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Discover the fundamentals and intricacies of a subject at the interface of chemistry and biology with this authoritative resource<br> <br> Chemistry and Biology of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids delivers a comprehensive treatment of the chemistry and biology of non-canonical nucleic acids, including their history, structures, stabilities, properties, and functions. You'll learn about the role of these vital compounds in transcription, translation, regulation, telomeres, helicases, cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, therapeutic applications, nanotechnology, and more.<br> <br> An ideal resource for graduate students, researchers in physical, organic, analytical, and inorganic chemistry will learn about uncommon nucleic acids, become the common non-canonical nucleic acids that fascinate and engage academics and professionals in private industry.<br> <br> Split into 15 chapters covering a wide range of aspects of non-canonical nucleic acids, the book explains why these compounds exist at the forefront of a new research revolution at the intersection of chemistry and biology. Chemistry and Biology of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids also covers a broad range of topics critical to understanding these versatile and omnipresent chemicals, including:<br> <br> * A discussion of the dynamic regulation of biosystems by nucleic acids with non-canonical structures<br> * The role played by nucleic acid structures in neurodegenerative diseases and various cancers<br> * An exploration of the future outlook for the chemistry and biology of non-canonical nucleic acids<br> * An introduction to the history of canonical and non-canonical structures of nucleic acids<br> * An analysis of the physicochemical properties of non-canonical nucleic acids<br> <br> Perfect for biochemists, materials scientists, and bioengineers, Chemistry and Biology of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids will also earn a place in the libraries of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemists who wish to improve their understanding of life processes and the role that non-canonical nucleic acids play in them.
Wenn Karl Ploberger an die Anfänge seiner gärtnerischen Leidenschaft denkt, dann stand am Beginn ein kleiner Stadtgarten. Als Student gärtnerte er auf der Fensterbank, ehe er seinen ersten richtigen Dschungel auf nur eineinhalb Quadratmetern Balkon verwirklichte. Er weiß also, wovon er spricht! Und auch wenn er heute seinen großen Garten genießt, ist er dem Gärtnern auf kleinstem Raum treu geblieben: kein Jahr, in dem der Biogärtner der Nation nicht dutzende Töpfe bepflanzt, Kräuter im Kasten zieht und seinen Traum vom Süden mit Orangen, Zitronen, Oliven und Palmen zuhause lebt.
Auf Balkon und Terrasse setzt sich Karl Ploberger für mehr Gemüse, Kräuter und Obst ein. Die Ernte aus dem Topf ist ein kulinarischer Hochgenuss und ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis. Damit viele Früchte reifen, werden Bienen und andere Bestäuber mit Wildstauden wie Natternkopf und Duft-Odermenning angelockt.
Wird es draußen eng, gärtnert Karl Ploberger drinnen weiter. Küche, Wohnzimmer, Badezimmer und die helle, nostalgische Veranda, sind über und über voll mit Grün- und Blühpflanzen. Sie schaffen ein optimales Raumklima, sorgen für Luftfeuchtigkeit und filtern Staub aus der Luft. Für Zimmerpflanzen gibt es die perfekte Raumaufteilung. Der Elefantenfuß etwa liebt es hell, die Strahlenaralie gedeiht auch in halbdunklen Ecken noch. Nicht fehlen dürfen all jene Pflanzen, die Vitamine und Würze für die Küche liefern – griffbereit, damit es schnell geht, denn egal was der Bestsellerautor macht, er bleibt seinem Motto treu: dem Garteln für intelligente Faule. Auf dem Fensterbrett werden neben Schnittlauch und Petersilie in Keimboxen Sprossen gezogen und Microgreen angebaut.
Seinem typischen Zugang zum Garteln folgt Karl Ploberger auch in diesem 23. Buch: Es gibt für alles eine einfache Lösung. So zeigt er, wie man Blattläuse, Trauermücken oder Pilzerkrankungen in den Griff bekommt und erklärt, wie man naturgemäß düngt. Hier kann der umtriebige Vortragende und Fernsehgärtner wieder auf viel Erfahrung bauen: hunderte Gartenfragen hat er rund ums Zimmer- und Balkongarteln beantwortet und gesammelt. Die interessantesten davon findet man nun in seinem neuen Werk.
Auf Balkon und Terrasse setzt sich Karl Ploberger für mehr Gemüse, Kräuter und Obst ein. Die Ernte aus dem Topf ist ein kulinarischer Hochgenuss und ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis. Damit viele Früchte reifen, werden Bienen und andere Bestäuber mit Wildstauden wie Natternkopf und Duft-Odermenning angelockt.
Wird es draußen eng, gärtnert Karl Ploberger drinnen weiter. Küche, Wohnzimmer, Badezimmer und die helle, nostalgische Veranda, sind über und über voll mit Grün- und Blühpflanzen. Sie schaffen ein optimales Raumklima, sorgen für Luftfeuchtigkeit und filtern Staub aus der Luft. Für Zimmerpflanzen gibt es die perfekte Raumaufteilung. Der Elefantenfuß etwa liebt es hell, die Strahlenaralie gedeiht auch in halbdunklen Ecken noch. Nicht fehlen dürfen all jene Pflanzen, die Vitamine und Würze für die Küche liefern – griffbereit, damit es schnell geht, denn egal was der Bestsellerautor macht, er bleibt seinem Motto treu: dem Garteln für intelligente Faule. Auf dem Fensterbrett werden neben Schnittlauch und Petersilie in Keimboxen Sprossen gezogen und Microgreen angebaut.
