
Music and dyslexia is of particular interest for two reasons. Firstly, research suggests that music education can benefit young dyslexics as it helps them focus on auditory and motor timing skills and highlights the rhythms of language. Secondly, dyslexic musicians at a more advanced level face particular challenges such as sight-reading, written requirements of music examinations and extreme performance nerves. This is a sequel to the highly successful Music and Dyslexia: Opening New Doors, published in 2001. The field of dyslexia has developed rapidly, particularly in the area of neuropsychology. Therefore this book focuses on these research advances, and draws out the aspects of music education that benefit young dyslexics. The contributors also discuss the problems that dyslexic musicians face, and several chapters are devoted to sight-reading and specific strategies that dyslexics can use to help them sight-read. The book offers practical techniques and strategies, to teachers and parents to help them work with young dyslexics and dyslexic musicians.


Mathematics for Dyslexics: Including Dyscalculia, 3rd Edition discusses the factors that contribute to the potential difficulties many dyslexic learners may have with mathematics, and suggests ways of addressing these difficulties. The first chapters consider the theoretical background. The later chapters look at practical methods, which may help dyslexic learners. The book is designed to be comprehensive and to help teachers, support assistants, and parents understand the learner and to learn a range of skills and thus develop confidence and competence in working with dyslexic pupils.


Psychological research into autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has increased exponentially in the last two decades. Much of this work has been led by various theorists who claim to have identified processes that hold the key to understanding the condition. As a consequence, newcomers to the field feel that they have to opt for one or more of the competing approaches and to neglect the remainder as being in some way wrong. In fact, the different theoretical perspectives are just that – different points of view on the same phenomenon – each with its own insights to offer. This is not to say that understanding ASD in psychological terms is just a matter of choosing a perspective and that all perspectives are of equal value. Clearly they are not. This book, in addition to providing an outline of what current perspectives have to offer, also provides a framework to help readers to decide which aspects of psychological research into ASD contribute to our understanding of the field and how these can be integrated in a way that enables research to be taken forward.


We have at our disposal one of the greatest vehicles for…community-building known to humankind–the one called education. –from the foreword by Parker Palmer «Connecting authentically and deeply with others across all dimensions of life enriches the human spirit. The sense of community resulting from such connections is a hallmark of a supportive campus environment, which we know is an important factor in enhancing student learning. The contributions to this book offer a vision we can work toward and provide instructive examples from different types of institutions to point the way.» –George D. Kuh, chancellor's professor and director, National Survey of Student Engagement, Indiana University «Ernie Boyer was a giant in higher education. This book, a resource guide, focuses on one of his great loves–campus community. The book examines his contributions and offers a compelling agenda for action.» –Arthur Levine, president, Teachers College, Columbia University «This well-written and timely book draws on the lessons learned from five very different institutions as they attempted to address a major challenge to higher education-building effective campus communities. Practitioners will find this to be an invaluable resource and guide as they attempt to bring Ernie Boyer's vision to life on their campuses. A great tribute to one of America's leading educators!» –Charles C. Schroeder, professor of higher education, University of Missouri-Columbia «There is no topic more important in higher education today than creating campus community. McDonald and his associates have indeed lived up to Ernest Boyer's legacy by presenting us with a remarkable set of campus models for us to admire. . . and emulate.» –Yolanda T. Moses, president, American Association for Higher Education «This book comes at an auspicious time of educational transformation. Like the Boyer Center, this book's fundamental priority in meeting today's challenging new realities is the discovery and creation of new forms of community.» –Glen R. Bucher, executive director, the Boyer Center


In this much needed resource, Maryellen Weimer-one of the nation's most highly regarded authorities on effective college teaching-offers a comprehensive work on the topic of learner-centered teaching in the college and university classroom. As the author explains, learner-centered teaching focuses attention on what the student is learning, how the student is learning, the conditions under which the student is learning, whether the student is retaining and applying the learning, and how current learning positions the student for future learning. To help educators accomplish the goals of learner-centered teaching, this important book presents the meaning, practice, and ramifications of the learner-centered approach, and how this approach transforms the college classroom environment. Learner-Centered Teaching shows how to tie teaching and curriculum to the process and objectives of learning rather than to the content delivery alone.


