
Angel's Eye is a chronicle of astral travels and out-of-body experiences. It is about the awakening of consciousness and the evolution of mind. Angelic and demonic visitations culminate into personal redemption. Angel's Eye profiles a prolific initiation into higher truth. Strewn with pearls of poetry, it explores and reveals the inner reality of pure spirit.


You have are now handling a Mega-Motivational book. Open the pages of this unique and inspiring book and discover the secret of True Wealth. Discover how to active the Divine Law of Attraction in your life, guaranteeing success in reaching your God-destiny. Don't spend another moment pitying yourself or envying others. Learn how to be Wealth instead of searching for Wealth.


Jan Frazier experienced a radical transformation of consciousness at age fifty, in 2003. Her first book, &quot;When Fear Falls Away: The Story of a Sudden Awakening&quot; (Weiser Books, 2007), is an account of her awakening, as it unfolded over the first eighteen months. &quot;The Freedom of Being: At Ease with What Is&quot; (Weiser Books, 2012) offers guidance toward the reduction of suffering and the prospect of radical freedom. Both books are available in paperback and eBook. <br><br>&quot;Opening the Door: Jan Frazier Teachings on Awakening&quot; is an eBook collection of essays on the nature of spiritual awakening. The book opens the reader&#39;s awareness to the possibility of a richly human life, beyond what appears possible to the ego and the mind. The teachings point to unresisting present-moment attention, where the truth of existence is known. Jan Frazier&#39;s teachings are drawn from direct experience, relying on no particular tradition or set of beliefs.


I AND THOU is one of the most important books of Western Theology. In it, Martin Buber, heavily influenced by the writings of Nietzsche, unites the proto-Existentialist currents of modern German thought with the Judeo-Christian tradition, powerfully updating faith for modern times. Since its first appearance in Germany in 1923, this slender volume has become one of the epoch-making works of our time.This work is the centerpiece of Buber&#39;s philosophy. It lays out a view of the world in which human beings can enter into relationships usung their innermost and whole beings to form true partnerships. This is the original English translation, and it was prepared in the author;&#39;s presence.


Leaves of Water is an inspirational, thought-provoking poetry book with poems featuring such topics as the calming symphony of rain on the leaves, the silence of the wind and the glory of God.<br><br>Fr. Ralph Wright, who is a poet of great distinction, pens works that reflect his knowledge of and respect for the masters. His images are both beautiful and startling; his metaphors perceptive, his use of rhyme natural.<br><br>His expertise lies in the unity of word and idea that is the essence of poetry. Leaves of Water is his sixth book of verse. The poetry of leaves of water is never obscure but nevertheless demands that we return, again and again, to delight in and savor both words and subtle meanings.<br><br>Leaves of Water offers a soothing escape from the pressures and turmoil of every day life.


In 101 SELECTED SAYINGS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) <br>you will learn:<br><br>The difference between the living and the dead.<br>The signs of a hypocrite.<br>Who has the most perfect faith.<br>What the major sins are.<br>What continues to benefit us after we die.<br>Which is the best form of charity.<br>What is the most excellent struggle.<br>Which are the best and worst houses.<br>What two things you need to guard to get to paradise.<br>How to control your anger.<br>What five things you must take advantage of to be successful.<br>How to rescue yourself from God&#39;s punishment.<br>Which is the most important quality to look for in a spouse.<br><br>Find out what prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has to say about these and other issues by reading this book.


The purpose of the book is to revive the spirit of real Christianity in the United States, stand against our &#39;Adversary&#39; and turn from our collective moral drift. Done as an analogy by telling my experiences in Basic Training in the Army and how those experiences relate to Christianity. <br><br>The book is divided into three parts. The first part is Individual Training skill sets. For example, my volunteering in the Army and the transition from civilian to soldier. Likewise the transition from not being a Christian to voluntarily wanting to be one and the transition that takes place. Another is my experience on a compass course where I started out doing well but got lost and finally found my way to the finish. I compare the compass to the Bible and relate it to life. Other examples as well.<br><br>The second part is Opposing Forces Training where I learned how the enemy operates and received training focused around defeating him. I apply that to learning the ways of Satan because just like a victorious army, you must know your spiritual enemy to be successful against him.<br><br> And the third and last phase is the reclamation which is brought about only by the application of the first two phases. That is reinforced by quotes from prominent people from the past.


The VANISHMENT describes a fictional account of a modern day visitation by the late great Jesus Christ. The appearance of the spirit in the personage of the son of God or God himself, with all his miraculous powers, in the back yard of a middle class white guy, begins an astounding series of happenings that change mankind and the world forever.<br><br>The book relates the authors rather wry and at times hilarious and wishful account of the &quot;second coming&quot; as has been predicted for two thousand years. Why Jesus decides to visit humanity in 2011 and why he returns to a poolside patio in Boca Raton Florida is left to the imagination of the writer and the reader. <br><br>Equally, it remains for the reader to comprehend Jesus&#39; actions as he goes about his business. Most certainly there are echoes of the day of Judgment, so colorfully described in the Book of Revelations, the last chapter in the Christian Bible, dealing with the prophetic visions John, a servant of Jesus, received from God. <br><br>The author, in imagining the reasoning and actions of JC as he goes about &quot;cleaning up&quot; the mess mankind has made of his lovely world, delivers to the reader a vision of God&#39;s vision of a perfect world, with all its poisonous influences surgically removed by &#39;miraculous intervention.&#39; Nothing, but nothing, can top God when it comes to removing &quot;stains&quot; from the carpet of history. <br><br>From one problem to the other, God, who knows the hearts of all men, makes decisions to improve his world and preserve his chosen people, which, as it turns out, aren&#39;t entirety and solely the Jews. <br><br>In the end, a perfect world remains, cleansed of all &#39;evil&#39; influences...... The question for the reader is this: Is the world &quot;fixed&quot; by Jesus Christ a better one?


Wheat Fields is the story about the social trauma of change brought on by the introduction of the mobile combine harvester. On another level, the story is about the very meaning of life. Of particular interest is the concept of God. How does God enter into our lives? How does God communicate with us? Do we have the skill to recognize situations where God is trying to communicate with us? Would we recognize Divine Intervention even if we saw it happening? <br>Wheat Fields suggests the best chance to encounter God is in the ordinary circumstances of life. The book demonstrates real examples of Divine Intervention in a very ordinary occupation, namely, wheat farming. The question to us is this: when God appears in our lives or offers to help, do we respond to it? An even more basic question is whether we even recognize that God is there offering to help us. I invite you to enjoy a very good story, and to celebrate the extraordinary dimensions of life that are demonstrated both here and in the very ordinary circumstances of your own lives.


A Course in Miracles can be difficult to understand on first reading as it is written on quite a high intellectual level. It can help to read some introductory material alongside a study of the Course. This series of articles and diagrams is presented with that in mind.<br><br>This eBook begins with some brief, introductory material covering how A Course in Miracles came, what it is and a summary with charts. <br><br>It is followed by a collection of 33 articles and diagrams I have written over recent years; they explore many of the themes found in the Course, including the metaphysical and practical teachings.<br><br>At the end of this book you will find two &#39;bonus chapters&#39; (&#39;Healing Ourselves&#39; and &#39;The Ladder of Forgiveness&#39;) – excerpts from two of my other books (Healing the Cause and The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness).<br><br>A Course in Miracles has been the inspiration for this book. What I have written is my own interpretation of some of the principles in the Course and, as such, it cannot match the depth and purity of the original teaching. If you find my writings of interest I would encourage you to study the Course&#39;s teaching, for which there can be no substitute.