
Science fiction and crime go hand-in-tentacle, if you’ll pardon the expression. Many of the science fiction field’s greatest writers also wrote mysteries…and vice versa. And sometimes the science fiction stories were mysteries. Our latest MEGAPACK® contains nothing but those blended SF-and-Mystery stories, by some of the greatest writers in the field. Included are:<P> ORIGINS OF GALACTIC LAW, by Edward Wellen<BR> DragNeuroNet, by John Gregory Betancourt<BR> DON'T GET TECHNATAL, by Ron Reynolds<BR> THE CEREBRAL LIBRARY, by David H. Keller, M.D.<BR> THE FIVE WAY SECRET AGENT, by Mack Reynolds<BR> LICENSE TO STEAL, by Louis Newman<BR> DELAYED ACTION, by Charles V. De Vet<BR> THE MAGIC OF JOE WILKS, by Robert Moore Williams<BR> LIFE GOES ON, by Nelson Bond<BR> MURDER FROM MARS, by Richard Wilson<BR> WOBBLIES IN THE MOON, by Frank Belknap Long<BR> THE FREELANCER, by Robert Zacks<BR> NO ESCAPE FROM DESTINY, by Arthur Leo Zagat<BR> SWEET DREAMS, by Edward Wellen<BR> THE LOCUS FOCUS, by Richard Wilson<BR> TRACK OF THE BEAST, by Charles V. De Vet<BR> THE VOICES, by Edward Wellen<BR> THE TOWER, by Kristine Kathryn Rusch<BR> THE MIRACLE OF KICKER MCGUIRE, by Robert Moore Williams<BR> OSCAR, DETECTIVE OF MARS, by James Norman<BR> OSCAR SAVES THE UNION, by James Norman<BR> DEATH WALKS IN WASHINGTON, by James Norman<BR> OSCAR AND THE TALKING TOTEMS, by James Norman<BR> DOUBLE TROUBLE FOR OSCAR, by James Norman<BR> THE THIEF OF THOTH, by Lin Carter<BR> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


This volume is the second of a set of three showcasing the work of Frédéric Boutet, the other two volumes being The Antisocial Man and Other Strange Stories, and Claude Mercoeur's Reflection and Other Strange Stories. Viewed as an ensemble, these collections illustrate the range and development of Boutet's early work, and provide a few representative samples of its later evolution. Although several stories by Boutet were translated into English in the 1920s, especially in America, they were selected from his later works, when he was mostly writing sentimental stories and crime fiction for popular magazines; no examples of his early work, most of which consisted of offbeat supernatural fiction, have previously been rendered into English. These sixteen tales of horror and fantasy will hopefully serve to introduce the work of a highly distinctive writer of weird and baroque fiction to a new audience.


A plastic surgeon of the future is charged with re-creating the face of Adam, the first man. Is he just a pawn in a scheme to defraud a billionaire, or does he seriously intend to fulfill his task. And if he's successful, what does it mean to the world at large?


Although Gaston Danville was one of the earliest contributors to the French magazine, Mercure de France, considered a voice for the symbolist movement, he regarded himself as one of a new generation of Naturalists, interested in applying the relatively new insights of contemporary psychology to the analysis of human behavior. Danville's short fiction was unique, obsessed with the supposed psychologies of psychology and murder, and the analogies between them. He called his stories «Tales of Beyond,» but the beyond to which he referred was that of the Unconscious, to which he believe that all phenomena considered supernatural should now be attributed. The result was some of the most peculiar weird fiction ever produced, which still warrants the interest of connoisseurs of the bizarre. Here are his best eighteen stories (plus an essay), edited, translated, and with notes by Brian Stableford.


Six stories of fantasy and science fiction by a modern master, including three pieces published for the first time: «The Path of Progess,» «Kalamada's Blessing,» «The Shepherd's Daughter,» «Shadows of the Past,» «Reconstruction,» and the original short fantasy novel, «The Return of the Djinn.»


This volume is the third of a set of three showcasing the work of Frédéric Boutet, the other two volumes being The Antisocial Man and Other Strange Stories and The Voyage of Julius Pingouin and Other Strange Stories. Viewed as an ensemble, the collections illustrate the range and development of Boutet's early work, and provide a few representative samples of its later evolution. Here are a baker's dozen of supernatural, horror, and fantasy tales from the early twentieth century, edited and translated by the well-known science fiction writer, Brian Stableford, including the novella, «When We Have Passed On,» and the highly original short novel, «Claude Mercoeur's Reflection,» both of them significant and highly readable works of French fantastic literature.


