
Imagine a heaven populated by familiar Greek gods. Sexy Aphrodite, gorgeous Adonis, Ares the warmonger, Artemis the huntress, wise Athena, bitter Demeter, and the like. But imagine also each of these denizens of Olympus stepping forward and revealing qualities that any reader can recognize: Hades, ruler of the underworld, lovesick for Persephone. Baffled Hephaestus, god of fire, husband of Aphrodite who can’t keep her clothes on. Add a defiant Sisyphus and a cadre of grumpy water nymphs and those are only some of the inhabitants of Olympusville—a fantastic and, in the hands of poet Ron Koertge and illustrator Alicia Kleman, endlessly intriguing world. Featuring 16 black and white ink illustrations.


• FIrst Winner of Red Hen’s Quill Prose Award • Title is a family drama about identity, family, and love. Important issues/themes include multiculturalism, LGBTQ life, feminism, and sexuality. • Will appeal to fans of history, multiculturalism, feminist literature • Comparable to <i>Sacred Country</i> by Rose Tremain and <i>Bastard Out of Carolina</i> by Dorothy Allison • Title is author's debut novel


In John Barr's poems, the ancient masters encounter the modern world. Dante on a beach in China beholds the Inferno: “Flaring well gas night and day, / towers rise as if to say, / Pollution can be beautiful.” Bach’s final fugue informs all of nature. Villon is admonished by an aging courtesan. Aristotle finds “Demagogues are the insects of politics. / Like water beetles they stay afloat / on surface tension, they taxi on iridescence.” And his afterlife: “When three-headed Cerberus greeted him / Socrates replied: I won’t need / an attack dog, thank you. I married one.”


• National publicity efforts targeting: <p>+Industry journals such as Publishers Weekly, Booklist, Library Journal, Bookforum, and ShelfAwareness <p>+Local newspapers and journals to the author <p>+National blogs and podcasts such as Salon, Slate, The Rumpus, Buzzfeed Books, Huffington Post, Barnes & Noble Review, NPR <p>+Publications the author has written for, been featured in, or whose work has been reviewed in <p>+Schools and organizations the author is associated with
<p>• Marketing to bookstores, libraries, book clubs, and universities
<p>• Article pitches by author to major industry publications, newspapers, and blogs
<p>• Author and book signing at the 2017 Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference
<p>• Multi-city book tour
<p>• Promotion online through the author’s website
<p>• E-newsletter promotion to several-thousand-plus contacts
<p>• Promotion through social media to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Amazon


• National publicity efforts targeting: +Industry journals such as Publishers Weekly, Booklist, Library Journal, Bookforum, and ShelfAwareness +Local newspapers and journals to the author +National blogs and podcasts such as Salon, Slate, The Rumpus, Buzzfeed Books, Huffington Post, Barnes & Noble Review, NPR +Publications the author has written for, been featured in, or whose work has been reviewed in +Schools and organizations the author is associated with • Marketing to bookstores, libraries, book clubs, and universities • Article pitches by author to major industry publications, newspapers, and blogs • Author and book signing at the 2017 Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference • Multi-city book tour • Promotion online through the author’s website • E-newsletter promotion to several-thousand-plus contacts • Promotion through social media to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Amazon


• National publicity efforts targeting: +Industry journals such as Publishers Weekly, Booklist, Library Journal, Bookforum, and ShelfAwareness +Local newspapers and journals to the author +National blogs and podcasts such as Salon, Slate, The Rumpus, Buzzfeed Books, Huffington Post, Barnes & Noble Review, NPR +Publications the author has written for, been featured in, or whose work has been reviewed in +Schools and organizations the author is associated with • Marketing to bookstores, libraries, book clubs, and universities • Article pitches by author to major industry publications, newspapers, and blogs • Author and book signing at the 2017 Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference • Multi-city book tour • Promotion online through the author’s website • E-newsletter promotion to several-thousand-plus contacts • Promotion through social media to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Amazon


• National publicity efforts targeting: +Industry journals such as Publishers Weekly, Booklist, Library Journal, Bookforum, and ShelfAwareness +Local newspapers and journals to the author +National blogs and podcasts such as Salon, Slate, The Rumpus, Buzzfeed Books, Huffington Post, Barnes & Noble Review, NPR +Publications the author has written for, been featured in, or whose work has been reviewed in +Schools and organizations the author is associated with • Marketing to bookstores, libraries, book clubs, and universities • Article pitches by author to major industry publications, newspapers, and blogs • Author and book signing at the 2017 Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference • Multi-city book tour • Promotion online through the author’s website • E-newsletter promotion to several-thousand-plus contacts • Promotion through social media to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Amazon


In <i><b>The Sound</i></b> acclaimed poet David Mason collects his best shorter work of the past forty years, including lyrics like “Song of the Powers” and darkly brilliant narratives “The Collector’s Tale” and “The Country I Remember,” which Anthony Hecht called “a welcome addition to the best that is now being written by American poets.” A poet of love and history and nature, Mason forges a language that can reconnect us to the world.


• Former Writer Laureate of Alaska • Managing Editor of Boreal Books


• First edition won the Starcherone Prize for Innovative Fiction, but the press shut down the season the book was first released, killing any chance of substantial sales • Endorsements from famous short story writers T.C. Boyle, Aimee Bender, and Alissa Nutting • Literary and unique writing style incorporated with humor and irony, a little dark at times • Writing comparable to that of George Saunders • Excerpts have been published in several publications: The American Reader, Connu, Denver Quarterly, Guernica, Hot Metal Bridge, Joyland, The Kenyon Review Online, The Los Angeles Review, New England Review, Salt Hill Journal, Tikkun, Tin House, The Toast, TriQuarterly, and Watchlist: 32 Stories from Persons of Interest.