
Anders was pretty sure he was going to die. No one had yet flown the new-style jet job and lived to tell the tale. A story both chilling and heart-warming that shows us how bravely the human equation can operate when the chips are stacked against it.


This was love, and what could be done about it? It’s been happening to guys for a long time, now.


Septimus Spink didn’t need to read Jules Verne’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth.” He had more amazing ideas of his own.


Then his hand caught an arm and he exerted his full strength. The entire arm tore away from its shoulder . . . .


Roger Arcot explores the fringes of a really never forgotten world, the introduction to which is an aged manuscript De Necromantiae, and the wish, not too repressed, to pledge your soul to the Devil! There are many strange memories and unhappy frustrated souls in this Fantastic Universe of ours—strange and sinister memories and stranger urges, frightening urges that refuse to die in the heart of Brother Ambrose.


The two professors couldn’t agree on the fundamentals of child behavior. But that was before they met little Herbux!


Once these irritating farewells were over with, he could begin to live as he wished and as he’d dreamed.


Deep in the Future he found the answer to Man’s age-old problem.


When he opened the door to the shed that day, and saw the axe suspended in mid-air, he understood what was wrong.


The flight into space that made Pilot-Capt. Dan Barstow famous.