Acclaimed author and scholar Brian Stableford turns his penetrating mind to matters of science fiction, fantasy, and horror in this collection of essays. He covers such diverse topics as: SLAVES OF THE DEATH SPIDERS: Colin Wilson and Existentialist Science Fiction<BR> IS THERE NO BALM IN GILEAD?: The Woeful Prophecies of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale<BR> A FEW MORE CROCODILE TEARS?: Gwyneth Jones<BR> THE ADVENTURES OF LORD HORROR: Across the Media Landscape<BR> FILLING IN THE MIDDLE: Robert Silverberg's The Queen of Springtime<BR> RICE'S RELAPSE: Memnoch the Devil<BR> FIELD OF BROKEN DREAMS: Michael Bishop's Brittle Innings<BR> THE MAGIC OF THE MOVIES<BR> H. G. WELLS AND THE DISCOVERY OF THE FUTURE<BR> THE MANY RETURNS OF DRACULA<BR> TARZAN'S DIVIDED SELF<BR> SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL: Jacques Cazotte's The Devil in Love<BR> THE TWO THOUSAND YEAR QUEST: George Viereck's Erotic Odyssey<BR> THE PROFESSION OF SCIENCE FICTION


Two NEW tales of GONJI SABATAKE, the itinerant samurai-Viking warrior! A rallying cry for fans of the popular 1980s heroic-fantasy series. An ideal entry point for new readers!<P> The novelette «Reflections in Ice» – picking up a mature Gonji, already well into his ca. 1600 A.D. European adventures, ensnared in a desperate crossfire between monstrous oppressors: the undead assassins of the Dark Company; and mysterious horrors residing in remote caves of the snowbound Pyrenees…<P> The novella «Dark Venture» – the most intense, action-packed and classic-pulp-worthy Gonji tale in the canon. The first-ever story of «young Gonji,» in dishonored exile from his native land. Now facing deadly peril during a bizarre and ghastly sea voyage; caught in the clutches of a hell where corrupted spells of evil magic go to die…<P> ALSO included is the essay «The GONJI Odyssey»—the definitive chronicle of the series’ creation and publishing history… PLUS, a generous preview of the coming NEW Gonji novel: the audacious origin tale of Gonji’s world – BORN OF FLAME AND STEEL!<P> "People will not know what hit them when they read 'Dark Venture.' It’s one of the most exciting (and gruesomely bonkers) sword-&-sorcery stories I’ve had the pleasure of reading." –Fletcher Vredenburgh, Black Gate Magazine<P> "One of the most original characters in heroic fantasy returns in all-new adventures that are truly epic. The return of Gonji Sabatake is a cause for epic celebration." –Joe Bonadonna, MAD SHADOWS


NOT WITH A BANG!<P> When the bombs fell and Western civilization ended, the residents of Hickory Hollow, Texas, scarcely noticed the difference. They were already used to fending for themselves – growing their own food, helping their neighbors survive, keeping their rural life going, much as before.<P> But when the Ungers – a band of renegade thieves, murderers, and ne'er-do-wells – began raiding the nearby plots, looting and killing everyone in sight, it was time to take action!<P> "I was reminded constantly of George R. Stewart's classic post-holocaust novel, Earth Abides. The gentle rhythms of country existence, the sense that the world will continue (with or without us), the joy of living close to the earth, the nature of community itself, all combine for a poignant tale celebrating the best of what it means to be human. In Mayhar's perceptive eyes, the World Begins in Hickory Hollow." –Robert Reginald.<P> Ardath Mayhar authored more othan sixty books, including science fiction, fantasy, western literature, poetry, and young adult tales. She lived and worked in Eastern Texas.


Drop into The Bone-God’s Lair and take a walk on the Wild Side! Here is premier horror-sci-fi writer A. R. Morlan's introduction to some of Pop Culture's most famous (and infamous) practitioners, from Marilyn Monroe’s poignant farewell in «The Sweet End of the Lollipop,» to Andy Warhol’s wandering spirit in Norm Littman's 15 Minutes, and Jim Morrison's incorruptible presence in «He's Hot, He's Sexy, He's…» Morlan captures the essence of each cause celebre, including a few monsters thrown in for good measure: H. P. Lovecraft's Dunwich Horror monster, in «Taking Down the Book of the Rough Beast» and Adolph Hitler in «The Gemütlichkeit Escape.» Toss in a sci-fi classic «The Time-Vacation Trilogy,» and you have the recipe for imaginative writing at its best.