
A dramatic look at fraud's role in our financial markets-and how you can protect yourself Fraud In the Markets reveals the critical role fraud played in the global financial crisis-even as many of the perpetrators continue to go unpunished. Shedding light on the reckless conduct of the former senior executives at major Wall Street firms such as Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and others just before their collapse, this timely book shows how the culture of «anything goes» on Wall Street fueled the innovation of exotic but deadly asset-backed securities. A frank insider look at the most dramatic economic and business headlines in recent memory, you will find revealing discussion of The egregiously fraudulent lending practices that engulfed the entire US mortgage industry The brazenly deceptive marketing of asset-backed securities A road map to prevent similar disasters from recurring Fraud in the Markets offers forward-looking advice, with practical guidelines for protecting yourself and your company from various forms of fraud that were found to have played a role in the current economic and financial crisis.


A provocative look at the remarkable contributions of high-skill immigrant entrepreneurs in America Both a revelation and a call-to-action, Immigrant, Inc. explores the uncommon skill and drive of America's new immigrants and their knack for innovation and entrepreneurship. From the techies who created icons of the new economy-Intel, Google, eBay and Sun Microsystems-to the young engineers tinkering with solar power and next-generation car batteries, immigrants have proven themselves to be America's competitive advantage. With a focus on legal immigrants and their odyssey from homeland to start-up, this unique book Explores the psyche, cultural nuances, skills, and business strategies that help immigrants achieve remarkable success Explains how immigrants will create the American jobs of the future-if we let them Whether you are a CEO, a civic leader, or an entrepreneur yourself, Immigrant, Inc. warns of the peril of anti-immigrant attitudes and a hostile immigration process. It also explains how any American can tap their «inner immigrant» to transform their lives and their companies. Written by an immigration lawyer who represents immigrant entrepreneurs and a journalist who specializes in international culture, the authors have a front-row seat to this phenomenon, offering a fascinating glimpse into the mindset of the most persistent entrepreneurs of the era.


An insider's guide to investing in Europe With the U.S. market in shambles, investors are looking for other places to put their money. Europe has become the destination of choice, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Using the different perspectives of an author who lives in Europe and an author who lives in the United States, Invest in Europe Now! is one the most informative guides to making money outside North America. It outlines the best ways to take advantage of the rapidly shifting global financial environment and shows you what indicators to follow, what instruments and markets are best poised for growth, and how to avoid various pitfalls along the way. Outlines the safest ways to invest in Europe and secure the returns you desire Written by a unique author team, which represent both the U.S. and European perspective Discusses how some European markets and stocks are relatively more attractive than their American counterparts Throughout this book, David Kotok and Vincenzo Sciaretta reveal the realities of investing in Europe and how you can benefit from doing so.


An upbeat antidote to the gloom and doom forecasts of the financial future Just about everyone is worried about the economy and markets. And the fear is that they will stay down for a long time. But a few brave voices say that the gloom and doom forecasts are just too pessimistic. Reality is that entrepreneurs don't give up. History is pretty clear, every time the economy is thought to be done, worn out, finished, it bounces back and heads to new highs. In fact, the economy and the markets-counter to conventional wisdom-have started to improve in the first half of 2009. Even housing is showing some signs of life. With It's Not as Bad as You Think, Brian Wesbury, ranked as one of the top economic forecasters by the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, shows you that while the financial future may be hard to predict, it will ultimately be profitable over the long haul. In this easy-to-follow and engaging forecast of the future, Wesbury takes a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly-and debunks the pouting pundits of pessimism to show you how to prosper now and in the future. An optimistic look at the economy and the markets written by one of today's foremost financial forecasters Presents a roadmap to seek opportunities in all the panic Shows you how to analyze economic indicators and government policy to grow your wealth so you don't lose by hiding under the bed A breath of fresh air, Wesbury's objectivity and optimism provide welcome relief to the daily bad news stories, as he sets us all up to capitalize on tomorrow's great possibilities.


The challenge with most companies' talent intelligence is that it is just not that intelligent. Having good talent intelligence—an accurate understanding of the skills, expertise, and qualities of people—is essential for the people decisions that all businesses make. Yet despite its vital importance, most organizations appear to be failing at this critical task. The reason lies in talent measurement: how companies produce their talent intelligence and then use it. Written by Nik Kinley and Shlomo Ben-Hur—two experts in the field—this book draws on the latest research to show how businesses can transform the value and impact of their talent intelligence to make sure they get the right people in the right roles. When that happens, all their talent management and development activities are built on an accurate understanding of the talent available to them. Filled with illustrative examples, the book shows how to overcome the stumbling blocks that stand in the way of successful talent intelligence and reveals step-by-step what organizations need to measure, how they can best do so, and how they can successfully implement measurement and use the results. As the authors explain, knowing what methods and tools to use is just part of the challenge: the bigger issue for many firms is ensuring they know how to use them and make the best use of the intelligence they provide.


Not your average business self-help book, Impact! is a 'total person' development guide that says 'who you are impacts everything you do’. It doesn't focus on what's wrong with you but rather what's right with you so that you can turn your potential into performance. The secret to success and fulfillment-both professionally and personally-is that you should stop trying to 'fit in' and become what others want you to be; that you can become more productive, powerful, and passionate by becoming more of who you were meant to be instead. Why? Because no longer is there any separation between who you are and what you do! With step-by-step strategies and smart insight, you will learn how to have significant positive impact in your life and in your career; you'll learn how to unlock your personal power; live your life with purpose; appreciate your family; identify your greatest gifts and talents; value your failures and learn from them; stand up for yourself; give yourself permission to stand out; and start to ask for what you want. Best of all, you will learn how to be seen, heard and celebrated for being authentic – for being exactly who you are. Serious advice for women who want to live passionate, successful, and happier lives at home and professionally Shows you how to re-engage with yourself, figure out what you want and why you want it, and take charge of your career and life Author Nancy Solomon is an expert in the field of personal development and human potential The key to Impact! lies in knowing yourself intimately, leading your life from the inside out, and using your strengths to become happier and more fulfilled. Impact! shows you who you are, where you're going and how to get there. It also helps you to get out of your own way!


