
The ways and means described in this book constitute a road map for responsible members of the international community to work together, reduce tensions, resolve differences over maritime boundaries peacefully, and reap the rewards of a safer, stabler, and more prosperous world. This volume shows that the UN and its associated treaties, courts, and other institutions have developed a body of laws, rules, and procedures guiding the way to negotiated, peaceful outcomes. Mr. Baroudi’s book also points to rapid advances of science and technology that take much of the guesswork out of boundary delineation, making this route more reliable and user-friendly than ever before. The successful use of these mechanisms would set a useful example for the resolution of boundary disputes in other regions of the world. That, in turn would restore confidence in the international rules-based system and could pave the way for the settling of some of the world’s most troubling and dangerous disputes.


Οι μέθοδοι που περιγράφονται στο βιβλίο αυτό καθιστούν έναν οδικό χάρτη, ώστε τα υπεύθυνα μέλη της διεθνούς κοινότητας να συνεργαστούν και να λύσουν τις διαφορές τους ειρηνικά, και να καρπωθούν τα οφέλη ενός πιο σταθερού και ευήμερου κόσμου. Το βιβλίο αυτό, επίσης, δείχνει ότι τα Ηνωμένα Εθνη και οι διεθνείς συμβάσεις τους, καθώς και τα δικαστήρια και οι θεσμοί που επιβάλλουν αυτές τις συμβάσεις, έχουν εξελίξει ένα σώμα νόμων, κανόνων και διαδικασιών που δείχνουν τον δρόμο προς τις διαπραγματεύσεις και τις ειρηνικές λύσεις. Το βιβλίο του Dr. Baroudi επίσης δείχνει πόσο έχει προχωρήσει η τεχνολογία η οποία αφαιρεί τις όποιες ασάφειες στην χάραξη των συνόρων, καθιστώντας τον μηχανισμό του διεθνούς δικαίου περισσότερο ελκυστικό από ποτέ. Η πετυχημένη χρήση αυτού του μηχανισμού θα λειτουργούσε ως χρήσιμο παράδειγμα αποφυγής εντάσεων, και θα ενδυνάμωνε το διεθνές σύστημα κανόνων συμπεριφοράς, βοηθώντας στην επίλυση μερικών από τις πιο δύσκολες και επικίνδυνες διαμάχες του κόσμου.


Libya is a dynamic country with a rich and turbulent history that goes far beyond present conflicts. Its people have long fought for freedom and self-government. This publication offers a framework for understanding the pursuit of this progress. The chapters herein presents Libya as seen by a next generation of leaders, ready to build peaceful, democratic, and inclusive institutions. Using events in Libya's recent history as a guide (the establishment of the United Kingdom of Libya under King Idris in 1951; the establishment of the Libyan Arab Republic under Gaddafi in 1969; and the struggle for unity following the 2011 February 17th Revolution), the authors envisage a bettter future for Libya, one in which the light of hard-fought liberty is preserved for generations to come. Through the insights of professionals and experts, above all new Libyan voices, this volume is testament of a bright and secured future for a beautiful and compelling country.


A woman and her four have been sold like a product, drugged, brutally raped by many men, beat, and abused. The girls find it hard to believe as the mother tried to tell them after she found out. Law enforcement is not listening so it's up to the mother to find help and get justice along with rescue. A true story needing real help now


Jillian spontaneously decides to holiday on an exotic tropical island located on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Once there, she is amazed to find herself attracted to two eligible men. But could she actually fall in love with one, so quickly after ending her engagement two weeks before her marriage ceremony? Lives are risked when she discovers the island is hiding secrets, and Jillian unwittingly becomes involved. But can she stay safe while unravelling the mystery? And just when you think the puzzle has been solved, further sinister events take a different direction. If you enjoy reading a murder mystery with many twists and turns, you will love this book.


В издании с учетом последних изменений в уголовном законодательстве и судебной практике в лаконичной и доступной для читателя форме изложены основные понятия, положения и институты, относящиеся к Особенной части российского уголовного права учебного курса «Уголовное право». Соответствует актуальным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным требованиям. Для студентов образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования юридического профиля, сотрудников правоохранительных органов и лиц, интересующихся вопросами уголовного права.


