
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesA kiss, a carriage ride, a hasty wedding!Carlotta Charlton can’t wait for her first season – until her impulsive behaviour lands her right in the lap of notorious rake Tristan, Lord Thorngrafton! Tristan is cynically convinced that she’s a fortunehunter. But he can’t keep away from her. Several heated kisses lead to scandal and, one outraged mama later, they’re on their way to Gretna Green.Catching his breath on the carriage ride to the border, Tristan decides it’s time that Lottie learns her lesson. If she wants to play with fire, he’ll notch up his seduction and set her ablaze!


Her vulnerability made her dangerous…Lady Solay's eyes met those of a hard-edged man. His implacable gaze sliched through her and, for an instant, she forgot everything else. A mistake. She had no time for emotion when so much depended on her finding favor at court.Lord Justin Lamont couldn't look away from the late king's scandalous–illegitimate–daughter. Head held high, she walked as if the court adored her. No matter the pain in her eyes, Justin resolutely snuffed out a spark of sympathy. He must guard against her bewitching charms…


‘Mendelsohn takes the classical costumes off figures like Virgil and Sappho, Homer and Horace … He writes about things so clearly they come to feel like some of the most important things you have ever been told.’ Sebastian BarryOver the past three decades, Daniel Mendelsohn’s essays and reviews have earned him a reputation as ‘our most irresistible literary critic’ (New York Times). This striking new collection exemplifies the way in which Mendelsohn – a classicist by training – uses the classics as a lens to think about urgent contemporary debates.There is much to surprise here. Mendelsohn invokes the automatons featured in Homer’s epics to help explain the AI films Ex Machina and Her, and perceives how Ted Hughes sought redemption by translating a play of Euripides (the ‘bad boy of Athens’) about a wayward husband whose wife returns from the dead. There are essays on Sappho’s sexuality and the feminism of Game of Thrones; on how Virgil’s Aeneid prefigures post-World War II history and why we are still obsessed with the Titanic; on Patrick Leigh Fermor’s final journey, Karl Ove Knausgaard’s autofiction and the plays of Tom Stoppard, Tennessee Williams, and Noël Coward. The collection ends with a poignant account of the author’s boyhood correspondence with the historical novelist Mary Renault, which inspired his ambition to become a writer.In The Bad Boy of Athens, Mendelsohn provokes and dazzles with erudition, emotion and tart wit while his essays dance across eras, cultures and genres. This is a provocative collection which sees today’s master of popular criticism using the ancient past to reach into the very heart of modern culture.


BEHIND THE ENEMY’S WALLS Badly disfigured Lady Isobel Dalceann has fought fiercely to defend her Keep, with little thought for her safety. Why, then, has she let a stranger within her walls? Whilst he threatens danger, his battered body marked by war mirrors her own scars and tempts her to put her faith in him.Marc de Courtenay is a mercenary and a loner, although he is drawn to damaged, beautiful Isobel. But in taking him into her highly defended buttressed walls she has unwittingly given him secrets that will enable him to betray her. What would she do if she were ever to find out who he really is…?


Stand and deliver!When a mysterious woman holds him at gunpoint, Garrick Le Clere, Marquess of Beauworth, knows he’s finally met his match! Alone, with her home lost to creditors, Lady Eleanor Hadley has taken drastic steps. She’s without hope – until a notorious rake offers a way out of her predicament…When will Garrick discover that his new mistress is not only a virgin, but also a Lady – with a dangerous secret life?But the pleasure she brings may be just what he needs to soothe the pain from his past…


From plain Jane to society bride! Brooding Hawk St Claire, Duke of Stourbridge, believes Jane Smith to be a mere servant girl – albeit a remarkably attractive one! So when genteel Miss Jane is wrongly turned out of her home for inappropriate behaviour following their encounter, the Duke takes her in as his ward.Although Hawk is the first man to make Jane’s pulse race, she knows she cannot risk falling for his devastating charm. A marriage between them would be forbidden – especially if he were to discover the shameful truth about her…The Notorious St Claires


A lifetime of being good… One night of sin!A Warriors of the Night story: virtuous Joan de Laurent is fated never to marry. Three betrothals, each ending in the groom’s death, have convinced her she’s cursed! But only her hand in marriage can help darkly brooding Irish Prince Ronan win back his fortress. To break the curse Joan must risk all to spend one forbidden night with the royal warrior…


Hawaii, 1944. The Pacific battles of World War II continue to threaten American soil, and on the home front, the bonds of friendship and the strength of love are tested.Violet Iverson and her young daughter, Ella, are piecing their lives together one year after the disappearance of her husband. As rumors swirl and questions about his loyalties surface, Violet believes Ella knows something. But Ella is stubbornly silent. Something—or someone—has scared her. And with the island overrun by troops training for a secret mission, tension and suspicion between neighbors is rising.Violet bands together with her close friends to get through the difficult days. To support themselves, they open a pie stand near the military base, offering the soldiers a little homemade comfort. Try as she might, Violet can’t ignore her attraction to the brash marine who comes to her aid when the women are accused of spying. Desperate to discover the truth behind what happened to her husband, while keeping her friends and daughter safe, Violet is torn by guilt, fear and longing as she faces losing everything. Again.Readers love Ackerman:“a well written novel, well researched and well told”“A book that I could hardly put down, I highly recommend it, this is a 5 star novel”“This book was a joy to read, due to the rich and interesting characters”“charming, engaging read”“A beautifully written story by an exciting new author”“ I loved the book!”“a heartwarming story of friendship and survival”“After reading this book, I want to read more historical fiction”


Who is Captain Harry Fanton?When Juliana Milford first encounters Captain Harry Fanton, she finds him arrogant and rude. There’s no way she’ll fall for his dazzling smile! Her visit to Chadcombe House was always going to prompt questions over her scandalous family, so she’s touched when Harry defends her reputation. She’s discovering there’s more to Harry than she’d first thought…A man so plagued by the demons of war, he’s sworn he’ll never marry, no matter how tempted…


The man she once loved……is back – to claim her?Rosalind is surprised to find Ash Hartfield – the man she eloped with seven years ago – on her doorstep! She’d felt betrayed by his abrupt departure to India following the revelations of their wedding night. Seeing him again still gives her butterflies but a lot has changed…not least that he’s now a duke! What will he do when he discovers her secret: that he has an heir?