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Бывший программист решает послать все к чертям и пойти работать дворником. Но в будущем, во время тотальной цифровизации, дворник -это не простая профессия. Что уж говорить о должности Смотрителя в Академии Великого Древа. Став Смотрителем, ему с каждым новым днем открывается все больше удивительного и опасного, ведущего далеко за пределы Земли. Действия происходят в недалеком будущем, в Сочи (и "Других Местах"), на территории бывшего санатория имени Орджоникидзе. Книга пишется по модели "Ведьмака" – сборник рассказов-глав с общими героями и сквозным сюжетом. Каждый месяц -новый рассказ. Содержит нецензурную брань.
Pastoral Care, or The Book of the Pastoral Rule, is a treatise on the responsibilities of the clergy written by Pope Gregory I in which he contrasted the role of bishops as pastors of their flock with their position as nobles of the church: the definitive statement of the nature of the episcopal office. Gregory enjoined parish priests to possess strict personal, intellectual and moral standards which were considered, in certain quarters, to be unrealistic and beyond ordinary capacities. The influence of the book, however, was vast and became one of the most influential works on the topic ever written. It was translated and distributed to every bishop within the Byzantine Empire.
In His Steps is a religious novel which takes place in the railroad town of Raymond, and Chicago Illinois. The main character is the Rev. Henry Maxwell, pastor of the First Church of Raymond, who challenges his congregation to not do anything for a whole year without first asking: «What Would Jesus Do?» The story begins on a Friday morning when a man out of work appears at the front door of Henry Maxwell while the latter is preparing for that Sunday's upcoming sermon. Maxwell listens to the man's helpless plea briefly before brushing him away and closing the door. The same man appears in church at the end of the Sunday sermon and confronts the congregation about their lack of compassion for those like him. Upon finishing his address he collapses, and dies a few days later. Deeply moved by the events of the past week, Henry Maxwell presents a challenge to his congregation: «Do not do anything without first asking, 'What would Jesus do?'»
On the Soul and the Resurrection is work by Gregory of Nyssa, written upon his brother Basil's death, about the immortal soul and the infinity of God. The work is written in form of Socratic dialogue between Gregory who plays the part of an interlocutor and his older sister, St. Macrina, who plays the part of Socrates. Gregory deals with two topics of considerable importance in Christian theology: the immortality of the soul and the physicality of the resurrection. He confronts many of the arguments made by those who deny the existence of the soul or resurrection and gives thorough answers to the questions about the soul and the resurrection.
On the Holy Spirit is a theological treatise by Basil the Great, bishop of Caesarea and one of the Cappadocian Fathers. It presents a lucid and edifying appeal to Scripture and early Christian tradition in order to prove the divinity of the Holy Spirit. St. Basil forms clear and careful arguments against heresy of the early Christian church, mainly the second wave of Arianism. Basil proves that the Holy Spirit and the Son are not, by any margin, lesser in divinity than the Father, placing his defense of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit within the tradition of the Church.
On the Incarnation is one of the early works of Athanasius of Alexandria, Christian theologian and a Church Father. This theological treatise presents teachings on the redemption. Author puts forward the belief that the Son of God, the eternal Word (Logos) through whom God created the world, entered that world in human form to lead men back into the harmony from which they had earlier fallen away.
An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith is a work of Christian priest John of Damascus and it presents a summary of the dogmatic writings of the Early Church Fathers. This work was the first work of systematic theology in Christianity and an important influence on later Scholastic works. Author offers a very insightful and thorough discussion of the Trinity and orthodox Christology. He provides a more in-depth look at the basic theological assertions of the Orthodox Church. The book begins with an argument for the existence of God, and covers many important dogmas and doctrines of the Church.
Это сборник сказаний и легенд, которые написаны по картинам Н.К.Рериха. На ее страницах вы познакомитесь с героями, которые храбро идут навстречу трудностям, чтобы спасти свой дом, познать истину жизни, обрести любовь, вселить свет в души людей. Истории о мудрой книге жизни, трудном пути к просветлению великого Будды, о бессмертном подвиге Жанны Д’Арк, о китайском императоре, создавшем Великую китайскую стену, и много других легенд. А главное в этой книге то, что каждая история имеет счастливый конец и добро побеждает зло. Эта книга для ребят, которые хотят много знать и стать такими же отважными и целеустремлёнными, как и её герои.