Praise for Living for the Weekday «If you want to have a team where leaders and employees are working hand-in-hand to build a culture of employee engagement, then you need to read this book. I'm confident it will help you become a weekday warrior.» —Jon Gordon bestselling author of The Energy Bus and Soup «In Living for the Weekday, Clint Swindall has rounded out a powerful message. Each individual has a personal responsibility, a singular opportunity to be highly engaged as an employee and, more importantly, highly productive and happy in all aspects of life.»—Barry Malcolm, Managing Director, Scotiabank Bahamas Ltd. «If you want to unlock your potential and the potential of those around you, Living for the Weekday is a must read.» —Mike Crownover, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Valero Energy Corporation «Employee engagement is a two-way street with both employers and employees responsible for creating a positive and productive work environment… Living for the Weekday presents employees with a practical and powerful approach to taking control of their own happiness.»—Roger C. Ahlfeld Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Training, Uno Chicago Grill «Clint Swindall lays out a clear plan that anyone can apply to become more engaged in their work and in their lives.» —Dennis Snow, author of Unleashing Excellence


The importance of the life's work of mutual fund pioneer and investing legend John C. Bogle The Man in the Arena offers the essence of John C. Bogle's thinking and the meaning of his life's work, which transformed individual investing to benefit tens of millions of investors. Through Bogle's own words—as well as the voices of others whose hearts and minds he touched—the book touches on topics he cares about most deeply: Vanguard, indexing, corporate governance, and a fiduciary society. From Vanguard shareholders to true giants in finance, one cannot read their words without being struck by their sheer intensity. Bogle's parade of admirers is passionate. It is led by, arguably, the two most acclaimed leaders of our day—in the world of investing and the public life of the world—Warren Buffett and President Bill Clinton. The book is a first take at putting Bogle's life work into a broader context. It includes some of Bogle's classic essays and leads to an agenda of reform Bogle feels is essential to preserve our democratic republic. It features insight on the man from such commentators as Arthur Levitt, Burton Malkiel, Paul Volcker, and many more. Features wisdom and commentary on the career and life of legendary investor John C. Bogle Presents a summary of Bogle's prominent and successful career, as well as his investing strategies Includes commentary from a Who's Who of top investors


Your people hold the key to your business success Make Your People Before You Make Your Products is an authoritative guide to the evolution of talent management. Written specifically for HR professionals this book describes how organizations can gain a global competitive edge through better management of talent resources. With a practice-based philosophy, readers will learn more effective talent management strategies for a complex market in which people are often the only competitive advantage. Inclusivity is emphasized, and discussion centres on innovative, dynamic, fluid approaches to talent acquisition, development, and retention. In today's market environment, talent has moved from audience to community while leadership has shifted from control to empowerment. Traditional, linear approaches to talent management are falling short, and directing resources solely to senior management and HIPOs is no longer a valid strategy. This book provides practical guidance on more modern approaches, helping organizations to: Attract and retain the best talent by expanding talent resource management Augment traditional management methods with more dynamic techniques Develop a talent strategy that recognizes the new diversity of supply and demand Consider the evolving roles of talent and leadership in a global context Contextual changes in workplace dynamics necessitate an updated approach for keeping the best people on board and using them to their utmost potential. Talent management is a driving force behind an organization's success, affecting outcomes by every major metric – if the strategy becomes stale, success is no longer sustainable. Make Your People Before You Make Your Products is guide toward developing an organization's greatest asset.


Rank higher in search results with this guide to SEO and content building supremacy Google is not only the number one search engine in the world, it is also the number one website in the world. Only 5 percent of site visitors search past the first page of Google, so if you're not in those top ten results, you are essentially invisible. Winning the Game of Googleopoly is the ultimate roadmap to Page One Domination. The POD strategy is what gets you on that super-critical first page of Google results by increasing your page views. You'll learn how to shape your online presence for Search Engine Optimization, effectively speaking Google's language to become one of the top results returned for relevant queries. This invaluable resource provides a plan that is universal to any business in any industry, and provides expert guidance on tailoring the strategy to best suit your organization. Coverage includes an explanation of the mechanics of a search, and how to tie your website, paid ads, online reputation, social media, content, images, and video into a winning SEO strategy that pushes you to the front of the line. The Page One Domination strategy incorporates all the ways in which you can beef up your Internet presence and online reputation. This book is a clear, straightforward guide that will knock down the silos of the Internet and teach you exactly how to integrate all aspects of content creation into a synergistic, SEO strategy. Understand how search engines return results Design an effective, all-encompassing SEO strategy Create the content that gets page views and improves rank Optimize social media and video as part of an overall SEO plan The rules of SEO are always changing, and following outdated rules can actually work against you, burying you at the bottom of the pile. This book will spark a paradigm shift in how you think about SEO and gives you the tools you need to craft a strategy tailored to your specific market. To be successful, you need to be on page one of Google, and Winning the Game of Googleopoly can show you how to get there.