
Launch Your Life brings Biblical characters and modern-day parables to life. It covers the topics of self-help, life and career planning, Biblical character studies, and Biblical daily living principles. It is unique in that it brings together a Biblical view of career and life-planning for young adult to older Christians, with the practical tools of self-assessment, resume writing, and early career planning. In the process of completing this book, readers will: Formulate a dream in the context of God working in their lives. Better understand their character to see how God’s plan encompasses their whole life, not just their spiritual life. Do the self-assessment required to establish specific goals in pursuing a job interest that is both grounded in their relationship with God and a match for their character. Set a plan in place for approaching life planning, resume writing, interviewing, job searching, and other aspects of starting a spiritual, full-life for God and career trajectory.


El Cuidado del Alma es la traducción en español del popular libro de Rob Reimer, ‘ Soul Care ’. El quebrantamiento se aferra al alma humana. Somos cuerpo, alma, y espíritu quebrantados, y necesitamos el toque sanador de Jesús. El Cuidado del Alma examina siete principios que son herramientas de sanación profunda de Dios: Afianzando tu identidad, arrepentimiento, venciendo los patrones del pecado familiar, perdonando a otros, sanando heridas, venciendo los temores, y liberación. Dr. Rob Reimer desafía a sus lectores a participar en un proceso interactivo, en el cual arremangarse las mangas y ensuciarse es necesario – una travesía de reflexión personal, inspiración del Espíritu Santo, lucha intensa y rendición. Es un proceso de descubrirte a ti mism@ en verdadera comunidad y de descubrir a Dios mientras Él penetra las capas de tu corazón. Los cambios en la vida son difíciles. Pero estos principios, cuando se juntan y se viven, pueden llevar a una transformación duradera, a tener libertad, y un alma sana. El Cuidado del Alma le anima a reunir a un grupo pequeño de compañer@s de guerra, para así poder leer y procesar junt@s, abrir sus almas entre sí, acceder a la presencia y el poder de Dios junt@s, y viajar junt@s hacia la libertad y la plenitud de Cristo.


I was in the prime of my life. I was a successful orthopedic surgeon with a great family, a practice in a growing suburban area, and all the benefits of the American Dream. Then I was given a diagnosis of malignant lung cancer. My world was shattered, everything upended in the confusion of confronting such a terrible disease. And all of this was occurring amid the questioning of my spiritual beliefs and my relationship with God. I hope you choose to go with me through this struggle. To see how God loves us unconditionally and will go to great lengths to bring us home to Him even when we cannot see how He is working in our lives. The details of the unfolding of this story are miraculous and life- changing. Some might argue that it is all coincidence. I would beg to differ. You can decide for yourself!


Growing up, Hannah knows her brother Yeshua is odd. Yet she can’t understand why adults lavish such attention on him. She never would imagine her mother’s explanation of ancient prophecies and angelic visitations. Yeshua, the Anointed One of Israel? Hannah scoffs at the idea while watching her brother for signs of greatness. When tragedy devastates the family and Yeshua does nothing more than pray, Hannah’s heart shatters. She rejects Yeshua’s advice to trust him and, driven by fear, takes radical steps to secure her future happiness. Years pass and Hannah finds herself shamed by barrenness in a loveless marriage. And once more, it’s Yeshua’s name on everyone’s lips. Only now, his rebellious actions threaten not only her tenuous standing with her in-laws, but possibly her life. Determined to stop his dangerous exploits, Hannah travels to Capernaum to confront Yeshua. What she discovers there both amazes and frightens her. When Yeshua again asks for her trust, Hannah must make a decision. Should she jeopardize all she has left in the hope that Yeshua will reign? But how can a carpenter triumph where princes and armies have failed before? Can she risk believing Yeshua is who he says he is?


Pete Deison has taught thousands of people how to develop and maintain a meaningful and consistent personal time with God that will vitalize their lives and build a friendship with God. Here Pete shares his insights so that you can . . . Learn how to conquer “quiet time guilt” Understand what a personal time of devotion means to God Find a biblical model for worship Learn how to overcome persistent problems with the devotional life. Connecting With God[/i] replaces conventional wisdom about “daily devotions” with practical insights from Scripture and proven experience. Pete’s most practical contribution is his ad-vice for getting beyond the guilt of not having devotions long enough, or often enough, or good enough. Through explorations from his own experience and that of others, he shows us how to establish and maintain a satisfying relationship with God through personal communion with Him.


