
Most people agree that the world should be just but that it simply isn&#39;t. Rogues flourish, the good die young and many feel they have not received their due. Unlike the rest of us, the anonymous hero of Even does not just complain about it, he embarks on a voyage of self-discovery, searching both for vengeance for the past and justice for the future in a personal attempt to bring balance to an unbalanced world. The result is a quest that ranges across contemporary London and is, by turn, humorous, heroic and horrific, involving Oedipus, fallen dictators and the iniquity of plumbers as it distils ancient wisdom into black humour.<br><br>Sharply written and observed, this extraordinary novella of revenge and misfortune offers a lively key to the contemporary world and the curious moralities of other cultures.


This book was written by the wife of a pastor. The book contains experiences both awesome and belittling that has helped to shape her life and ministry.<br><br>It goes on to explain that many of things that people see of the pastors wife is only a charade and not a true reflection of the life that the pastor&#39;s wife really lives.<br><br>The book also brings about an awareness of how pastors wives feel, are treated, and ways in which aspiring pastors wives can prepare themselves for ministry.


Paul Newman and Karampal Singh speak to us from the higher planes about karma, a fundamental concept that is frequently misunderstood. They share profound insights into the laws that govern microcosms and macrocosm alike, the stars above as well as our lives on earth.<br><br>In authentic and unmistakable voices, Paul Newman and Karampal Singh illustrate their teachings with fascinating references to their own past lives as well as current events. We learn about the root causes of karma, biblical events and Atlantis, and how we can now transcend our histories.<br><br>Far from being a treatise about &quot;punishment&quot; or &quot;good and evil,&quot; the authors share a message of growth, freedom, and transformation, a message that is not only inspiring, profound, and accessible but fun to read.<br><br>CONTENTS<br><br>Background Information<br><br>Chapter 1: The Concept of Karma <br>Chapter 2: The Breath of the Cosmos: Beginnings and Endings <br>Chapter 3: Understanding and Misunderstanding the Concept of Karma<br>Chapter 4: Four Basic Points<br>Chapter 5: The Multi-Dimensional Perspective <br>Chapter 6: Activating the New Frequencies on Earth <br>Chapter 7: The Movement is Swift and Rapid Now <br>Chapter 8: A Time of Glorious Transformation <br>Chapter 9: Arcturean Karma <br>Chapter 10: Our Appetites Create Karma on Earth <br>Chapter 11: Karma and Morality &ndash; Jacob, Leah, Laban, and Joseph <br>Chapter 12: St. Germain: Infinity and Beyond <br>Chapter 13: Atlantean Karma <br>Chapter 14: The Buddha&#39;s Truth <br>Chapter 15: Exodus and Exit<br><br>Appendix A: Introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing <br>Appendix B: Publications from Expansion Publishing




Heaven and Hell are futuristic, not currently real, but men&#39;s spirits, religion, fear, born-again and heavenly joy are. Men&#39;s spirits are dead. That&#39;s why men in general cannot have any realistic spiritual understandings and easily devoured by religion. They are born into this world physically, carrying the corpses of spirits. That&#39;s also why all men have fear. Fear is the smell of a spirit-corpse. Men of fear, religion and the knowledge of good and evil are not qualified to be in Paradise Regained, but are destined to be thrown into the Hell-fire; the final cleaning step of re-creation. To be freed from fear, religion and the ominous knowledge of good and evil, men must be born-again. It&#39;s the only task that all men must have it realized during their life time. It&#39;s not the task of men, but God-Almighty&#39;s that should be accomplished and realized, never by men&#39;s efforts, but totally by God the Father&#39;s. Born-again is never man&#39;s work, never religious. Man, not as animal-kind, cannot die individually. All men had died, as a whole, at the first death, and will die again at the second universal event of death at the end of human history. Genuine life and death, having nothing to do with existence, are spiritual, not physical as with animals. Man will exist forever either dead or alive. God desires to make all men be born-again with their revived spirits to be qualified for His newly created Kingdom. For God to make a man born-again, man needs to know some basic historical information to be motivated for His re-creation. All natural men, spiritually-dead, are just &#39;dust&#39;. God needs &#39;dust&#39; for His new creation of man; not living-dust, which is improbable, but just dead &#39;dust&#39;. God gave Adam the life, which was spiritual and genuine. But Satan, in the body of a serpent, gave him the knowledge of good and evil. There&#39;s something that men must give up to acquire the eternal life, that is, the Satanic knowledge of good and evil, not to speak of all its applications. All religious merits must be denied totally, which are nothing else but the Tower of Babel designed and being built by men based on the Satanic knowledge of good and evil. The Truth that all men must know to be freed by from &#39;fear of death&#39; is hidden in the jungle of thoughts and history in the Bible.<br>&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;<br>This book is a book of challenge; the challenge of God the Father, the perfect irresistible almighty Love. It&#39;ll show whether the Heavenly gate is really open wide or not, and guide any sincere and honest reader to be led into the grasp of the expecting Spirit of the Father who has gone crazy for re-gaining His Own back into His possession from the tenacious grasp of the Serpent; the roaring lion.<br>&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;<br>TITLES: Philosophy, religion, science and logic; Existentialism and Cross; Philosophy of Jesus; The core, the secret of the Bible; The knowledge of good and evil-the shackle; Conquering death; Universal event of the Cross; Contents of faith; Miss-application of &#39;faith without works&#39;; What is the will of God; Possessing or living; Absurdity of keeping the Law; Freedom to sin; Weakness of God; Adam and Jesus; Judas Iscariot the Jew; Repentance-denial of the knowledge of good and evil; Citizenship of His Kingdom; War of reasoning; Words of revival.


