
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesThere was nothing remotely romantic about widowed father Samuel Hart's marriage proposal.Yet Josie Rolph said yes. The Lord had finally blessed the lonely widow with the family she'd always dreamed of. she was deeply in love with the hsome preacher, whose high ideals inspired everyone. Surely during their long journey across the western plains to his new post her husb would grow to love her.Each mile brought them closer to home, yet drove them further apart. Samuel didn't seem ready to open his heart again. But Josie was determined to be not just the preacher's wife, but Samuel's wife.


All of London is buzzing about The Adventures of a Woman of Pleasure by Lady Loveless, a book of barely disguised accounts of the ton’s sexual escapades.Reputations have been ruined and society is scandalized, but no one is more shocked than Lord Alexander Beaumont when he learns that the mysterious Lady Loveless is none other than his estranged wife!He remembers Melicent as a shy, innocent young woman and is determined to find out where she’s been getting her information…and who has turned his inexperienced bride into a brazen author of erotic literature.There’s only one solution: Alex will seduce his errant wife and learn all her wanton secrets. . .


William Lampard, distinguished military captain, kept London abuzz with scandal.Against his better judgment, he made a wager to seduce Miss Cassandra Greenwood. But despite her provocative ways, and the impudent sway of her skirts, he quickly realized that her innocence and goodness put her above a mere dalliance. Should Cassandra believe the gossip?She knew she had spiked William's interest, but to get to know the infamous captain properly would be dangerous—and exciting. And therein lay his appeal. . . !


Sir Douglas Drury was a spy during the Napoleonic war and has the scars, and enemies, to show for it.When he is set upon in a London street, he finds it hard to be grateful because his rescuer is not only a woman, but French into the bargain! Juliette Bergerine has learned to keep herself safe by avoiding undue attention, but now her life is also in danger and, together, she and Drury must take refuge in a mansion in Mayfair.There, this broodingly cynical man proves an irresistible temptation. . . .


At seventeen, Miranda Braxton shocked the world by eloping with her brother's tutor. Now a wiser and widowed lady, she returns to Carnwood—and finds herself engaged in a battle of wits with the new earl. Kit Alstone, Earl of Carnwood, grew up on the streets. His gentlemanly demeanor conceals an adventurer's heart. Miranda's bravery and beauty would tempt a saint—and Kit is far from that.Soon Kit begins to wonder if a scandalous lord might ask for nothing better than a less than perfect countess!


Russell Chancellor, Lord Hadleigh, found the love of his life over a decade ago, but she was forced to marry elsewhere.When a chance meeting at a house party unites him with Mary Wardour once more, both realize that the feelings between them have never died. Mary is now a widow and free to marry. Russell needs to marry or forgo his inheritance.But they have to discover the truth behind the secrets and betrayals that drove them apart before they can hope to find future happiness together. . . .


Four years of war and even more years of trying to save the family estate have knocked the daredevil out of Jack Compton.He's hanging on to his place in society by the skin of his teeth. Seeing Lacey Chancellor joyously dancing the Charleston brings his passion for life back full force! As luck would have it, this wealthy heiress is drawn to him. But pride is a powerful thing. Unwilling to be branded a fortune hunter, will Jack choose honor over love?


When eighteen-year-old Mariah found herself pregnant and unmarried in her small Colorado town, she disappeared.One year later, she returned with a baby—though minus the «husband» who had conveniently ventured off to Alaska's gold fields to seek his fortune. . . . But now, with handsome adventurer Wes Burrows turning up and claiming to be the husband she had invented, Mariah's lies become flesh and blood—and her wildest dreams a reality!


The cynical Earl of Devenish, often most deserving of his nickname Devil, little expected to be so powerfully drawn to his neighbor Mrs. Drusilla Faulkner.Quiet and demure in public, in private she showed a wit and strength of will to match his own. But her husband's untimely death was part of the puzzle he was investigating, and he couldn't be sure that she wasn't involved. . . .


Emmeline de Lonnieres swore she would never belong to a man again, so she is plunged into confusion by her feelings for Lord Talvas of Boulogne.His powerful charisma is irresistible, but she cannot give what she knows he will eventually demand–marriage. A demand she knows he will make when he discovers their passion has created the tiny new life growing inside her. . . .