
He was Gaetano Salvidienus Rufus, better known by most simply as The Sicilian. He had been raised by the Greek, Apollodorus, upon the Mediterranean island of Sicily after his father Quintus Salvidienus Rufus had been executed by Mark Antony as a traitor, even though his father had secretly been working for the young Roman prince, Octavian.<P> Octavian, who was the nephew, adopted son—and heir to the Great Julius Caesar.<P> Caesar had been assassinated and soon afterwards had become a god—and young Octavian at just eighteen years of age had become the son of a god among the Romans—and eventually became the sole ruler of Rome.<P> He quickly took the name Octavian Caesar. Years later he would transform himself yet again and take the name Augustus—meaning revered, auspicious, augmenting. All honor due to him. The young heir to Julius Caesar seemed to many a bit full of himself in those early days, some like Mark Antony often derided him his youth and arrogance—but few realized the greatness hidden within that youth—until it was too late. Octavian was a young man who had been given many honors and titles, and he would hold the office of Consul of Rome a total of thirteen times throughout his life, more than any other man in the history of Rome. He would be hailed Imperator—victorious general; and Princeps—First Citizen—all important honors and titles he held among many others that he had contrived the Senate to bestow upon him. But honorable titles and grand names were not the true power held by the man. His control over the Roman legions was where his true power lay. And for Octavian—Augustus—that control was absolute. The legions were loyal to him—to a man!<P>


The trial of the man apprehended with a crimson hatbox containing a skull continues with the shenanigans of the Moffit brothers, Silas and Saul, trying to thwart the efforts of Elsa Colby, the young defense lawyer who must win her first case – or it will be her last!<P> Elsa finds herself visiting the darkest parts of Chicago in her quest to prove that when her client told the archbishop that the box contained «Wah Lee’s skull,» he didn’t know the box actually had a skull inside.<P>This classic mystery tale by webwork master Harry Stephen Keeler is every bit as confusing as it sounds – until Keeler pulls it all together!


"Stranded in a High Peak transport café during a freak snowstorm, Jerry Howard finds himself in a vortex of Satanism. <P> Brenda was a motorway girl with a strange scar on her back. The Mark of the Beast. She knew the history of the Brindley legend. And she alone knew the rites. <P> She had been on Devil’s Peak before. Now it was Walpurgisnacht and the horned goat was expected. Events moved to a horrendous climax…"


Richardson had several guided tours that he alternated throughout the week. His favourite was a trip around the Old City, visiting several of the locations where over the years, apparitions had, allegedly, been seen. He would then lead his group into the tunnels and the catacombs beneath street level—into the so-called Undercity; a labyrinthine warren of vaulted, coarse-brick, underground chambers that dated back hundreds of years. In this dark subterranean environment, the poor had lived a squalid, cramped and disease-ridden existence, shut off from the world above. There were countless tales of bloodcurdling horror attached to this place; ones that he would relate and embellish with his own sense of macabre flair… But was it all fiction…?


Jonas Lie (pronouced «Lee» in English) is one of the greats of Norwegian literature, together with Henrik Ibsen, Bjornstjerne Bjornson and Alexander Kielland. Although considered a Realist, he also worked with Scandanavian folk-lore, penning a number of fine supernatural tales (some of which are included here). In all, this volume collects 14 of his finest works, including 11 short stories and 3 novels: <P> INTRODUCTION: MEET JONAS LIE, by Julius E. Olson<BR> INTRODUCTION TO LIE'S «WEIRD TALES FROM THE NORTHERN SEAS,» by R. Nisbet Bain<BR> THE FISHERMAN AND THE DRAUG<BR> JACK OF SJOHOLM AND THE GAN-FINN<BR> TUG OF WAR<BR> "THE EARTH DRAWS"<BR> THE CORMORANTS OF ANDVAER<BR> ISAAC AND THE PARSON OF BRONO<BR> THE WIND-GNOME<BR> THE HULDREFISH<BR> FINN BLOOD<BR> THE HOMESTEAD WESTWARD IN THE BLUE MOUNTAINS<BR> "IT'S ME"<BR> THE PILOT AND HIS WIFE<BR> THE VISIONARY<BR> ONE OF LIFE'S SLAVES<P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for «Wildside Megapack» to see more great collections, ranging from fantasy and science fiction to mysteries, westerns, adventure stories, and more! (View them by publication date to see the most recent additions.)


