
Настоящее пособие содержит материал, который поможет выпускникам научиться решать наиболее сложные задания ЕГЭ, а также понимать и раскрывать проблему исходного текста и писать эссе. Автор предлагает методику работы, которая позволит школьникам успешно справиться с решением тестов повышенной сложности и написанием сочинения-рассуждения в формате ЕГЭ. В пособии даны основные принципы работы с текстом сочинения, алгоритм написания самой сложной его части – комментария, представлены наиболее интересные экзаменационные тексты прошлых лет, дан их анализ, приведены варианты сочинений. Также в данной работе предлагается алгоритм построения логической схемы сочинения, отбора и включения в текст эссе аргументации, даны основные критерии грамотного речевого оформления и варианты экспертных проверок. Пособие предназначено учителям, учащимся 11 класса для индивидуальной и классной работы и может быть использовано при подготовке к тестовой части и написанию сочинения в формате ЕГЭ.


В предлагаемом пособии рассматриваются задания повышенного и высокого уровня сложности ЕГЭ по географии. Подробно разбираются представляющие наибольшие трудности для выпускников задания как первой, так и второй частей экзаменационной работы, охватывающие содержание всех семи основных разделов школьного курса географии. Для тренировки предлагаются тренировочные задания, аналогичные часто встречающимся в экзаменационных работах. Пособие адресовано, в первую очередь, будущим выпускникам и абитуриентам, которым предстоит сдавать ЕГЭ по географии; оно также будет интересно учителям школ, методистам, экспертам и родителям.


Данное пособие предназначено для подготовки учащихся 11-х классов к Единому государственному экзамену (ЕГЭ) по истории. Издание включает типовые задания по всем содержательным линиям экзаменационной работы, а также примерные варианты в формате ЕГЭ 2021 года. Пособие поможет школьникам проверить свои знания и умения по предмету, а учителям – оценить степень достижения требований образовательных стандартов отдельными учащимися и обеспечить их целенаправленную подготовку к экзамену.


„Nähtamatu koer“ on Torshovi detektiivide sarja teine raamat, mille autor on tunnustatud krimikirjanik Samuel Bjørk. Sarja esimene osa on „Kadunud pärlikee“ (2020).
Noored detektiivid avastavad, et Frankrikegårdenist on kadunud üks koer. Asja lähemalt uurides tuleb välja, et selles polegi süüdi untsu läinud nõidus. Tegelikult on Oslos jäljetult haihtunud terve hulk koeri. Peagi on Kim, Vinku, Aryan ja Heidi segatud krimiloosse, mis on palju suurem ja hämaram, kui nad oleksid osanud arvata. Juhtumit lahendades saavad nutikad lapsed jälle abi „Suurest detektiivi käsiraamatust“, kuid leiutavad ka päris uusi võtteid. Muu hulgas selgub, et mõnikord tuleb kurikaela ülekavaldamiseks näida pisut opakas. Samuti võib abikäe ulatada keegi, kellest seda oodatagi ei oska.
Torshovi detektiivide sari sobib suurepäraselt 9‒12-aastastele lastele, kellele meeldivad seiklustest ja sõprusest kõnelevad humoorikad raamatud.


Tuntud krimikirjanik Samuel Bjørk kirjutab lõpuks lastele!
Kim käib Oslos Torshovi kooli kuuendas klassis. Kui tema jalgpallikarjäär vigastuse tõttu katkeb, otsustab Kim koos sõprade Vinku, Aryani ja Heidiga asutada detektiivibüroo. Neil on oma kindel kohtumispaik, nad suhtlevad üksteisega raadiosaatja kaudu ja sageli otsivad abi „Suurest detektiivi käsiraamatust“.
Ühel päeval saavad nad teada, et proua Abrahamseni hinnaline pärlikee on varastatud ja selles süüdistatakse Aryani ema. Torshovi detektiivid alustavad juurdlust, et kurjategija tabada. Kes on see kahtlane valge kauboimütsiga mees? Ja mis asju ajab punastes dressides noor kutt?


A life of liberty and responsibility does not just happen, but requires a particular kind of education, one that aims at both a growth of the human soul and an enrichment of political society in justice and the common good. This we call a liberal education. Forgetfulness of liberty is also a forgetfulness of the multi-dimensional nature of the human person, and a diminution of political life. Keeping in mind what can be lost when liberal education is lost, this volume makes the case for recovering what is perennially noble and good in the liberal arts, and why the liberal arts always have a role to play in human flourishing.Each of the authors herein focuses on the connection of three primary themes: human dignity, liberal education, and political society. Intentionally rooted in the hub that joins the three themes, each author seeks to unfold the contemporary significance of that hub. As a whole, the volume explores how the three themes are crucial to each other: how they illuminate each other, how they need each other, and how the loss of one jeopardizes the wellbeing of the others. In individual chapters, the authors engage various relevant aspects of liberal education. As a result, the volume is organized into three parts: Liberal Education and a Life Well Lived; Thinkers on Dignity and Education in History; Contemporary Topics in Dignity and Education. As education is increasingly channeled into an ever more narrow focus on technical specialization, and measured against professional success, students themselves face a maelstrom of campus politics and competing political orthodoxies. These are among the issues that tend to militate against the operative liberty of the student to think and to speak as a person. This edited collection is offered as an invitation to think again about the liberal arts in order to recover the meaning of education as the authentic pursuit of the good life or eudemonia.


A dazzling story told in verse of sixteen-year-old Declan Lynch and the girl whose centuries-old voice rings in his head. One day, Declan Lynch, a restless teenager, starts hearing a girl’s voice inside his head. Eventually, he even begins to see her. Though he’s not certain the girl, Rebecca, is real, Declan finds himself falling for her. She shows him visions of places and people he has never seen – places he feels compelled to find in hopes of meeting her. His quest takes him to County Sligo, Ireland, and its “thin places,” spots where the earth and the spirit world seem almost to touch. His slightly crazy Uncle Seamus takes him in, as Declan’s search has him wondering which world he belongs to – his or the one belonging to a girl who might not even be real.


Short-listed for the 2005 CLA Young Adult Canadian Book Award Sixteen-year-old Simon has always been considered odd. Three years ago, a skateboarding accident caused some minor brain damage and made him a little stranger. His career-driven parents mostly leave him alone, and he spends much of his time living in his imagination. When Andrea, whom no one else can see, appears to Simon in class, he is fascinated by her and strikes up a friendship, even though he knows she may be pure hallucination – he’s had imaginary friends before. Andrea says she is there to «help» him, but before the story ends, Simon discovers that it is he who needs to help Andrea, not the other way around.


Winner of the 2003 Ann Connor Brimer Award, short-listed for the 2004 White Pine Award Martin Emerson’s family, friends, and even his therapist have trouble figuring him out. He never showed much of a reaction to the death of his mother, and his behaviour of late has been getting more and more bizarre. And yet, his website – Emerso.com – has made him something of a cult figure to followers who believe that, if not having all the right answers, «Emerso» at least has all the right questions. Shoulder the Sky is a rarity among young adult novels – it challenges the reader with philosophical thought and complex observations.


The most entertaining and instructive book ever written about comparing one thing to another. Ward Farnsworth provides an extraordinarily wide-ranging tour of the most eloquent metaphors, arranged them by theme, with historical and cultural backdrops that inspired their use. There are examples from novelists, playwrights, philosophers, and orators—along with Farnsworth's commentary on how and why they work to bring clarity and power in speech and in writing.