
In creating one of the first and most successful examples of the inspirational self-help book, James Allen was motivated by his own hard experience to show how our mental attitude has profound control over our lives and how we experience the world. More than that, he shows how, in mastering how we think, we can master our place in the world. [i]As a Man Thinketh first appeared in 1903 and draws its title from the Bible (Prov. 23: 7) “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Written to be accessible to all, the author persuasively describes how readers need to take responsibility for their thoughts as well as their actions, and that how a person thinks literally shapes their life path. In improving our thoughts, we can improve our lives. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of As a Man Thinketh is both modern and readable.


Today’s culture and others’ views, even those of other Christians, can present a distorted view of God. Some suggest God exudes qualities He does not possess such as being unloving or apathetic toward His creation. In a world where we find people creating God in their own image, studying God’s names can remind us that we are created in His. In fact, one of the best ways to know God’s true character and grow closer to Him is to study His names. In The Names of God , Melissa Spoelstra leads women on an exploration of the many names of our triune God—from El and Elohim to Yahweh and its many combinations to names such as Abba, Jesus, and Holy Spirit…and many others.  As women study the names of God, their ideas about God will become more grounded in what His names tell them, and thus more personal, allowing a greater trust in Him to share the details of their lives. Whether having walked with God for many years or just starting out in a relationship with Him, by the end of this study women will not only know more about God but will know Him better—because through the discovery of God’s names, they will discover Him! Components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, DVD with six 25-minute segments (with closed captioning), and a boxed Leader Kit containing one of each component. A six-week study of the names of God. Inspires women to have a more personal and trusting relationship with God. DVD features dynamic, engaging teaching in six 25-minute segments. Strong, solid Bible study from popular Bible teacher and speaker Melissa Spoelstra.


Recovering Benedict encourages us to nourish our physical and spiritual lives using the Rule of Benedict and the twelve-step recovery principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.
As the “father of Western monasticism,” Benedict pulled together various strands of monastic spirituality into a single handbook for holiness. Alcoholics Anonymous presented an equally innovative way to address alcoholism based on twelve steps drawn from numerous spiritual sources. While it took a sixth-century Italian collating various sources to produce a handbook for spiritual life, it likewise took a twentieth-century American to pull together the spiritual principles to recover one’s physical life. John E. Crean, Jr. brings both traditions together in one handbook for living: daily meditations are inspired by the down-to-earth wisdom of the Rule of Benedict, and AA’s template for sobriety and humbleness.
A thoughtful daily devotional for all who wish for deeper healing, for personal use, or group study.


Мигель Severo – позывные несостоявшегося разведчика, ставшие поэтическим псевдонимом вполне состоявшегося писателя. Вышедшая из-под его пера серия книг «Планета Афон» – своеобразная исповедь, которая как бы проводит параллель между трагедией Византийской империи в середине и трагедией Российской империи в конце второго тысячелетия от Рождества Христова. Афон! «Сомневаюсь, – констатирует автор, – что отыщутся среди христиан таковые, кто никогда не слышал о нём и никогда не произносил этого слова. Аще не все, кто слышал, знают о существовании монашеской республики. А если и знают, то не всем ведомо, что Игуменьей здесь – Сама Пречистая Дева Мария, Пресвятая Богородица. И уж совсем немногие, даже из тех, кому посчастливилось побывать здесь и подняться на Гору, знают, почему она названа Святой». Книга рассказывает об увлекательном путешествии по святым местам Афона, куда допускаются лишь избранные паломники, беседах с афонскими старцами, а также встречах с интересными православными людьми.





Published from a series of lectures Chambers gave in 1911 at the London Bible College, the content of Biblical Psychology is as applicable to how we obtain guidance from God today as it was over 100 years ago.
Chambers recognized the pain that exists in the daily lives of man and made it his purpose to help heal that pain through the teachings of Christ. His sermons often focused on strengthening the relationships we have between each other, including our relationship with God.
Reportedly a truly kind and compassionate man- he has been quoted as saying, “We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.”


Oswald Chambers approaches the teachings in Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount with the same tender and compassionate voice that all of his books convey.
Many describe this book as awe-inspiring, and even though this work has also been described as a challenging, insightful, profound and edifying read, his ability to “translate” the passage in a relatable way is commendable.
Born in 1874 to a devout family in Aberdeen, Scotland, Chambers grew up in Stoke-on-Trent very much involved in the church, as his father was a pastor. He was actually offered a scholarship to attend the Royal College of Art (then the National Art Training School) after studying there briefly but luckily for Christians everywhere, he declined in order to devote his life to ministering and teaching.