
It is Berger’s theory that the United States Supreme Court has embarked on “a continuing revision of the Constitution, under the guise of interpretation,” thereby subverting America’s democratic institutions and wreaking havoc upon Americans’ social and political lives.Raoul Berger (1901–2000) was Charles Warren Senior Fellow in American Legal History, Harvard University. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.


Written for the layman as well as the attorney, The Story of Law is the only complete outline history of the law ever published. “It is,” too, noted journalist William Allen White of the original edition, “the sort of book that any lawyer could take home and give to his children in their teens and twenties as a justification of his career.” Moreover, The Story of Law has well been termed “the perfect book for introducing the beginning law student to the origin and history of the law.” John M. Zane lucidly describes the growth and improvement of the law over thousands of years, and he points out that an increasing awareness of the individual as a person who is responsible for decision and action gradually transformed the law. The seventeen chapters include “The Physical Basis of Law,” “Law Among Primordial Men,” “Babylonian Law,” “The Jewish Law,” “Law Among the Greeks,” “The Roman Creation of Modern Law,” “Medieval Law in Europe,” “The Origins of English Law,” and “International Law.” Professor Charles J. Reid, Jr., of Emory University School of Law, has contributed an unsurpassed forty-page “Selected Bibliography on Legal History” that will be of enormous interest to academics, students, practicing attorneys, and general readers alike.John M. Zane (1863–1937) was a distinguished attorney.Charles J. Reid, Jr. is Professor at the School of Law, University of Saint Thomas. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.


In Egypt's modern history, reform of personal status laws has often formed an integral part of political, cultural, and religious contestations among different factions of society. From the beginning of the twenty-first century, two significant reforms were introduced in Egyptian personal status laws: women's right to petition for no-fault judicial divorce law (khul') and the new mediation-based family courts. <em>Legal Reform and Gender Justice</em> examines the interplay between legal reform and gender norms and practices. It examines the processes of advocating for, and contesting the khul' and new family courts laws, shedding light on the agendas and strategies of the various actors involved. It also examines the ways in which women and men have made use of these legal reforms; how judges and other court personnel have interpreted and implemented them; and how the reforms may have impacted women and men's understandings, expectations, and strategies when navigating marriage and spousal roles. Drawing on an extensive four-year field study, Al-Sharmani highlights the complexities and mixed impacts of legal reform, not only as a mechanism of claiming gender rights but also as a system of meanings that shape, destabilize, or transform gender norms and practices.


Open Immigration: Yea by Alex NowrastehExtensive immigration restrictions are an attempt by the U.S. government to centrally manage the demographics, labor market, and culture of the United States instead of letting those facets of our society develop naturally &#150; as they have throughout most of history. Many objections have been raised against a return to America&#8217;s traditional free-immigration policy, but they are without merit and ignore immigration&#8217;s tremendous benefits.In this Broadside, Alex Nowrasteh explains how a policy of open immigration is consistent with America&#8217;s founding principles, the ideals of a free society, and the foundation of a free-market economy. Immigration restrictions should be based on protecting the life, liberty, and private property of Americans from those who are most likely to infringe upon them. A freer immigration system would not only be economically beneficial to the United States, but it would also be consistent with American values.Open Immigration: Nay by Mark KrikorianImmigration has always been an important part of America&#8217;s story. Over the past century, however, the United States has seen drastic changes &#150; in government spending, the economy, technology, security, and assimilation &#150; and the needs of the nation have changed. Mass immigration is no longer compatible with those needs. In this Broadside, Mark Krikorian argues that the federal immigration program needs to adjust to the realities of modern America by scaling back the number of newcomers who are allowed to settle in the country. While this doesn&#8217;t mean zero immigration, it does mean that we must evaluate and permit only the most compelling cases. What worked in the past will not work today, and our immigration policies must change in response to new circumstances.


Medicaid, America&#8217;s government-run health insurance program for the poor, should be a lifeline that provides needed health care to Americans with no other options. Surprisingly, however, it doesn&#8217;t. The medical literature reveals a $450 billion-a-year scandal: that people on Medicaid have far worse health outcomes than those with private insurance, and no better outcomes than those with no insurance at all.Why is this so? In How Medicaid Fails the Poor, Avik Roy explains how Medicaid&#8217;s clumsy design and perverse incentives make it hard for people on Medicaid to get the medical care they need. Medicaid doesn&#8217;t reimburse doctors or hospitals for the cost of caring for Medicaid enrollees, forcing many doctors to opt out of the program.The Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, doubles down on this broken system. Roy shows us that there are better ways, using private insurance, to provide needed care to our poorest citizens.





Man ma ikke bega vold. Men hvad med alle de kirurger, som hver dag svinger kniven – er de ogsa voldsmAend? Det er de faktisk ifolge nogle meget kloge jurister. Andre vil sige, at det er det rene nonsens. Derfor er det afgorende, hvem der fortolker loven – skal det vAere fa fine paragrafryttere eller det almindelige fodfolk? Sporger vi Gorm Toftegaard Nielsen, professor i strafferet ved Aarhus Universitet, er Europa delt op i en tysk og en engelsk retskultur, mellem elitAert tankespind og god gammeldags common sense. Gad vide, hvilken side af loven vi er pa?