Yesterday is a book that each of us needs to write based on who and what we were and have become; the sum total of our education and experiences as we made our way through our allotted years. Any of us can do this at any time but, to me, it seemed that in my younger and middle years there was never time. What Yesterday is then is a general reminiscing, a ruminating if you will, over my life and times. It&#39;s not about me per se, but rather focuses on those verities and understandings learned along the way that we all recognize to be true.<br><br>The book presents those thoughts and memories I felt worth passing on. In a way, writing this was like sifting through the detritus of seventy odd years, sort of panning for &#39;gold,&#39; letting my collected thoughts and experiences swirl in the pan, looking for those shining bits of value. I&#39;m certain that you too have such knowledge and I know that you too have probably considered setting them down for the ages- so, go ahead, do it!<br><br>Do it now. Once your mind ceases to function, overtaken by death or disease, memories evaporate like morning mist, as if they never were. While you can, I urge you to create, draw, film, write, do something to leave your mark. Keep a diary, record your experiences and thoughts. You are valuable, you are unique, don&#39;t pass us by without a sound. We need to hear what you have heard, we need to know what you have learned! So, tell us!<br><br>Here you will find thoughts on choices and directions, values and truths, morality and relationships. We present a great number of facts and opinions and ask our readers sift though them, taking and using whatever you believe of value, enriching your own thoughts and hopefully, passing them on to others.


Роман погружает читателя в драматическую атмосферу 90-х годов на Украине. Здесь и разрушение привычного образа жизни, и бандитские разборки, и крушение идеалов. Идет борьба добра со злом, в которой присутствует и великодушие, и жестокость, благородство и низость, ненависть и любовь, причем, всякая: любовь высокая и любовь, основанная на расчете, и любовь откровенно продажная. Рождается класс униженных и оскорбленных и слой, из которого выйдут будущие основатели олигархических династий. Содержит нецензурную брань.


In 101 SELECTED SAYINGS OF MAHATMA GANDHI you will learn:<br><br>1. The similarity between freedom and slavery.<br>2. What makes the world blind.<br>3. Who is to be considered religious.<br>4. What is the greatness of humanity.<br>5. Why you should monitor your thoughts and words.<br>6. What an eye for an eye does.<br>7. About the seven deadly sins.<br>8. What the future depends on.<br>9. If you have faith and ways to strengthen it.<br>10. The best way to preach.<br>11. The best way to find yourself.<br>12. Why we should study other religions.<br>13. How the world can achieve peace.<br>14. And much more.<br><br>Find out what Mahatma Gandhi has to say about these and other issues by reading this book.


«Случайные мысли» – это афоризмы, цитаты, максимы Сергея Веденьё. Иногда они похожи на дзен – буддийский коан, иногда на японскую хокку, а иногда на русскую поговорку. Это отдельный мир образов и чувств. Это картинка, живущая вне строк. Здесь фраза растянута во времени и пространстве, а мысль наделена протяженностью и чувственностью. Эта книга – поток эмоций и образов, которые возвращаются к читателю, как случайно брошенная фраза. Эта книга начинается на любой странице.