
Spud, world-famous dummy, talks to Mars with surprising results.


New neighbors are always exciting. But the anachronistic MacDonalds offered a bit too much.


From where had these attacking Indians come? Out of a long forgotten and dim past? Had their medicine man seen the one supreme vision?


Most men of middle age would welcome a chance to live their lives a second time. But Coulter did not.


It didn’t matter that he had quit. He was still one of the guilty. He had seen it in her eyes and in the eyes of others.


A world had collapsed around this man—a world that would never shout his praises again. The burned-out cities were still and dead, the twisted bodies and twisted souls giving him their last salute in death. And now he was alone, alone surrounded by memories, alone and waiting . . .


The secret lay hidden at the end of nine landings, and Medusa-dark was one man’s search for it—in the strangest journey ever made.


Sally watched the molten gold glow in the sky. Then knew she would not see her son and her husband ever again on Earth.


“Now this here planet,” he said cautiously, “is whacky in a lot of ways. First of all they call it Mert. Just plain Mert. And they live in houses strictly from Dickens, all carriages, no sewers, narrow streets, stuff like that.” But that wasn’t all . . . . Travis, in reaching Diomed III before any others, found himself waging a one-man fight against more than this; he was bucking the strangest way of life you have ever heard of!


Stark disaster to a brave lad in space may—to the mind that loves—be a tragedy pridefully concealed.