
This commentary on Revelation is for those who are looking for an easy-to-read, biblically central, and Christologically focused commentary on one of the most intriguing books of the Bible. It is a shame that pastors and followers of Jesus avoid the book of Revelation because of the confusing theories they heard about in the past, or just too many movies! This commentary attempts to get away from the needless debate (though different views are presented) and focus the reader's attention on the primary focus of the book, the Lamb of God. The Lamb holds history in his hand by virtue of his eternal authority and his invested authority because of the blood that he spilled and his testimony. Therein lies his victory, and therein lies the victory for those who follow him.


This book provides a detailed analysis of the Messiah's bloodline that reveals many important concepts related to the human condition of mankind. The analysis expands our understanding of the scope of God's love for all of mankind. The bloodline includes God's patriarchs, many godly kings, many women who were gentiles, and men who were evil. The Messiah's bloodline reflects a cross section of mankind and fulfills Old Testament prophecies. The bloodline is the introduction to God's only Son, Jesus, and his life, death, and resurrection. God loves and communes with his creation on a daily basis. The only possible way for God to continue his relationship with man beyond death was to send his only Son to act as an escape for the penalty of sin. At no time has the bloodline of the Messiah been more important than now. The worship of idols and the new paganism of today are very dangerous and extremely contagious to all of mankind. 1 Peter 2:9 reads, «But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.»


What is reality? Most people in the modern world are ignorant of metaphysical realities, not to mention the prevalence of semantic confusion, and therefore Wynand de Beer aims to counter this ignorance and confusion. He employs numerous insights from classical Greek philosophy and traditional Christian theology in order to discuss the various levels of reality, ranging from the highest (the divine) to the lowest (the material). The author then deals with a range of philosophical and theological themes in the light of the preceding discussion. These include well-being and love, time and eternity, good and evil, truth and knowledge, and the survival of the soul beyond bodily death, which is the only kind of immortality that human beings may attain. A lengthy chapter also deals with the manifestation of higher levels of consciousness in religion, mathematics, and music. In the later chapters of the book, the author subjects salient aspects of the Western sociocultural phenomenon known as «political correctness» to critical scrutiny. In the process, these ideologically driven and media-promoted «isms» are contrasted with both Hellenic and Christian thought, and the penetrating writings of traditionalist and/or anti-modernist thinkers from different parts of the world.


The twenty-seven poems in this collection were written over a period of many years. They vary greatly in style and length. The poems in the first two sections are lyrical. Natural beauty evokes wonder and tugs at memory. Creatures dance and sing. There is joy. The last poem in Part II, «The Generations,» shifts tone abruptly. There is conflict and loss. In the end, with the dolphins, beauty renews hope. «The Generations» is a bridge to the complex narrative poems and dramatic lyrics in Part III. Here the tragic is displayed, but also the divine power that redeems it. Part IV plunges into our modern abyss. The poems are an anguished cry from the heart of the fog enveloping our civilization. The long poem, «The Fog,» evokes the plight of lost and lonely individuals tending their private campfires in the night of the world, cut off from transcendence and marooned in the abstract unreality of the digital universe. Part V carries forward this momentum, referencing the genocidal violence of our age, but then moves from darkness and horror up into the light of revelation and peace.


Cornelius Van Til's Doctrine of God and Its Relevance for Contemporary Hermeneutics seeks to answer the question, «What does Van Til have to do with hermeneutics?» It is argued that some of the most relevant concerns in the field of contemporary hermeneutics are similar to those addressed by Van Til in the area of apologetics. Van Til's approach involved a self-conscious consistency between method and theology proper in order to reason according to the Christian worldview found in Scripture. Just as one's apologetic method should be consistent with the theology revealed in the Bible, so also should one's hermeneutic. This work not only argues that Van Til has an important place in the hermeneutical discussion, but also demonstrates his place in terms of the main contours in his doctrine of God. In doing so, certain influences on evangelical hermeneutics are considered according to consistency with theology proper. Lastly, a Van Tillian hermeneutic is applied to the often-debated issue concerning the New Testament use of the Old Testament.


The question «What is human nature?» is in vogue today. Like everything else, this concept is being deconstructed in the context of the reigning ideology of individualistic materialism. Is there a fixed human nature, or is this simply a manipulatable social construct with no objective reference? This book says: «Yes, there is: the imago Dei: man/woman created in the image of God.» Hobson argues that this text from Genesis 1:26-28 is a God-given anthropological revelation that establishes the relational bond of human beings with their Creator and also with his creation, for which the imago equips us to be responsible stewards. Many of Hobson's essays were delivered as talks in parishes. They explore from multiple angles the import of the imago Dei for theological and sacramental reflection, apologetics, aesthetics, art, and, at a hands-on practical level, for pastoral counseling and inner healing. His texts, one of which opens with a discussion of genocide, contain incisive critiques of the dark side of modernity alongside wide-ranging demonstrations of the pertinence of the imago Dei to the current debates about human dignity and rights. His book is a ringing call to the church to take the measure of the value of this anthropological revelation for its proclamation of the gospel.


While the message of the Bible remains the same, different insights may add new light. In this commentary attempt is made to interact with the text of the letters of John, especially as we have it in the Greek New Testament. The meaning of the word is not seen as the end but only as the basis upon which to relate the message to the present needs of the church.
The church is both guardian of truth and instrument of love. These two themes are repeatedly found in the epistles of John, and as they are discussed in this commentary the writer seeks to provoke the reader to reflect on how he/she can keep on improving in them. In our times, with so many displaced persons, hospitality is increasingly becoming an aspect of Christian love the church cannot run away from. These are matters that this book calls attention to, as they are raised by the biblical text itself.
I am grateful to others who have also given their time and energy in providing their insights on the same epistles. May the Lord use all the efforts to build a strong church for our time and many years to come!


This work is a one-month devotional that offers guidance and inspiration to individuals who have failed God in some way and are finding it difficult to accept his forgiveness and forgive themselves. This devotional demonstrates God's unfailing love for his creation and offers insights into the word of God, while providing practical steps to overcoming feelings of guilt and condemnation and embracing forgiveness and joy.


The primary goal of this commentary is to focus attention on what mattered most to Ezekiel and to craft a direction and scope of application that the prophet himself would recognize were he to preach to God's people today. In addition to focusing on the most urgent interpretive issues of the text, another goal of this commentary is to explain in simple terms the reasons behind significant translation differences. Embedded in some verses in Ezekiel are particularly complicated or troubling biblical-theological issues. Special topical discussions address these at appropriate locations throughout the commentary.


What does it mean that the Psalms are the prayer book of the people? Rocking Like It's All Intermezzo: Twenty-first-Century Psalm Responsorials is one such person's prayer book. Using familiar refrains as their starting points, the poems attempt a balance between how the psalmist understood God's faithfulness and how the poet's lived experience requires revised understanding in some places, renewed commitment in others. In addition to an insightful foreword by acclaimed poet Sofia M. Starnes, these sixty-four poems tell of an intimate, honest reorientation to God's promises.