
Вниманию школьников и абитуриентов предлагается учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ, которое содержит 30 вариантов экзаменационных работ для проведения государственной итоговой аттестации по физике. Каждый вариант составлен в соответствии с требованиями единого государственного экзамена, включает задания разных типов и уровней сложности. В конце книги даны ответы для самопроверки на все задания.


Lastekirjanduse klassikasse kuuluvas Kenneth Grahame’i raamatus „Tuulesahin pajudes” ootavad ees võrratud ja isevärki seiklused, mis viivad lugeja imelise looduse rüppe ja heidavad pilgu metsaasukate põnevatele seiklustele. Teose sündmused arenevad ühe jõe kaldal ja seda ümbritsevatel niitudel, kus kõigil raamatu tegelastel – Mutil, Vesirotil, Konnal, Mägral jt – on igal ühel ajada oma asi. Nad kutsuvad lugeja endaga uitama, sõpru leidma, üksteist aitama ja lõbutsema. Kuid alatihti satuvad nad mingitesse sekeldustesse, täpselt nagu inimesedki. Raamatu autor ongi kõigile tegelastele omistanud inimeste parimad omadused, mis aitavad nad üle kõigist takistustest. Nendes lugudes on peidus tõeline võlumaailm, millele lisavad omakorda värvi Ernest H. Shepardi imelised pildid.



Raised in a bleak orphanage without even a name from her parents, this modern girls' fairy tale tells the story of Jerusha Abbott, a plucky young woman without ties and unsure of her future. After a visit from the trustees of the orphanage, Jerusha is told that one of the trustees sees in her the potential of a writer and wishes to be the patron of her college education. In exchange for tuition payment and a generous monthly allowance, Jerusha must write him a letter each month. She goes to an excellent women's university and thrives, growing, learning, and having fun in an adventurous period of self-discovery. First published in 1912, Webster's tale of an orphan and her unknown, shadowy benefactor is an enriching love story that unfolds in the countless pages of a cheerful young woman's letters.


Many blended learning initiatives start from the top down and are designed for specific populations or make drastic changes to a school’s learning structure. But any K-12 classroom teacher can find ways to leverage blended learning within the four walls of their classroom, regardless of the constructs of their learning environment. All they need is a willingness to rethink their role in the classroom – moving from content deliverer to architect of learning. In The Perfect Blend, you’ll learn how to create a “homemade recipe” for effective blended learning within your classroom. Rather than focusing on finding and implementing a specific established model, author Michele Eaton shows teachers how to embrace the flexibility of blended learning to take an active role as a designer of learning in the classroom and, in the process, helping students find their voices as advocates for their education.
