

The desire and struggle to pray pulses through this spiritually resonant collection in forms as various as psalms, Tai Chi, meditation, needlework, lament, and thanksgiving. Even poems not overtly about prayer lead the reader into prayer-like contemplation as the poet considers war, environmental devastation, corporate greed, and poverty as personal, as well as sociopolitical, subjects.
Crossing borders between the distant and the local, the historic and the contemporary, I Call to You from Time also reaches beyond the temporal to the eternal. Poems responding to paintings of the Virgin Mary are echoed in others about the poet's own motherhood and her son's deployments to–and wounding in–Iraq and Afghanistan. The poet discovers Our Lady of Guadalupe emblazoned on a toss pillow at Walmart and encounters the Virgin Mary at a rest stop in Nebraska. Laundry hung in a neighbor's yard recalls Tibetan prayer flags, while deers' hoof prints in the snowy woods lead to evidence of fracking.
Personal, political, and planetary brokenness are encountered throughout, yet the poems in I Call to You from Time seek to create from their shards a mosaic of meaning in which we find ourselves connected to one another and to the divine.


Look Closely is the eighth collection of haiku by this author. His first, The Healing Spirit of Haiku (2004 & 2014), was co-authored with Joel Weishaus. White Rose, Red Rose (2017) was written with Johnny Baranski. His five other collections are as follows: Clouds and More Clouds (2013), Spelunking Through Life (2016), Living With Evergreens (2017), In Search of the Hidden Pond (2017), and Torii Haiku (2018). Haiku is magical, as it allows for an immediate experience of the moment captured by each small poem. Welcome to the journey and pay close attention to each tiny poem.


Keeping the Dream Alive contains full-color images of Harriet Lorence Nesbitt's art, giving an overview of her unique life and style. This monographic reflection explores the historical context of Nesbitt's work. William David Spencer's afterword contextualizes Harriet's vision as an advocate for the mentally ill, an artist, and a political columnist, describing how and why Harriet's life and art pulsed with vibrancy.


Over the years there have been many treatments of Paul's theology that have focused on what the churches he wrote to were like, and what that might mean for today. However, what Paul says about relationships between churches has been frequently neglected, or only briefly considered. This book analyzes Paul's use of the word «church» as well as family imagery, holiness language, body imagery, and Paul's understanding of imitation and apostleship to demonstrate the breadth of his understanding of relationships between churches, of inter-church solidarity. Inter-church solidarity is shown to be integral to Paul's understanding of church from the earliest letters, and the book exposes a rich tapestry of relationships that should challenge and encourage the church in the twenty-first century.


The Protevangelium of James tells stories about the life of the Virgin Mary that are absent from the New Testament Gospels: her miraculous birth to Anna and Joachim, her upbringing in the temple, and her marriage at the age of twelve to the aged widower Joseph. The text also adds significant details to the well-known stories of Jesus' conception, birth, and escape from the slaughter of innocents perpetrated by Herod the Great. Despite its noncanonical status, the Protevangelium of James was extremely influential in churches of the East, and since its publication in the West in the sixteenth-century has captured the imagination of readers all over the world. This study edition presents a fresh, new translation of the text with cross-references, notes, and commentary. The extensive introduction makes accessible the most recent scholarship in studies on Mary in Christian apocrypha, offers new insights into the text's provenance and relationship to Judaism, and discusses the text's contributions to art and literature.


For centuries, Christian denominations have fought over whose practices are most holy or sacred. While the different branches of Christ's teachings have been arguing, fighting, and killing amongst themselves, the Devil and his evil thoughts have been able to roam free and strike fear into the hearts of man and society. Alas comes a poetry collection to unite all individuals under one Christian banner, and celebrate our favorite heroes of God. This poetry book aims to find commonality amongst all who enjoy and know the scripture to be true. From Noah and King David to Paul and the apostles, this collection of lyrics celebrates the good fight of God and his soldiers. It highlights and analyzes who these biblical figures were back then, and what they symbolize now in the modern world. This book is for love. This book is for faith. This declaration and imaginative journey is for God, who is great. Let these new words ignite a new inspiration and hope. In the name of The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit, I pray. Amen.


In seventeenth-century France, Jeanne Guyon wrote about God, «I loved him, and I burned with his fire because I loved him, and I loved him in such a way that I could love only him, but in loving him I had no motive save himself.» She called this the pure love of God. Guyon traveled throughout Europe teaching others how to pray and her books became popular bestsellers. She expressed her Christian faith that Jesus Christ lives within our interior life. As Guyon became increasingly popular, the church and state authorities used the power of the Roman Catholic Inquisition and arrested her, charging her with heresy. Guyon spent nearly ten years incarcerated, including five years in the Bastille from 1698-1703. The state authorities judged her innocent. After her release, she lived in Blois on the Loire River and welcomed visitors from Europe and the New World who talked with her about the Christian faith. This is the first English translation of Guyon's Commentary on the Gospel of Luke.


Are you dreaming of working abroad? Imagining serving God in another land? Or are you already on the field, unsure about what to do next or how to manage the stresses of cross-cultural life? Or perhaps you've been on the field a while now, and you're weary, maybe so weary that you wonder how much longer you can keep going. If any of these situations describes you, there is hope inside this book. You'll find steps you can take to prepare for the field, as well as ways to find strength and renewal if you're already there. From the beginning to the end of the cross-cultural journey, Serving Well has something for you.


Recinos' love for poetry dates back to being abandoned by Latino parents at age twelve to live on New York City streets. When he turned sixteen, he was taken into the family of a white Presbyterian minister and guided back to school. After finishing high school, Recinos attended undergraduate school in Ohio and graduate school in New York, where he befriended the Nuyorican poets Miguel Pinero and Pedro Pietri, who encouraged him to write and read poetry at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe. Stony the Road engages life outside of mainstream American society and picks its way through places of despair and marginality to the revelations of belonging that protest indifference and inequality. The collection raises questions and proposes responses to the crisis of understanding in economic and political life, as well as the cultural narrative that America welcomes strangers. The poems tap into the changing mood of American life and the obscured world of rejected human beings and communities by exploring lives worth telling.