Finally! A delightfully simple, fresh approach to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ for today’s adults and youth. Watch it all happen on this historically accurate guided tour through Jesus’s life—like you are there—from birth to resurrection. With love, hope, and even humor, come to know Him as a real person. Watch as He dramatically unveils Himself as the God of all creation and the Savior of the world. Find insights and solutions for even your toughest, modern problems. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, the Spirit of God will whisper how it all applies to your life as you ponder the thought-provoking questions at the end of most chapters. The non-judgmental tone, evidence-oriented approach to building faith, and short chapters make this the ideal book about Christ for today's insanely busy, sometimes skeptical readers.


Who is this God we believe in, and does He really care about us? Genesis is more than a description of creation, it is God’s invitation to get to know Him and the people He calls His own. Story by story, God introduces His family. Walk under the starry sky of a defeated Abraham. Hide behind locked doors with Lot and his terrified daughters. Listen in on Rebekah’s whispered kitchen instructions to her favorite son, Jacob, as they cook up a stew of trouble. Find out there’s more to Joseph than a spoiled little brother’s designer coat. More often than not, you’ll discover it’s the “good guys” going down the wrong path with blood on their sandals. These aren’t the stories you thought you knew. This isn’t the God you thought you knew. He is not quietly floating in the heavens looking on. He’s standing in the middle of His rebellious children, reaching out with open arms and a bar of soap to wash them clean. God has been dealing with the mess of flawed and broken people from the very beginning. Through these intimate small stories from Genesis, we find the heart of a very Big God.


Kalem, an archeologist, lives between two apocalyptic events. Although unwittingly, he finds himself unraveling two opposing prophecies through unearthed steles he finds. He believes his older brother, labeled rebellious, was taken by the king, never to return, because he discovered evidence which put the king in a bad light. Now older, Kalem believes he has found evidence on these unearthed steles proving his brother’s findings about the king were correct. This prophecy tells of a coming Overtaker who will oust the current king and bring everyone total freedom. Kalem becomes close to the woman supposedly the key to fulfilling this stele prophecy. Yet, she believes in the current king and puts Kalem down an alternative view to the coming apocalypse. This other prophecy states the current king is the rightful ruler who will bring the world into an even better future. Can Kalem exonerate his brother and bring the justice he had always dreamed of? Or will he find his life is being manipulated to prevent the true prophecy from being fulfilled? Unfortunately, he finds deception in places he never would have suspected.


Since the beginning, men and women have desired happiness. Why is it that so few have discovered it? Happiness is a treasure that is available to all and yet it remains elusive for most. The tragedy of life is not that it ends to soon, but that we wait so long to begin. As a young man Chad Kneller was lost and depressed, running 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction. «By age 28 I had ruined every area of my life and it seemed like my story was over,» he says. «I was ready to end it all.” Fortunately, this wasn’t the end but a new beginning. I met some incredible people who helped me see life with new perspective. I learned to not just see where I was but where I could be.» Chad writes about the 10 keys to assist men and women in designing an extraordinary life full of happiness. These 10 keys led him from a deep depression to total joy. Today, Mr. Kneller is a rewired Army Officer who mentors entrepreneurs all across the country and enjoys spending much of his time with his three children and wife Jaree.


Out of chaos comes chaos. Edvin wants to get into Swedish Special Forces and marry the girl of his dreams. All seems within his reach until the whole world literally falls apart. His girlfriend dies in a plane crash, his sister-in-law loses her unborn baby, as well as does every parent in the world. All children and selected people just vanish from the earth throwing the world into chaos. In the midst of this chaos, a new type of leader emerges who has great personal skills and ideas in how to bring the world back together better than ever. Edvin’s future begins to look up as he is recruited into the new elite world forces unit, gets assigned to this leader’s personal detail, becomes his trusted ally, and even falls in love again. Yet, Edvin finds this new leader may not be as altruistic as he portrays himself. It seems those not on his side become expendable. The more Edvin tries to help, the darker this leader becomes until Edvin finds himself on this leader’s enemy list as well. He learns of a coming apocalypse this leader tries to ignore, and tries to save as many as possible from both this future apocalypse as well as from the clutches of this leader who he once called a friend. Can Edvin, his family, and friends survive through the coming apocalypse before this leader causes their demise, or will heartache find him once again?