If you've picked up this volume, you may already be familiar with Achmed Abdullah's work from the first volume, «The Achmed Abdullah Megapack.» If not, no harm done; both Megapacks contain short stories which can be read in any order. The only real difference is that Volume 1 contains quite a few supernatural stories, while Volume 2 focuses more on «contemporary» (early 1900s) life in exotic locales, like the Middle East, China, and New York City (primarily in Chinatown). Crime is frequently touched upon; many of these stories qualify as mysteries. <P> Included: <P> THE EVENING RICE<BR> THE HATCHETMAN<BR> FEUD<BR> REPRISAL<BR> THE HOME-COMING<BR> THE DANCE ON THE HILL<BR> THE RIVER OF HATE<BR> THE SOUL OF A TURK<BR> MORITURI<BR> THE JESTER<BR> THE STRENGTH OF THE LITTLE THIN THREAD<BR> GRAFTER AND MASTER GRAFTER<BR> THE LOGICAL TALE OF THE FOUR CAMELS<BR> THE TWO-HANDED SWORD<BR> BLACK POPPIES<BR> THE PERFECT WAY<BR> TAO<P> A note for the sensitive: Some of these stories are not «politically correct» by today’s standards. Please keep in mind that Abdullah was writing in a different age, with different standards of propriety. The world has changed a lot in the last 100 years. <P> And if you enjoy this Megapack, please take a look at the many others available…search this ebook store for «Wildside Megapack» to see the list – mysteries, adventure, horror, science fiction, westerns, humor, and many more subjects and authors are available. (And always at a bargain price!)


This volume includes 3 new translations of stories by acclaimed Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz: «A Comedy of Errors,» «The Authoresses,» and «The Third One.»<P> Translator Peter J. Obst is a lecturer at LaSalle University and a researcher for The Poles in America Foundation, established by historian Edward Pinkowski. He received his BS in Commerce and Engineering from Drexel University (1977) and his MA in Central and East European Studies from LaSalle University (2004). He also studied at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Several of his book-length translations from Polish have been published: Lech Walesa: Democrat or Dictator?, My Flights to Freedom, A Family from Sosnowiec, and A Man Who Spanned Two Eras. His articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal Europe, Private Pilot magazine, the Polish-American Journal, Nowy Dziennik, Post-Eagle and other Polonia and American mainstream publications. The recently published Polish American Encyclopedia (edited by James Pula) contains nine entries he authored. He contributed 42 photographs to Allan M. Heller’s album Monuments and Memorials of Philadelphia. He is active in the Kosciuszko Foundation (KF) and the American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC).


Перед вами – книга «Исповедник веры…», первый том, посвященная жизни и трудам известного в Зауралье митрофорного протоиерея Григория Пономарева (1914-1997 гг.). Настоящее издание, в основу которого положена книга «Во Имя Твое…», дополнено новыми архивными данными, собранными авторами Ольгой Пономаревой и Еленой Кибиревой. Отец Григорий и матушка Нина прожили вместе 61 год и 2 дня и почили во Господе в один день, 25 октября 1997 года, явив своей смертью пример истинно христианской кончины. Много есть на Руси «неугасаемых лампад», в которых вместо елея день и ночь горит любовь пастырей Христовых к Богу и ближним. Будучи однажды зажжены, они проносят полученную от Бога благодать через всю жизнь в окружении враждебного им мира в больших и шумных городах. Их можно назвать живой и благоугодной жертвой Богу. Таким «светильником благочестия» явился протоиерей Григорий Пономарев, всею своею жизнью исполнявший заповеди Христовы и лучами своей любви осветивший зауральскую землю.


