
A straightforward guide to trading today's dynamic Forex market Written by Wayne McDonell, the Chief Currency Coach at FX Bootcamp, this book shows readers how to successfully trade the Forex market on their own. FX Bootcamp's Guide to Strategic and Tactical Forex Trading skillfully explains how to combine popular technical indicators to formulate a comprehensive market strategy. Readers will then learn how to focus on using this information to create a tactical trading plan–one that will help them pull the trigger to get in and out of a trade. Along the way, McDonell takes the time to discuss the various challenges a Forex trader faces, such as greed, fear, loss, and isolation. As a Forex trader and educator of traders, Wayne McDonell knows what it takes to make it in the competitive world of Forex. And with FX Bootcamp's Guide to Strategic and Tactical Forex Trading he shows readers how.


Книга детально рассказывает, как правильно обучить команду новым методам и принципам Agile, кто такой agile-коуч, почему он играет одну из самых важных ролей в получении нужного результата, и что необходимо, чтобы стать профессиональным agile-коучем. "Лисса Адкинс пришла в agile, имея более чем 15-летний успешный опыт руководства проектами. Несмотря на весь этот опыт она не была готова к тому, какой мощью и простотой обладает agile. Она имеет опыт работы в качестве коуча с многочисленными командами, а также была наставником для других коучей в течение нескольких последних лет. Проводя тренинги для коучей один на один и в небольших группах, Лисса занимает лидирующую позицию как специалист, который готовит незаурядных agile-коучей, и продолжает привлекать самых лучших из тех команд, с которыми она работает. Опыт работы в agile, наряду с ее способностями как коуча и тренера, открывает перед Лизой видение, необходимое для направления команд и agile-менеджеров по пути, где agile рассматривается как оружие конкурентного преимущества, которое следовало иметь в виду. Она знает, что путь трансформации скалист. Лисса прошла путь от коуча и тренера до руководителя крупномасштабной программы и директора офиса проектного управления. Благодаря этому она обладает уникальной способностью помогать другим менять существующий мир на agile-мир. Лисса обладает тремя сертификатами: Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), Project Management Professional (PMP) и Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB). Она также прошла обучение coactive coach.


Современные навыки управления безнадежно устарели. Традиционные рецепты, предлагаемые книгами по организационному развитию, оказываются частью проблемы, а не ее решением. Автор этой книги, основываясь на многолетнем глубоком исследовании, рассказывает, какими станут организации будущего, построенные на абсолютно иных принципах, – цельными, самоуправляемыми и эволюционными. Он показывает, как такие компании развиваются – и с нуля, и эволюционируя из существующих организаций. Это книга для собственников бизнеса, руководителей, коучей, консультантов, студентов и всех, кто интересуется менеджментом и организационным развитием." "Фредерик Лалу работает консультантом, коучем и фасилитатором, помогая тем лидерам, которые готовы перейти к принципиально новым моделям организаций. Лалу – бывший партнер McKinsey & Company и обладатель степени MBA. Сам автор о себе говорит так: «Я живу просто, много времени провожу с детишками и женой в тиши сада. Путешествую я не очень часто, но всегда с радостью готов выступить и рассказать о своей книге. С руководителями, которые чувствуют себя призванными принципиально трансформировать свои организации в соответствии с идеями в книге, я часто работаю в качестве спарринг-партнера, выслушивая их вопросы и задавая свои, внося предложения и давая советы».


The Management Bible is the most comprehensive book on the topic of management available anywhere. It offers in-depth coverage of the entire range of essential topics for today’s managers and supervisors—from beginners to seasoned veterans—and includes practical, effective solutions for the everyday problems every manager faces. In addition, the book also includes proven tips and tactics that help managers grow into more effective, efficient leaders. Authors Bob Nelson and Peter Economy reveal everything you need to know to keep up with today’s rapidly changing business environment, including such topics as hiring and firing, motivating employees, development and coaching, delegating authority, communication and teamwork, and much more.


