
It was God's love for His creation that allowed Moses, Elijah, James, Peter, and John to unfold God's plan for all mankind. These saints were sanctified and chosen to be witnesses to the transfiguration and deity of God's only Son Jesus Christ. These witnesses were recognized and honored by God for their obedience and faithfulness. All of mankind has been richly blessed by these men of God, as they became servants of God in accomplishing many great miracles.
These specific saints were allowed to see Jesus in all His glory as He was transformed from His earthly body to the holy splendor of His heavenly body. This experience was terrifying for the apostles and was seared into their very being. From that day forward God would use the apostles James, Peter, and John in unfolding God's love and plan for all of mankind.
First Kings 19:12 reads, «And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.»
God spoke to Elijah and to the souls of men in a still small voice of love, grace, and mercy.


This book provides a detailed analysis of the Messiah's bloodline that reveals many important concepts related to the human condition of mankind. The analysis expands our understanding of the scope of God's love for all of mankind. The bloodline includes God's patriarchs, many godly kings, many women who were gentiles, and men who were evil. The Messiah's bloodline reflects a cross section of mankind and fulfills Old Testament prophecies. The bloodline is the introduction to God's only Son, Jesus, and his life, death, and resurrection. God loves and communes with his creation on a daily basis. The only possible way for God to continue his relationship with man beyond death was to send his only Son to act as an escape for the penalty of sin. At no time has the bloodline of the Messiah been more important than now. The worship of idols and the new paganism of today are very dangerous and extremely contagious to all of mankind. 1 Peter 2:9 reads, «But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.»


Our very existence on a planet that is lost in a universe that defies measurement is a miracle beyond our comprehension. We are guests on an extremely rare and beautiful planet that God has prepared for us to care for and enjoy. We need to realize the importance of this gift and praise and thank God for his love for us. We are his creation and we need to share his love with others. He loved us first. Isaiah 44:24 reads, «Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.» In the beginning it was God's breath that created man as a spiritual being. We have both a physical body and a spirit. We also have free will that allows us to make the decision to accept or reject the belief that Jesus (God's only Son) came to this earth to die for our sins that our spirits may live forever with God our Creator. It is God's grace, mercy, and love that allows miracles to take place today.