
Gerade eben war der Physiotherapeut Deines Vertrauens da und hat Dir, während der Behandlung Deines Pferdes, Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt und Dir gleichzeitig erklärt, wie Du seine Arbeit unterstützen kannst.
Dieses Buch ist eine sinnvolle praktische Arbeitshilfe mit einer Reihe von Übungen, die Du selber an Deinem Pferd anwenden kannst, um die vom Therapeuten gestellten «Hausaufgaben» umzusetzen.
Die Autorin ist Pferdephysiotherapeutin mit jahrelanger Erfahrung in den Bereichen Physiotherapie, Dorntherapie und Naturheilkunde am Pferd sowie Dozentin an den Paracelsus Schulen.



An essential, no-nonsense resource for academic leaders on effective leadership in higher education In Reframing Academic Leadership , leadership experts Lee Bolman and Joan Gallos provide an essential resource for academic leaders. Adapting Bolman and Deal’s Four Frames model, they focus on the effective leadership in higher education. Colleges and universities are special, and it takes special skills to lead and manage them well. This book is a provocative and pragmatic guide for deans, directors, provosts, and others involved in the important work of building higher education institutions and communities. This edition contains substantial revisions and new material, including new cases and examples. You will gain a thorough understanding of how higher education leadership has changed in light of recent issues like the #MeToo movement, student debt, governing board dynamics, and the adjunctification of the professoriate. You’ll learn how to craft the campus environment you envision, moving forward with practical tools and advice based on a solid conceptual framework. Learn to create a dynamic institution where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Foster creativity and commitment campus-wide, forging alliances and partnerships in service of the mission Building shared vision and campus cultures that unite, inspire, and serving the larger goals of the academy and society Discover concrete ideas for tackling difficult issues, managing conflict, and rising to the next level of leadership excellence Throughout this book, the authors integrate a powerful conceptual framework with rich and compelling real-world cases to support you in your search for the best in yourself and your institution. Reframing Academic Leadership is the resource for anyone seeking to understand, develop, and manage colleges and universities.


Assembles the most important theories in the field of health communication in one comprehensive volume, designed for students and practitioners alike Health Communication Theory is the first book to bring together the theoretical frameworks used in the study and practice of creating, sending, and receiving messages relating to health processes and health care delivery. This timely volume provides easy access to the key theoretical foundations on which health communication theory and practice are based. Students and future practitioners are taught how to design theoretically-grounded research, interventions, and campaigns, while established scholars are presented with new and developing theoretical frameworks to apply to their work. Divided into three parts, the volume first provides a summary and history of the field, followed by an overview of the essential theories and concepts of health communication, such as Problematic Integration Theory and the Cultural Variance Model. Part Two focuses on interpersonal communication and family interaction theories, provider-patient interaction frameworks, and public relations and organizational theories. The final part of the volume centers on theories relevant to information processing and cognition, affective impact, behavior, message effects, and socio-psychology and sociology. Edited by two internationally-recognized experts with extensive editorial and scholarly experience, this first-of-its-kind volume: Provides original chapters written by a group of global scholars working in health communication theory Covers theories unique to interpersonal and organizational contexts, and to health campaigns and media issues Emphasizes the interdisciplinary and collaborative nature of health communication research Includes overviews of basic health communication theory and application Features commentary on future directions in health communication theory Health Communication Theory is an indispensable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying health communication, and for both new and established scholars looking to familiarize themselves with the area of study or seeking a new theoretical frameworks for their research and practice.




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Der Autor hat seine ganz persönlichen und subjektiven Gedanken über Länder, Menschen und Sprache in einem kurzweiligen und informativen Buch zusammengestellt, in dem Allgemeinwissen und verbreitete Irrtümer neben Erstaunlichem und Bemerkenswertem stehen. Die erzählerische und anekdotische Darstellung erleichtert es den Lesern, Fakten im Gedächtnis zu behalten und sie bei passender Gelegenheit abzurufen – sei es im "Small Talk” auf einer Party oder gar bei einem Quiz, wie es der Verfasser gerne selbst spielt. Aus diesem Grund hat er seinem Buch im Anhang auch ein umfangreiches Multiple-Choice-Quiz nachgestellt, das nach der Lektüre leicht zu bewältigen sein sollte und auch online gespielt werden kann (Zugang im Buch). Die Leser erfahren in diesem Buch, ob es zu Neuseeland auch ein altes Seeland gibt und wo es liegt, was ein Seeungeheuer mit unserem Gehirn zu tun hat, dass Mozart nicht Amadeus hieß, weshalb «Super-GAU» unsinnig ist und wir nicht den Begriff «Corona» verwenden sollten, wie Halloween nach Deutschland kam und der «Grundsautag» in die USA, ob Frakturschrift wirklich typisch deutsch ist, wo Briten mit Euro zahlen und ob der Schokoriegel nach dem Planeten oder dem Gott Mars benannt wurde – und vieles mehr.

