
El truhan y la doncellaBlythe GiffordGarren le debía todo cuanto era y tenía a su amigo y valedor William, conde de Readington, a quien había salvado de la muerte en el campo de batalla. Y cuando William cayó gravemente enfermo, Garren se propuso hacer lo necesario para ayudarlo otra vez, aunque eso implicara ir de peregrinación.Dominica creía que sir Garren era un mensajero del Cielo y que aquella peregrinación le brindaría la señal divina que estaba esperando para tomar los hábitos. Pero descubrió que aquel viaje de fe la conducía inexorablemente a los fuertes brazos de Garren.Marcada por el destinoSophia JamesTerriblemente desfigurada, lady Isobel Dalceann había luchado con uñas y dientes por defender su fortaleza sin pensar en su propia seguridad. ¿Por qué entonces había permitido ahora que Marc de Courtenay, un desconocido, se metiese en su casa? Lo cierto era que, aunque representaba una amenaza, su cuerpo magullado y marcado por la guerra reflejaba sus propias cicatrices y le había hecho tener fe en él. Sin darse cuenta, estaba revelándole secretos que le permitirían traicionarla. ¿Qué haría si descubriera quién era él realmente?


He would teach her about sensuality… To live the life of independence she craves, Jane de Weston disguises herself as a young man. She doesn’t foresee her attraction to Duncan, who stirs unknown but delightful sensations in her highly receptive, very feminine body.When Duncan accidentally discovers her true identity he knows he should send her away – but he agrees to keep her secret! For Jane brings light into the dark corners of his heart, and Duncan fully intends to teach his willing pupil the exquisite pleasures of being a woman…


Lady-in-Waiting Mary Betoun knows her future would be secured not by a husband, but by keeping the queen happy.When Mary must prepare a remote castle along the Scottish Borders for the queen's visit, the castle's charming captain, Jamie Davison, is all too happy to help… But Jamie's nearness makes Mary think anything but innocent thoughts…


COULD A MAIDEN'S KISS TURN A CYNICAL ROGUE INTO AN HONORABLE KNIGHT?Mercenary knight Sir Garren owed much to William, Earl of Readington: his sword, his horse, even his very knighthood. And in return Garren had saved the earl's life in the Holy Land. Yet when his liege lord fell gravely ill upon their return home, Garren knew he must save his friend once more, whatever the cost–even if it meant embarking upon a pilgrimage to pray to a long-forsaken God, or promising to deflower an innocent young woman along the way….Dominica was certain Sir Garren was a sign from heaven. Surely the pilgrimage, blessed with the presence of the handsome and heroic knight, would provide a sign of heaven's plan for her to take the veil. But every step of the journey seemed to be leading her straight into Garren's powerful arms. And Dominica was beginning to wonder if her true mission was to open the mercenary's seemingly cold heart to true and lasting love.


Wed by royal command!Widow Valerie of Florham wants nothing more than to forget her abusive marriage and live peacefully at the mercy of no man. She’d never have dreamed of a liaison with handsome Sir Gil Wolford, but then comes a royal decree…they must wed!Gil craves military conquest in Castile, far from his haunted past. Marriage to Lady Valerie is the last thing he should want, yet both have truths to hide from the rumour-mongers at court. They have no choice…and, once wed, the marriage bed changes everything!


THE THRONE OF ENGLAND IS AT STAKE!Anne of Stamford has long been the keeper of her mistress's secrets, but when Lady Joan marries the King’s son court life becomes ever more perilous. Sir Nicholas Lovayne has arrived to uncover the truth about Lady Joan’s past, and Anne must do something—anything—to throw him off…Longing to escape the intrigues at court, Nicholas hasn’t counted on the way Anne distracts him—her refusal to accept pity for her club foot touches something deep inside him. Will he be able to follow his duty when every fibre of his being tells him to protect Anne?


TORMENTED BY HER INNOCENCE As leader of his clan, Black Rob Brunson has earned every dark syllable of his name. But, having taken hostage his enemy’s daughter in a fierce act of rebellion, he is tormented by feelings of guilt and torn apart with the growing need to protect her – and seduce her!Stella Storwick feels Rob’s disdain from the first. Then slowly she starts to see behind his eyes to a man in turmoil. Something he has no words for, something that can only be captured in a heart-wrenching kiss… The Brunson Clan The family who will kneel to no one…


TO MARRY HIM WILL BE TO BETRAY HER FAMILY Bessie, the selfless sister of the powerful but stubborn Brunson clan, has sacrificed herself for her family’s honour and is at the mercy of the court of King James. Illsuited to court life, she must confront their mortal enemy, Lord Thomas Carwell, dressed in nothing but borrowed finery and pride.Underneath the relentless gaze of her captor she’s enticed not only by him but also by the opulence of a world far removed from her own. When the furious King demands her brother’s head, Carwell is the only one to whom she can turn. But she must pay the ultimate price for his protection…The Brunson Clan The family who will kneel to no one…


Her vulnerability made her dangerous…Lady Solay's eyes met those of a hard-edged man. His implacable gaze sliched through her and, for an instant, she forgot everything else. A mistake. She had no time for emotion when so much depended on her finding favor at court.Lord Justin Lamont couldn't look away from the late king's scandalous–illegitimate–daughter. Head held high, she walked as if the court adored her. No matter the pain in her eyes, Justin resolutely snuffed out a spark of sympathy. He must guard against her bewitching charms…


They Make an Unlikely Alliance… Lady Cecily scorns the French hostages held at court. Treated as honoured guests, the men play at love games – and Cecily fears that her mistress, the Princess, might be disgraced.War-weary chevalier Marc de Marcel wants only to return home. Uncertain whether his ransom will ever be paid, he makes an unlikely alliance with enticing fire and ice Cecily. He’ll help her keep the Princess safe from ruin if she’ll help him escape. A pact which could lead them into a scandal all their own…Royal Weddings: a Hint of Scandal This Way Comes!