Champavert was the archetypal collection of the French «contes cruels,» and the book still remains among the cruellest of them all. It is also one of the greatest collections of short stories ever published; the only reason that it has never been translated before is that the job was so challenging that only an insane person would tackle it. Pétrus Borel the Lycanthrope (as he called himself) declared himself dead before the book was published, but not many people believed him, even though he was the most honest man in Paris. Here are seven classic tales of horror, fantasy, and the twistings of fate, including the final story, «Champavert, the Lycanthrope,» translated from the French for the very first time by the well-known fantastist and critic, Brian Stableford.


Jacques Futrelle (1875-1912) is widely considered «the American Sherlock Holmes» for his series of stories about Professor Augustus S. F. X. Van Dusen, who is better known as The Thinking Machine. Van Dusen, a master of logic, believed he could think himself out of any situation – and solve any crime – using his immense intellect. Through dozens of stories, The Thinking Machine solved locked-room puzzles, kidnappings, and more murders than can be easily counted, proving again and again that brain-power is the answer to any problem. <P> This volume collects 47 short stories and novels, including many stories featuring The Thinking Machine. Assembled here are: <P> THE THINKING MACHINE<BR> MY FIRST EXPERIENCE WITH THE GREAT LOGICIAN<BR> THE GREAT AUTO MYSTERY<BR> THE HAUNTED BELL<BR> THE LEAK<BR> THE PROBLEM OF CELL 13<BR> THE MYSTERY OF THE RALSTON BANK BURGLARY <BR> MYSTERY OF THE SCARLET THREAD<BR> A PIECE OF STRING<BR> PROBLEM OF THE CRYSTAL GAZER<BR> THE FATAL CIPHER<BR> PROBLEM OF THE PERFECT ALIBI<BR> KIDNAPPED BABY BLAKE, MILLIONAIRE<BR> PROBLEM OF THE LOST RADIUM<BR> PROBLEM OF THE MISSING NECKLACE<BR> THE PHANTOM MOTOR<BR> PROBLEM OF CONVICT NO. 97<BR> THE FIRST PROBLEM<BR> PROBLEM OF THE GREEN EYED MONSTER<BR> PROBLEM OF THE HIDDEN MILLION<BR> PROBLEM OF THE OPERA BOX<BR> PROBLEM OF THE CROSS MARK<BR> PROBLEM OF THE BROKEN BRACELET<BR> PROBLEM OF THE SOUVENIR CARDS<BR> PROBLEM OF THE SUPERFLUOUS FINGER<BR> THE CASE OF THE SCIENTIFIC MURDERER<BR> PROBLEM OF THE DESERTED HOUSE<BR> MYSTERY OF THE FLAMING PHANTOM<BR> PROBLEM OF THE GHOST WOMAN<BR> MYSTERY OF THE GOLDEN DAGGER<BR> THE GRINNING GOD<BR> MYSTERY OF THE GRIP OF DEATH<BR> THE JACKDAW<BR> MYSTERY OF THE MAN WHO WAS LOST<BR> THE MYSTERY OF A STUDIO<BR> PROBLEM OF THE ORGAN GRINDER<BR>\ PROBLEM OF THE PRIVATE COMPARTMENT<BR> THE PROBLEM OF THE AUTO CAB<BR> PROBLEM OF THE RED ROSE<BR> THE ROSWELL TIARA<BR> THE THREE OVERCOATS<BR> THE TRAGEDY OF THE LIFE RAFT<BR> PROBLEM OF THE VANISHING MAN<BR> PROBLEM OF THE INTERRUPTED WIRELESS<BR> THE CHASE OF THE GOLDEN PLATE<BR> THE DIAMOND MASTER<BR> ELUSIVE ISABEL<> <P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for «Wildside Megapack» (or just «Megapack» if «Wildside Megapack» doesn't work) to see all the entries in Wildside's Megapack series – including volumes of science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, westerns, and much, much more!