Seinem typischen Zugang zum Garteln folgt Karl Ploberger auch in diesem 23. Buch: Es gibt für alles eine einfache Lösung. So zeigt er, wie man Blattläuse, Trauermücken oder Pilzerkrankungen in den Griff bekommt und erklärt, wie man naturgemäß düngt. Hier kann der umtriebige Vortragende und Fernsehgärtner wieder auf viel Erfahrung bauen: hunderte Gartenfragen hat er rund ums Zimmer- und Balkongarteln beantwortet und gesammelt. Die interessantesten davon findet man nun in seinem neuen Werk.
The accessibility requirement of educational policies is a reinvention of schools beyond the education of students with disabilities. Accessibility or Reinventing Education studies the changes that have redefined the roles and missions of schools, by asking them to consider the obstacles to learning imposed on students – regardless of their particular characteristics – in order to make themselves accessible to the greatest number. This book examines the ways in which school stakeholders are addressing the need for accessibility to bring its principles to life on a daily basis. Particular attention is given to the strategies developed by teachers for creating accessible school environments, the conditions for mobilizing digital technologies, and the redefinition of relationships between teachers and their specialist counterparts. Finally, the new figures of «ineducablility», established because of the accessibility imperative, are considered, and a grammar of accessibility is proposed, setting the stage for accessibility in school environments and the implementation of inclusive policies.
Your ultimate one-stop networking reference Designed to replace that groaning shelf-load of dull networking books you’d otherwise have to buy and house, Networking All-in-One For Dummie s covers all the basic and not-so-basic information you need to get a network up and running. It also helps you keep it running as it grows more complicated, develops bugs, and encounters all the fun sorts of trouble you expect from a complex system. Ideal both as a starter for newbie administrators and as a handy quick reference for pros, this book is built for speed, allowing you to get past all the basics—like installing and configuring hardware and software, planning your network design, and managing cloud services—so you can get on with what your network is actually intended to do. In a friendly, jargon-free style, Doug Lowe—an experienced IT Director and prolific tech author—covers the essential, up-to-date information for networking in systems such as Linux and Windows 10 and clues you in on best practices for security, mobile, and more. Each of the nine minibooks demystifies the basics of one key area of network management. Plan and administrate your network Implement virtualization Get your head around networking in the Cloud Lock down your security protocols The best thing about this book? You don’t have to read it all at once to get things done; once you’ve solved the specific issue at hand, you can put it down again and get on with your life. And the next time you need it, it’ll have you covered.
The digital transformation is in full swing and fundamentally changes how we live, work, and communicate with each other. From retail to finance, many industries see an inflow of new technologies, disruption through innovative platform business models, and employees struggling to cope with the significant shifts occurring. This Fourth Industrial Revolution is predicted to also transform Logistics and Supply Chain Management, with delivery systems becoming automated, smart networks created everywhere, and data being collected and analyzed universally. The Digital Transformation of Logistics: Demystifying Impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution provides a holistic overview of this vital subject clouded by buzz, hype, and misinformation. The book is divided into three themed-sections: Technologies such as self-driving cars or virtual reality are not only electrifying science fiction lovers anymore, but are also increasingly presented as cure-all remedies to supply chain challenges. In The Digital Transformation of Logistics: Demystifying Impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution , the authors peel back the layers of excitement that have grown around new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Blockchain or Cloud computing, and show use cases that give a glimpse about the fascinating future we can expect. Platforms that allow businesses to centrally acquire and manage their logistics services disrupt an industry that has been relationship-based for centuries. The authors discuss smart contracts, which are one of the most exciting applications of Blockchain, Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings for freight procurement, where numerous data sources can be integrated and decision-making processes automated, and marine terminal operating systems as an integral node for shipments. In The Digital Transformation of Logistics: Demystifying Impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, insights are shared into the cold chain industry where companies respond to increasing quality demands, and how European governments are innovatively responding to challenges of cross-border eCommerce. People are a vital element of the digital transformation and must be on board to drive change. The Digital Transformation of Logistics: Demystifying Impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution explains how executives can create sustainable impact and how competencies can be managed in the digital age – especially for sales executives who require urgent upskilling to remain relevant. Best practices are shared for organizational culture change, drawing on studies among senior leaders from the US, Singapore, Thailand, and Australia, and for managing strategic alliances with logistics service providers to offset risks and create cross-functional, cross-company transparency. The Digital Transformation of Logistics: Demystifying Impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution provides realistic insights, a ready-to-use knowledge base, and a working vocabulary about current activities and emerging trends of the Logistics industry. Intended readers are supply chain professionals working for manufacturing, trading, and freight forwarding companies as well as students and all interested parties.