginable occurs, will it be too late to pull herself back from the brink? Who, she wonders, is she becoming? A riveting mystery replete with complex characters, layers of secrets, dramatic twists and turns and heart-pounding suspense, ALMOST DEAD is book #3 in a psychological suspense series that will have you turning pages late into the night. Book #4 in the series will be available soon.


“A MASTERPIECE OF THRILLER AND MYSTERY. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) FACE OF MURDER is book #2 in a new FBI thriller series by USA Today bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. FBI Special Agent Zoe Prime suffers from a rare condition which also gives her a unique talent—she views the world through a lens of numbers. The numbers torment her, make her unable to relate to people, and give her a failed romantic life—yet they also allow her to see patterns that no other FBI agent can see. Zoe keeps her condition a secret, ashamed, in fear her colleagues may find out. When women are found murdered, their bodies branded with mysterious numbers, outside Washington, D.C., the FBI, stumped, calls in Special Agent Zoe Prime to decipher the mathematical riddle and find the serial killer. Yet the numbers make no sense. Are they a pattern? A formula? Or do they have no meaning at all? Zoe, reeling from her own personal troubles, hasn’t the luxury of time, as more bodies pile up, and as all eyes turn to her to solve an equation that, perhaps, cannot be solved. Will she catch the killer in time? An action-packed thriller with heart-pounding suspense, FACE OF MURDER is book #2 in a riveting new series that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #3 in the series—FACE OF FEAR—is also available for pre-order.


“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) TINTED WINDOWS (A Chloe Fine Mystery) is book #6 in a new psychological suspense series by bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has over 1,000 five-star reviews. When a popular personal trainer is murdered in a high-end suburb, FBI VICAP Special Agent Chloe Fine, 27, is summoned to sift through a small town filled with cheating spouses and figure out who may have wanted him dead—and why. Behind the manicured lawns, Chloe learns, lie broken marriages, lonely spouses, secrets, and endless lies—all hiding behind the veil of perfection. Beneath the carefully built façade of a polished, upstanding community lies a populace dishonest to its core. What secrets led to this man’s being murdered? And who will be next to die? An emotionally wrought psychological suspense with layered characters, small-town ambiance and heart-pounding suspense, TINTED WINDOWS is book #6 in a riveting new series that will leave you turning pages late into the night.