Assessing Student Learning is a standard reference for college faculty and administrators, and the third edition of this highly regarded book continues to offer comprehensive, practical, plainspoken guidance. The third edition adds a stronger emphasis on making assessment useful; greater attention to building a culture in which assessment is used to inform important decisions; an enhanced focus on the many settings of assessment, especially general education and co-curricula; a new emphasis on synthesizing evidence of student learning into an overall picture of an integrated learning experience; new chapters on curriculum design and assessing the hard-to-assess; more thorough information on organizing assessment processes; new frameworks for rubric design and setting standards and targets; and many new resources. Faculty, administrators, new and experienced assessment practitioners, and students in graduate courses on higher education assessment will all find this a valuable addition to their bookshelves.


This book is an accessible introduction to quantitative data analysis, concentrating on the key issues facing those new to research, such as how to decide which statistical procedure is suitable, and how to interpret the subsequent results. Each chapter includes illustrative examples and a set of exercises that allows readers to test their understanding of the topic. The book, written for graduate students in the social sciences, public health, and education, offers a practical approach to making sociological sense out of a body of quantitative data. The book also will be useful to more experienced researchers who need a readily accessible handbook on quantitative methods. The author has posted stata files, updates and data sets at his website http://tinyurl.com/Treiman-stata-files-data-sets.


The single most important contribution to our field's knowledge base in the past two decades. The authors have managed to shift the focus of adult education back to the social concerns that were taken for granted when the field was founded. We are ready for this long overdue book. Indeed, we have been yearning for this book. It will tilt our field back towards its moral center. —B. Allan Quigley, chair, Department of Adult Education, St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia «Power in Practice is a wonderful book–full of case studies, updated theories, new perspectives, and evidence that adult education can and does change people's lives.» —Michael Newman, senior lecturer in adult education, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Adult educators know that they can no longer focus solely on the needs of learners without responsibly addressing the political and ethical consequences of their work. Power in Practice examines how certain adult education programs, practices, and policies can become a subtle part of power relationships in wider society. It provides a rich array of real-world cases that highlight the pivotal role of adult educators as «knowledge and power brokers» in the conflict between learners and the social forces surrounding them. The authors discuss how to teach responsibly, develop effective adult education programs, and provide exemplary leadership in complex political contexts, including the workplace and higher education. Educators in the middle of power struggles will learn how to become more politically aware while actively shaping their enterprises to meet important social needs.


In this updated landmark book, the authors have gathered the seminal work and most current thinking on adult learning into one volume. Learning in Adulthood addresses a wide range of topics including: Who are adult learners? How do adults learn? Why are adults involved in learning activities? How does the social context shape the learning that adults are engaged in? How does aging affect learning ability?


Written by acclaimed school reform advocate Phillip C. Schlechty, Leading for Learning offers educators the framework, tools, and processes they need to transform their schools from bureaucracies into dynamic learning organizations. Schlechty explains how to move beyond some of the deeply ingrained and negative conceptions of schooling that guide so much of their practice. He shows educators how they can take advantage of new learning technologies by increasing their organization's capacity to support continuous innovation. «Clearly not for the fainthearted, Schlechty's engrossing appraisal of American education calls for a bold, truly fundamental transformation of how we run our public schools. Some books are thought-provoking; this one is action-provoking.» —W. James Popham, professor emeritus, UCLA «Dr. Schlechty has once again written an insightful book that educational leaders can use as a road map in transforming our schools into learning organizations designed to serve twenty-first century students.» —Dr. Randy Bridges, superintendent, Alamance-Burlington School System, NC «Because education is ultimately a community responsibility, Schlechty's proposal to shift school systems from bureaucracies to learning organizations can open doors to citizens who are frustrated by the bureaucracy in their efforts to reclaim their role in education. This book is as much for them as it is for professional educators.» —David Mathews, president, Kettering Foundation «Anyone in a school leadership position—from the board room to the classroom—should read this engaging and thought-provoking book. It's a must?-read for all immersed in or contemplating the transformation of public education.» – Claudia Mansfield Sutton, chief communications and marketing officer, American Association of School Administrators