
Author Julie Woodley has experienced physical, emotional, and mental trauma, but through a deep trust in the promises of God and transforming experience of the Father's love, she has moved from broken to beautiful. She has embraced a life of joy that defies the expectations of others, but stands as a testimony to the profound healing power of God's grace. Join her on your own journey to wholeness.


Psychosis has taken over. God's brain is gone. There is no cure. There is only God. There is only us. The Psychosis of God is about exploring the divine through the mentally ill amongst us. The image of our creator is the only tool we have for liberating God. The prison of our normative expectations steals our capacity for divine connection. Wake up! The mentally ill God is here to set the captives free. Think right! Perfection is now found in defection. Look out! Crazy is the only way out of this world alive.


A minnow and a whale. A flea and an elephant. Can this assortment of unlikely creatures assist us with the spiritual conflicts we face everyday?
Yes. By presenting Biblical truths in parable form. Humorous but pithy stories told by these four unique characters offer insight into the words of the Apostle Paul in II Corinthians 4:18. «So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For the seen is temporary, while what is unseen is eternal.»


Nourishing Seeds of Faith is an interdenominational collection of mini-sermons that teach four- to eight-year-olds in worship services about God and how God wants them to live. Fun activities and simple language that children understand show pastors, laity, and home-schoolers ways to attract children and hold their attention. Beginning with Advent, the messages follow the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Interspersed throughout the book are topics appropriate for seasonal and secular holidays as well. Each five- to ten-minute sermon includes its theme, Scripture reference, preparation tips, and a prayer. «Stretching Further» presents ideas for extending the teaching and involvement of the listeners.


In a world marked by the effects of colonial displacements, slavery's auction block, and the modern observatory stance, can Christian theology adequately imagine racial reconciliation? What factors have created our society's racialized optic–a view by which nonwhite bodies are objectified, marginalized, and destroyed–and how might such a gaze be resisted? Is there hope for a church and academy marked by difference rather than assimilation? This book pursues these questions by surveying the works of Willie James Jennings and J. Kameron Carter, who investigate the genesis of the racial imagination to suggest a new path forward for Christian theology. Jennings and Carter both mount critiques of popular contemporary ways of theologically imagining Christian identity as a return to an ethic of virtue. Through fresh reads of both the «tradition» and liberation theology, these scholars point to the particular Jewish flesh of Jesus Christ as the ground for a new body politic. By drawing on a vast array of biblical, theological, historical, and sociological resources, including communal experiments in radical joining, A Theology of Race and Place builds upon their theological race theory by offering an ecclesiology of joining that resists the aesthetic hegemony of whiteness.


Our very existence on a planet that is lost in a universe that defies measurement is a miracle beyond our comprehension. We are guests on an extremely rare and beautiful planet that God has prepared for us to care for and enjoy. We need to realize the importance of this gift and praise and thank God for his love for us. We are his creation and we need to share his love with others. He loved us first. Isaiah 44:24 reads, «Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.» In the beginning it was God's breath that created man as a spiritual being. We have both a physical body and a spirit. We also have free will that allows us to make the decision to accept or reject the belief that Jesus (God's only Son) came to this earth to die for our sins that our spirits may live forever with God our Creator. It is God's grace, mercy, and love that allows miracles to take place today.


Abraham Joshua Heschel said that, «We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we have the answers.» He believed that to be a Christian is not to be a person who knows all the answers but one who «lives in the part of the self where the question is constantly being born.»
Most of us don't think very much about our questions. In our culture, we are accustomed to being able to find out answers to nearly any question just by typing it into Google search or asking Siri. But behind any answer, there is always a question. Sometimes, the question isn't clear to us; sometimes, it is not very well articulated, even to ourselves. But it is always there.
In over thirty years as a psychotherapist and spiritual director, Peter C. Wilcox has seen how the questions people ask themselves have shaped their lives in some very important ways. This book is an invitation to see how important it is to learn how to ask the right questions about our lives. This is because our choice of questions leads us on a path of discovery towards answers that help us to grow spiritually and psychologically. Our questions orient our lives and give direction to us. We will see that they enable us to make fifteen choices that have a tremendous impact on the kind of person we become.


When we enter the temple, we enter heaven (Orthodox idea). When we go to church, we enter the kingdom of heaven. Heaven and earth are made one. It is the marriage of heaven and earth. At Christ's incarnation and at his death and resurrection, the cosmos was redeemed. The fall unraveling. We still must carry our cross and die daily, eventually physically. But there is great hope. When we follow Christ, we are transformed in this life and at the resurrection. Grace has become incarnate in Jesus Christ. Grace transforms us as we follow him. Beyond the Veil is a fictional tale of these theological realities. The story is a Dantean tale revealing that sin destroys, but the greatness and goodness of God's forgiveness, grace, and love mends all things. The medieval cosmic structure is the backbone of the story. Even C. S. Lewis shows up disguised as N. W. Clerk. The story's purpose is to instill wonder and delight in the reader. Wonder and delight of the cosmic redemption; the beauty, truth, and goodness of what God has created. The created order is in disarray but will be renewed as on the day of its creation. In addition to the story, the Appendix features several poems complementing the ideas of the tale.


Anthony Acampora knows firsthand the power of Spirit-fueled compassion and the incredible impact the Word of God can have on a broken life. Through Christ he has overcome tremendous suffering and loss. The same kind of straightforward love and counsel he received he now offers to you through The Impact Devotional Series. Anthony also brings to bear years of experience as a chaplain, biblical counselor, ministry director, and spiritual growth consultant in this powerful volume of devotionals meant to be read, not sequentially, but as the Holy Spirit leads you. Let Anthony come alongside you, as he has so many others, to give you hope, encouragement, and determination to face today's trials by the power of the one who leads us through all troubles victoriously–Jesus Christ.


God for an Old Man blends elements of careful academic thought about God with elements of personal autobiography and memoir. The author is deeply influenced by modern process thought about God, stemming from the thought of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne, but he also describes his own life as a child, adult, and now a person entering his eighties. The central premise is that a person cannot write about a meaningful God without taking seriously the meaning, conflict, loss, and joy in one's own life. Thomas M. Dicken is immersed in both literature and visual art. He explores the ways in which art and literature can evoke a sense of ultimacy, even though we can never attain certain knowledge of the ultimate. Just as the psychiatrist Erik Erikson wrote about major stages in human lives, Dicken writes with a sense of fulfillment about the insights and values of old age. Old age is the age of wisdom, a time for offering younger people the insight that all the stages of life have been very much worth living. This is not a book of easy or dogmatic answers; it is a book of honest exploration.