
Who, but the imaginative young, shall inherit the stars?


The little house pet from Venus didn’t like New York, so New York had to change.


Cutter demanded more and more and more efficiency—and got it! But, as in anything, enough is enough, and too much is …


The remarkable thing about Atummyc Afterbath Dusting Powder was that it gave you that lovely, radiant, atomic look—just the way the advertisements said it would. In fact, it also gave you a little something more!


The aliens wooed Earth with gifts, love, patience and peace. Who could resist them? After all, no one shoots Santa Claus!


When Uncle Peter decided to clean out the underworld, it was a fine thing for the town, but it was tough on the folks in Tibet.


To some passengers a maiden voyage was a pleasure cruise; to others it meant a hope for new life. Only the Captain knew of its danger!


What made the mass of this tiny asteroid fluctuate in defiance of all known physical laws? It was an impossible fact—but then, so was the girl who they knew couldn’t exist!


There was a reason why his scripts were smash hits—they had realism. And why not? He was reliving every scene and emotion in them!


Invading Earth was going to be a cinch, the Triomed scout decided. But to make certain he must study its inhabitants—as one of them!