

Imprint curator Kaylie Jones, a successful writer, will help in the promotion. So the book essentially has two authors working full-time to promote alongside Akashic. This book has great MIDWEST potential, and we're hoping to get CBSD and the sales reps invested to help spark interest, as with Wingshooters by Nina Revoyr. Submit to Barnes & Noble “Discover” program. Publicize to major dailies, weeklies, literary publications, alternative publications. Major radio and television push. Akashic's promotion will have a strong social media component


A riveting personal memoir that shares hard-earned political insights. Ross's journey mirrors that of the post-war American left. From an Anabaptist hippie commune in the 1970s to the present-day failures of the Venezuelan revolution, he charts a trajectory of good intentions and poor choices, of blind faith in charismatic leaders followed by inevitable disillusionment and, ultimately, a solid belief in the ability of ordinary people to make history.Clifton Ross directed the film Venezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out. He is the co-editor of Until the Rulers Obey: Voices from Latin American Social Movements.


At the very end of Rebellion in Patagonia, Osvaldo Bayer writes: “Time always tears down the curtain that tries to hide the truth. A crime can never be covered up forever.” He demonstrates that principle in this moving and nuanced study of strikes led by the powerful anarcho-syndicalist labor union FORA against the despotic landowners and industrialists of Argentina’s Patagonia region in 1921– 1922. The tale ends tragically, with thousands slaughtered, but Bayer’s detailed descriptions and first-person testimonies capture the beauty and heroism of the struggle. Banned and publicly burned in the 1970s, this is the book’s first English translation—with a new introduction by Scott Nicholas Nappalos and Joshua Neuhouser.  Praise for Rebellion in PatagoniaThe recovery of a historic struggle of the importance of Rebellion in Patagonia by Osvaldo Bayer is a decisive contribution to the social struggles of today. It offers not just a reconstruction of the past, but an example of what we, ordinary people, can do, and what we will continue to do, for our collective dignity.” —Raúl Zibechi, author of Territories in Resistance: A Cartography of Latin American Social Movements “Genocide against the militant left in Argentina did not begin in 1975 with Isabel Perón or the military dictatorship of 1976–1983. Disappeared people and hidden bodies were the norm even fifty years earlier, when the Argentine army’s murder of 1,500 agricultural workers was ordered by democratically elected, pseudo-progressive President Yrigoyen. The scandal was silenced until Osvaldo Bayer, journalist and historian, wrote this courageous investigative work (which also led to a 1974 whistleblowing film) in the middle of another of Argentina’s most repressive eras.” —Frank Mintz, translator of the French edition, La Patagonie rebelle 1921–1922: Chronique d’une révolte des ouvriers agricoles en Argentine Osvaldo Bayer is an author, journalist, and scriptwriter who was exiled from Argentina during the years of military dictatorship. His works include The Anarchist Expropriators and Anarchism & Violence. He currently lives in Buenos Aires. 


There is no other book like this. Not our usual suspects.The book is organized around seven «hidden» rebellions in southern history. Some of these are specific events, some describe longer time periods. But each tale in itself is an engaging read, with memorable characters and events (corrupt and brutal sheriffs, daring brigands, freedom fighters).It is a people's history in every sense, finding new, previously ignored angles from which to view themes otherwise familiar to historians and social scientists (slavery, reconstruction, civil rights, Appalachia, etc). Using an approach the authors call «anarchist historiography» (though anarchism itself is not a theme of the book), events usually relegated to footnotes are brought front and center, reframing traditional historical narratives in the process.



While there's been a lot of literature written about this moment in history, people are still thirsting for more analysis of the ways in which the Spanish Revolution succeeded in holding state power hostage for a short time, yet ultimately failed to bring about a radically new world. AK has published titles on various aspects of the Spanish Revolution, and they are always great sellers.This book will be of interest to both general European history buffs and anarchists with an interest in learning about their historical tradition.This book will have significant appeal for groups trying to create democratic workplaces and worker cooperatives, and anyone interested in collective organizations.


Founded in Chicago in 1969 from the rubble of the recently crumbled SDS, the Sojourner Truth Organization (STO) brought working-class consciousness to the forefront of New Left discourse, sending radicals back into the factories and thinking through the integration of radical politics into everyday realities. Through the influence of founding members like Noel Ignatiev and Don Hamerquist, STO took a Marxist approach to the question of race and revolution, exploring the notion of “white skin privilege,” and helping to lay the groundwork for the discipline of critical race studies. Michael Staudenmaier is a doctoral candidate in history at the University of Illinois-Urbana.

