
Kids and teachers can build their own science projects based on exhibits from San Francisco's premiere science museum This revised and updated edition offers instructions for building junior versions, or «snacks,» of the famed Exploratorium's exhibits. The snacks, designed by science teachers, can be used as demonstrations, labs, or as student science projects and all 100 projects are easy to build from common materials. The Exploratorium, a renowned hands-on science museum founded by physicist and educator Frank Oppenheimer, is noted for its interactive exhibits that richly illustrate scientific concepts and stimulate learning. Offers a step-by-step guide for building dynamic science projects and exhibits Includes tips for creating projects made from easy-to-assembly items Thoroughly revised and updated, including new «snacks,» images, and references


Shaping the College Curriculum focuses on curriculum development as an important decision-making process in colleges and universities. The authors define curriculum as an academic plan developed in a historical, social, and political context. They identify eight curricular elements that are addressed, intentionally or unintentionally, in developing all college courses and programs. By exploring the interaction of these elements in context they use the academic plan model to clarify the processes of course and program planning, enabling instructors and administrators to ask crucial questions about improving teaching and optimizing student learning. This revised edition continues to stress research-based educational practices. The new edition consolidates and focuses discussion of institutional and sociocultural factors that influence curricular decisions. All chapters have been updated with recent research findings relevant to curriculum leadership, accreditation, assessment, and the influence of academic fields, while two new chapters focus directly on learning research and its implications for instructional practice. A new chapter drawn from research on organizational change provides practical guidance to assist faculty members and administrators who are engaged in extensive program improvements. Streamlined yet still comprehensive and detailed, this revised volume will continue to serve as an invaluable resource for individuals and groups whose work includes planning, designing, delivering, evaluating, and studying curricula in higher education. «This is an extraordinary book that offers not a particular curriculum or structure, but a comprehensive approach for thinking about the curriculum, ensuring that important considerations are not overlooked in its revision or development, and increasing the likelihood that students will learn and develop in ways institutions hope they will. The book brings coherence and intention to what is typically an unstructured, haphazard, and only partially rational process guided more by beliefs than by empirically grounded, substantive information. Lattuca and Stark present their material in ways that are accessible and applicable across planning levels (course, program, department, and institution), local settings, and academic disciplines. It's an admirable and informative marriage of scholarship and practice, and an insightful guide to both. Anyone who cares seriously about how we can make our colleges and universities more educationally effective should read this book.» —Patrick T. Terenzini, distinguished professor and senior scientist, Center for the Study of Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University


The first international, cross-disciplinary book to explore and understand the lives of parents with intellectual disabilities, their children, and the systems and services they encounter Presents a unique, pan-disciplinary overview of this growing field of study Offers a human rights approach to disability and family life Informed by the newly adopted UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) Provides comprehensive research-based knowledge from leading figures in the field of intellectual disability


Instrumental Music for Dyslexics is written mainly for music teachers. It describes dyslexia in layman's terms and explains how the various problems which a dyslexic may have can affect all aspects of learning to play a musical instrument. It alerts the music teacher with a problem pupil to the possibilities of that pupil's having some form of dyslexia. Although Sheila Oglethorpe is primarily a piano teacher the general principle behind most, if not all, the suggestions is such that they can be adapted for use by other instrumentalists. The book presents ways in which the music teacher can contribute to the self esteem and thereby the general welfare of the dyslexic pupil who is often musically gifted and has much to offer. The book will also be of interest to dyslexia specialists who have hitherto directed their concentration towards the language-based problems of the dyslexic.


The first section of this research based but practical book has been updated to examine the most recent research in two key areas: dyslexia and the dyslexic experience and the major cognitive and learning styles. In the light of increased controversy around the use of learning style theory in the educational arena, suggestions are made as to ways in which these theories can be utilized to inform teaching and learning and maximize success for vulnerable learners. The second section provides a range of ways in which to enable learners to understand and utilize their individual styles along with techniques to help students to absorb, process and create responses to information across the curriculum; practical strategies to help teachers to adapt material to suit differing ways of learning and activities to help students to become more flexible and successful in their approach.


Written by a teacher with many years' experience of teaching mathematics to primary school dyslexic and dyspraxic children with a wide range of abilities, this book is designed to be a practical teaching guide. It offers detailed guidance and specific teaching suggestions to all specialist teachers, support teachers, classroom teachers and parents who either directly teach mathematics to dyslexic and dyspraxic children or who support the mathematics teaching programmes of dyslexic or dyspraxic children. Although the book has grown out of teaching experience it is also informed by widely acknowledged contemporary and international research, which explores the cognitive aspects of learning mathematics and tries to understand why it is that some children fail to learn mathematics. Many of the teaching principles described in the text have specific and quite far-reaching implications. The theoretical arguments should therefore also be of interest to special needs co-ordinators, heads of maths departments, head teachers or other professionals who are responsible for designing or modifying the maths learning programmes of children with special learning and maths difficulties. In more general terms, the book hopes to contribute to the broad discussion of the cognitive features and educational needs of dyslexic and dyspraxic children.


This authoritative handbook presents current ideas on the relationship between spoken and written language difficulties. It provides clinical and educational perspectives on the assessment and management of children's reading and spelling problems. The book begins with a theoretical overview. The second edition continues the theme of linking theory and practice. It is aimed at practitioners in the fields of education, speech and language therapy, and psychology. All original chapters have been updated and new chapters are added to reflect current developments.


Language and Social Disadvantage critically analyses and reviews the development of language in direct relation to social disadvantage in the early years and beyond. Definitions and descriptions of social disadvantage are addressed and wider aspects discussed. Theory and practice in relation to language development and social disadvantage are explored. The book is divided into two sections: the first addresses the theoretical associations and relationships between social disadvantage and language, where cognition, literacy, behaviour, learning, socio-emotional development, intervention and outcomes are considered in depth. The second section applies the theory to practice, where real-life intervention studies in nurseries, schools and other contexts are reported. Research and practice based in the UK is a focus of all the chapters and research reports. A genuinely interdisciplinary and collaborative approach is taken using perspectives from speech and language therapy, psychology and education. The book is ideal for professionals and students interested in the study of language development and intervention in the context of social disadvantage.


A unique cross-disciplinary critique of the foundations of Special Education. Covers legal, conceptual, medical, pharmacological, neuropsychological, social, behavioural, cognitive, psychotherapeutic, psycholinguistic, technological and pedagogical foundations Provides examples of how each foundation provides insights or practical contributions to special education generally, and to specific disabilities and disorders in particular Delivers information across all major types of disorder/disability in a single volume, creating a must-have reference for anyone involved in special education training, research or teaching


Gender battles still rage on most college and university campuses today. For eight years, Women in Higher Education has reported women's strategic advances in the academy. Its goal is to enlighten, encourage, empower, and enrage women administrators, faculty, and students in higher education.This book is a compendium of lively, hard-hitting articles from the successful newsletter. Its thematic sections blend serious commentary, research results, and practical advice with wry humor. Readers will find a broad view of recent progress as well as effective strategies from women who have changed the academy. Topics include women's leadership and management styles and strategies, valuing the self, sex and sexuality, playing politics, and much more. Filled with wisdom drawn from real-world experience, Gender Equity or Bust! illuminates what women can do to transform the culture of higher education into one that honors their values and contributions.