

"Grapes of Wrath" is a fictional account of the Somme battle, colored by the fact that the greater part of it was written in the Somme area or between the Cable's visits to it. This a story of three friends going together through the misery and horrors of war, inspired by the author's ambition of describing the clash from the point of view of an ordinary infantry private and showing how much he sees or knows and suffers in a great battle like that.


"Modern Magic" is a treatise in book form, detailing the apparatus, methods and tricks used by the magicians and conjurors. It was the first book in the English language to really explain how to perform magical feats. The treatise contains advice on the appearance, the dress and the staging of a magician. It then goes on to describe many tricks with playing cards, coins, watches, rings, handkerchiefs, dominoes, dice, cups, balls and hats, and concludes with a long chapter of miscellaneous tricks, including magic with strings, gloves, eggs, rice and some utility devices. The penultimate chapter describes large stage illusions, and the final chapter contains advice on routining a magic show, as well as more advice on staging.


"The Promise of American Life" is a book by Herbert Croly that opposed aggressive unionization and supported economic planning to raise general quality of life in early twentieth-century America. It made a significant impact on many leading progressives, influencing Theodore Roosevelt to adopt the platform of «The New Nationalism» after reading it, and being popular with intellectuals and political leaders of the later «New Deal». Croly advocated a new political consensus that included as its core nationalism, but with a sense of social responsibility and care for the less fortunate. Since the power of big business, trusts, interest groups and economic specialization had transformed the nation in the latter part of the 19th century, Croly pressed for the centralization of power in the Federal Government to ensure democracy, a «New Nationalism».


This carefully crafted e-artnow ebook collection «The Poetical Works of John Skelton» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Of the death of the noble prince, Kynge Edwarde the Forth Poeta Skelton laureatus libellum suum metrice alloquitur Tetrastichon ad Magistrum Rukshaw The Bowge of Courte Phyllyp Sparowe The tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng Poems against Garnesche Against venemous tongues How euery thing must haue a tyme Prayer to the Father of Heauen To the Seconde Parson To the Holy Gooste "Woffully araid," "Now synge we, as we were wont," "I, liber, et propera, regem tu pronus adora," The maner of the world now a dayes Ware the Hauke Epithaphe. A Deuoute Trentale for old John Clarke "Diligo rustincum cum portant," Lamentatio urbis Norvicen In Bedel, "Hanc volo transcribas," "Igitur quia sunt qui mala cuncta fremunt," "Salve plus decies quam sunt momenta dierum," Henrici Septimi Epitaphium Eulogium pro suorum temporum conditione, tantis principibus non indignum Tetrastichon veritatis Against the Scottes Vnto diuers people that remord this rymynge, Chorus de Dis contra Scottos Chorus de Dis, &c. super triumphali victoria contra Gallos Vilitissimus Scotus Dundas allegat caudas contra Angligenas Elegia in Margaretæ nuper comitissæ de Derby funebre ministerium Why were ye Calliope embrawdred with letters of golde? Cur tibi contexta est aurea Calliope? The Boke of Three Fooles A replycacion agaynst certayne yong scolers abiured of late Magnyfycence, a goodly interlude and a mery Colyn Cloute… Speke, Parrot Why come ye nat to Courte Howe the douty Duke of Albany, lyke a cowarde knyght, ran awaye shamfully, Poems attributed to Skelton: Verses presented to King Henry the Seventh at the feast of St. George The Epitaffe of the moste noble and valyaunt Jaspar late Duke of Beddeforde Elegy on King Henry the Seventh Vox populi, vox Dei The Image of Ipocrysy…


"History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway" in 2 volumes is one of the best-known works by a British historian Samuel Astley Dunham. This carefully crafted e-artnow ebook is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Pagan Age: Denmark (B.C. 40 to A.D. 1014) Sweden (A.C. 70 to A.D. 1001) Norway (about A.C. 70 to A.D. 1030) Maritime Expeditions of the Northmen During the Pagan Times: In England, France, and Ireland Maritime Expeditions of the Northmen During the Pagan Times: In the Orkneys, the Hebrides, Iceland, Greenland, North America, Russia, etc. Cosmogony and Religion of Scandinavia Introduction of Christianity Into Denmark and Sweden The Middle Age: Denmark (1014-1387) Norway (1030-1387) Sweden (1001-1389)


Anthony Panizzi (1797-1879), was a naturalised British librarian of Italian birth and an Italian patriot. He was the Principal Librarian of the British Museum from 1856 to 1866. Apart from being a personal friend of British Prime ministers Lord Palmerston and William Ewart Gladstone, Panizzi conducted an active correspondence with Sardinian, and later Italian Prime Minister Count Camillo Benso di Cavour. In 1844, he assisted Giuseppe Mazzini, then in exile in London, by publishing an influential article denouncing the practice ordered by the Home Secretary of ordering Mazzini's private letters opened by the Post Office and giving copies of their contents to the Austrian Embassy. He also orchestrated a visit of Giuseppe Garibaldi to England, and convinced Gladstone to travel to Naples to view personally the inhumane conditions in which political prisoners were kept. Panizzi was a strong advocate of free and equal access to learning. He was influential in enforcing the Copyright Act of 1842, which required British publishers to deposit with the library a copy of every book printed in Britain. For his extraordinary services as a librarian, in 1869 he was knighted by Queen Victoria. In addition to his English knighthood, Panizzi was given an honorary degree by Oxford University, the Légion d'Honneur from France, various chivalric honours from the Italian Government and Crown, and in 1868 was appointed as a senator in the Italian Parliament.


"The Rock Ahead" features a strong and self-confident woman Gertrude Lloyd, who becomes a famous opera singer after leaving her husband, a murderer. Edmund Hodgson Yates (1831-1894) was a British journalist, novelist and dramatist. His first career was a clerk in the General Post Office, becoming in 1862 head of the missing letter department, and where he stayed until 1872. Meanwhile, he entered journalism, working on the «Court Journal» and then «Daily News», under Charles Dickens. In 1854 he published his first book «My Haunts and their Frequenters», after which followed a succession of novels and plays.


"The Forlorn Hope" features the bohemian and turbulent life of a wealthy young man named Ramsay Caird. Edmund Hodgson Yates (1831-1894) was a British journalist, novelist and dramatist. His first career was a clerk in the General Post Office, becoming in 1862 head of the missing letter department, and where he stayed until 1872. Meanwhile, he entered journalism, working on the «Court Journal» and then «Daily News», under Charles Dickens. In 1854 he published his first book «My Haunts and their Frequenters», after which followed a succession of novels and plays.


"Peru as It Is" is an account of the social and physical features of Peru, written by a Scottish physician Archibald Smith, after the first ten years he had spent in this country. He was professionally brought into contact with persons of all classes and ranks in society, from the palace to the humblest hut, both in the interior of Peru, and in its capital, Lima. This made the author more than adequate to tells everybody's side of the story and digs deeper into the core of the problem.