
Originally published in 1913, This treatise on how to connect and communicate with God includes Father Rene’s thoughts on how to pray, prayers and meditations, public prayer, even some instructions for children’s first prayers. It’s an excellent guide to practice, and reflects on the importance of beginning and ending each day in communion with God, as well as reflections on finding the beauty of God through our daily interactions with the secular world.


Did you know that there is a musical score embedded in the Hebrew Bible? The Song in the Night presents this astonishing fact. Experts have argued over what the music is for over 1000 years. Now you can examine the key to the music and imagine how the whole song might sound. You can see clearly how the accents in the text translate into music and marvel how our ancestors designed this elegant insight to the tone of voice that is still there in the Bible. How valuable it is to hear the Word of the Most High with its tone of voice, and realize that it is not the same voice that we have imagined. It is, of course, a voice of kindness, a voice of truth, a voice of love, and a voice of grief, calling all creation into everlasting praise.


What should you do when everything seems to be shifting and you can’t find solid ground? Some try to pretend the shifting things are truly solid. Some cling to things that cannot provide security. In this practical book, author and pastor Ronald Higdon suggests we find the really stable things and learn to handle and grow from the things that must change. He brings to this process a lifetime of experience and deep theological reflection. The result is a practical survival guide to living a faithful life in a changing world. Some of the topics he addresses include continuing to learn throughout our lives, relationships, the manipulation of our lives by anger and fear, the reality of evil, and yes, the fact that change is inevitable no matter how hard we fight it. Each chapter includes questions for further study and thought, making the book suitable for use in group study as well as for individual reading. Finding Stability in Uncertain Times will be useful to all those who are struggling in their Christian walk. Who can say that they are living without any struggle?


When five maidels join forces to turn an abandoned barn into an Amish marketplace, the unmarried women have community in mind. But their fledgling enterprise promises to reap surprising rewards for each in turn, including the gift of unexpected love . . .     For Regina Miller, the new Morning Star Marketplace is a chance to share her secret work with the world—without revealing herself. Old Order Amish forbid the creation of art without purpose, but without a husband, Regina has been free to explore the joy of painting in her attic. Yet when Gabe Flaud’s curiosity leads him to speculate that Regina herself is the painter, the full weight of their community’s judgement falls on her shoulders.     When Gabe stands up to defend Regina, questioning the Order’s restrictions, he reveals his own guilty secret and is shunned along with her. Forced to turn to each other for companionship, the young couple must learn to balance their own needs with their deep faith . . . and a love that will show them all things are possible.    Praise for the novels of Charlotte Hubbard  “Hubbard firmly grounds the storyline in the principle of Amish grace.”—Publishers Weekly  “Fans of Amish fiction will love Charlotte Hubbard’s series.” Marta Perry         Visit us at www.kensingtonbooks.com  


«Самый Главный Господин» – это сборник светлой священнической прозы – рассказов, очерков и записок протоиерея Павла Великанова. Книга предлагает читателю отправиться в мир будней священника без елейной картинки и дремучих стереотипов. В книге «Самый Главный Господин» вы найдете: Рассказы о семинарских годах автора; Путевые записки, сюжеты из жизни Святой Горы; Впечатления о мире вокруг; Истории из жизни прихожан и собственной жизни о.Павла; Были-притчи о судьбах людей. «В этой книге отец приходит в облике отца Павла – доброго, умного, непафосного. Он рассказывает замечательные маленькие истории, и мы понимаем, что жизнь во всех ее мелочах тоже может стать Бого-служением. Служением Богу», – пишет Евгений Водолазкин о книге. © Storyside


Книга Мигеля SEVERO продолжает рассказ о наведывании святого Афона. Автор и гости Святоименной Горы, которым по особому приглашению (а пускают на остров не всех!) посчастливилось побывать здесь, делятся не только впечатлениями, но и своими личными тайнами. Впрочем, автор ярко живописует не только красоты священного места и портреты многонациональных паломников, но и проникает в Историю России, чтобы делать выводы и давать советы нам и нашим потомкам… Издание богато иллюстрировано и предназначено для всех, кто любит историческую, духовную, философскую и художественную литературу. Издание 2-е, исправленное и дополненное.


The famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathon Edwards was delivered on July 8, 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut and is considered by many to be the most famous sermon ever given in America. It was published soon after and was an immediate commercial success. The sermon is a perfect example of the “fire and brimstone” preaching style that Edwards was well-known for and is an informative insight into the spiritual teachings of the American religious movement known as the “Great Awakening”, that began in 1730. This movement was characterized by a teaching that hell was a real place and great suffering awaited any who were not saved by Christ and continued to sin. Edwards had been invited to preach by the pastor at the church at Enfield, which had largely been untouched by the growing “Great Awakening” movement. The sermon was powerfully delivered and instantly affected the listeners in a profound way. He continued to give the sermon several times and members of the congregation would often yell, cry out, or weep. This powerful sermon has endured the test of time and continues to be read, studied, and treasured to this day.