Exploring a new agenda to improve outcomes for American workers As the United States continues to struggle with the impact of the devastating COVID-19 recession, policymakers have an opportunity to redress the competition problems in our labor markets. Making the right policy choices, however, requires a deep understanding of long-term, multidimensional problems. That will be solved only by looking to the failures and unrealized opportunities in anti-trust and labor law. For decades, competition in the U.S. labor market has declined, with the result that American workers have experienced slow wage growth and diminishing job quality. While sluggish productivity growth, rising globalization, and declining union representation are traditionally cited as factors for this historic imbalance in economic power, weak competition in the labor market is increasingly being recognized as a factor as well. This book by noted experts frames the legal and economic consequences of this imbalance and presents a series of urgently needed reforms of both labor and anti-trust laws to improve outcomes for American workers. These include higher wages, safer workplaces, increased ability to report labor violations, greater mobility, more opportunities for workers to build power, and overall better labor protections. Inequality in the Labor Market will interest anyone who cares about building a progressive economic agenda or who has a marked interest in labor policy. It also will appeal to anyone hoping to influence or anticipate the much-needed progressive agenda for the United States. The book’s unusual scope provides prescriptions that, as Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz notes in the introduction, map a path for rebalancing power, not just in our economy but in our democracy.


Assessing the legal and practical questions posed by the use of artificial intelligence in national security matters The increasing use of artificial intelligence poses challenges and opportunities for nearly all aspects of society, including the military and other elements of the national security establishment. This book addresses how national security law can and should be applied to artificial intelligence, which enables a wide range of decisions and actions not contemplated by current law. James Baker, an expert in national security law and process, adopts a realistic approach in assessing how the law—even when not directly addressing artificial intelligence—can be used, or even misused, to regulate this new technology. His new book covers, among other topics, national security process, constitutional law, the law of armed conflict, arms control, and academic and corporate ethics. With his own background as a judge, he examines potential points of contention and litigation in an area where the law is still evolving and might not yet provide clear and certain answers. The Centaur’s Dilemma also analyzes potential risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence in the realm of national security—including the challenges of machine-human interface, operating (or not operating) the national-security decision-making process at machine speed, and the perils of a technology arms race. Written in plain English, The Centaur’s Dilemma will help guide policymakers, lawyers, and technology experts as they deal with the many legal questions that will arise when using artificial intelligence to plan and carry out the actions required for the nation’s defense.


How the fear of malpractice affects mothers and reproductive choices Giving birth is a monumental event, not only in the personal life of the woman giving birth, but as a medical process and procedure. In The Business of Birth, Louise Marie Roth explores the process of giving birth, and the ways in which medicine and law interact to shape maternity care.Focusing on the United States, Roth explores how the law creates an environment where medical providers, malpractice attorneys, and others limit women’s rights and choices during birth. She shows how a fear of liability risk often drives the decision-making process of medical providers, who prioritize hospital efficiency over patient safety, to the detriment of mothers themselves.Ultimately, Roth advocates for an approach that protects the reproductive rights of mothers. A comprehensive overview, The Business of Birth provides valuable insight into the impact of the law on mothers, medical providers, maternity care practices, and others in the United States.


Offers psychological insights into how people perceive, respond to, value, and make decisions about the environment Environmental law may seem a strange space to seek insights from psychology. Psychology, after all, seeks to illuminate the interior of the human mind, while environmental law is fundamentally concerned with the exterior surroundings—the environment—in which people live.Yet psychology is a crucial, undervalued factor in how laws shape people’s interactions with the environment. Psychology can offer environmental law a rich, empirically informed account of why, when, and how people act in ways that affect the environment—which can then be used to more effectively pursue specific policy goals. When environmental law fails to incorporate insights from psychology, it risks misunderstanding and mispredicting human behaviors that may injure or otherwise affect the environment, and misprescribing legal tools to shape or mitigate those behaviors. The Psychology of Environmental Law provides key insights regarding how psychology can inform, explain, and improve how environmental law operates. It offers concrete analyses of the theoretical and practical payoffs in pollution control, ecosystem management, and climate change law and policy when psychological insights are taken into account.