THE SINGLE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SOURCE OF COMMODITY AND FUTURES MARKET INFORMATION AVAILABLE Since 1939, professional traders, commercial hedgers, portfolio managers, and speculators have come to regard The CRB Commodity Yearbook as the 'bible' of the industry. Here is a wealth of authoritative data, gathered from government reports, private industry, and trade and industry associations, all compiled by the Commodity Research Bureau, the organization of record for the entire commodity industry itself. Absolutely essential for identifying changing trends in supply and demand and for projecting important price movements, the Yearbook gives the investor: * Worldwide supply/demand and production/consumption data for all the basic commodities and futures markets-from A(luminum) to Z(inc), including all the major markets in interest rates, currencies, energy, and stock index futures * Over 900 tables, graphs, and price charts of historical data, many of which show price history dating back to 1900 * Fact filled CD-ROM: As an added bonus to this year's edition, a companion CD-ROM has been included to provide readers with valuable commodity information in an easy-to-use electronic format * Concise introductory articles that describe the salient features of each commodity and help put the quantitative information in perspective * Articles by prominent professionals on key markets and important issues concerning the commodity industry. The 2004 Yearbook features articles by CRB Chief Economist, Richard W. Asplund, including: «Major Commodity Bull Market Emerges in 2003,» «U.S. Economic Surge Drives Global Economic Recovery,» «Free-Trade Talks Produce Some Successes but Move from Global to Regional,» and «China Breaks Out as a Major Player in Global Commodity and Financial Markets.» For anyone dealing in commodities, The CRB Commodity Yearbook 2004 offers an abundance of valuable information and indispensable guidance for decision-making.


Expert instruction on the practical applications of candlestick charting Candlestick charting is more popular than ever before, with a legion of new traders and investors being introduced to the concept by some of today’s hottest investment gurus. Having introduced the candlestick technique to the West through two of his bestselling books, Steve Nison is regarded as a luminary in the field of candlestick charting. In his new venture, The Candlestick Course, Nison explains patterns of varying complexity and tests the reader’s knowledge with quizzes, Q&As, and intensive examples. In accessible and easy-to-understand language, this book offers expert instruction on the practical applications of candlestick charting to give every level of investor a complete understanding of this proven, profitable, and time-tested investing technique. Straightforward answers quickly clarify this easy-to-use charting method. This guide will allow readers to recognize and implement various candlestick patterns and lines in today’s real-world trading environment–giving them a noticeable edge in their trading activities


Nothing has changed the markets more in the last few years than the advent of direct access, the combination of NASDAQ Level II quotes and direct order routing which together enable savvy traders to «hit» bids and offers and go up against the market makers. But just having access to these tools is not enough. Knowing how to use the tools-quickly and expertly-is key. In The NASDAQ Trader's Toolkit, a former market maker reveals the secrets of NASDAQ trading systems.


It takes a special set of trading skills to thrive in today's intensely volatile markets, where point swings of plus or minus 200 points can occur on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. The Volatility Course arms stock and options traders with those skills. George Fontanills and Tom Gentile provide readers with a deeper understanding of market volatility and the forces that drive it. They develop a comprehensive road map detailing how to identify its ups and downs. And they describe proven strategies and tools for quantifying volatility and confidently developing plans tailored to virtually any given market condition. The companion workbook provides step-by-step exercises to help you master the strategies outlined in The Volatility Course before putting them into action in the markets.


Understand derivatives in a nonmathematical way Financial Derivatives, Third Edition gives readers a broad working knowledge of derivatives. For individuals who want to understand derivatives without getting bogged down in the mathematics surrounding their pricing and valuation Financial Derivatives, Third Edition is the perfect read. This comprehensive resource provides a thorough introduction to financial derivatives and their importance to risk management in a corporate setting.


The follow-up to Victor Niederhoffer's critically and commercially acclaimed book The Education of a Speculator has finally arrived. Practical Speculation continues the story of a true market legend who ran a hugely successful futures trading firm that had annual returns of over thirty percent until unforeseen losses forced him to close operations. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Niederhoffer returned to the world of trading stocks, futures, and options, with a new colleague and a new approach and found success. Order your copy of this compelling story of risk and survival today.