

We are living in a modern world where falsehood regularly seems to overwhelm truth. The ability of billions of people to publish has created a vast amount of unreliable and false news which now competes with and sometimes drowns more established forms of journalism. So where can we look for reliable, verifiable sources of news and information? What does all this mean for democracy? And what will the future hold?
Reflecting on his twenty years as editor of the Guardian at a time of unprecedented digital disruption; and his experience of breaking some of the most significant news stories of our time, Alan Rusbridger answers these questions and offers a stirring defence of why quality journalism matters now more than ever.



In this urgent and timely book, Patrick Cockburn writes the first draft of the history of the current crisis in the Middle East.Here he charts the period from the recapture of Mosul in 2017 to Turkey's attack on Kurdish territory in November 2019, and recounts the new phase in the wars of disintegration that have plagued the region, leading to the assassination of Iranian General Sulemani.Cockburn offers panoramic on-the-ground analysis as well as a lifetime's study of the region. As author of The Rise of Islamic State , and the Age of Jihad , he has proved to be leading, critical commentator of US intervention and the chaos it has wrecked/ And here he shows how, since Trump entered the White House promising an end to the Forever War, peace appears a distant possibility with the continuation of conflict in Syria, Saudi Arabia's violent intervention in the Yemen, the fall of the Kurds, riots in Baghdad, and the continued aggression towards Iran. While ISIS has been defeated, it is not clear whether it has disappeared from the region. Trump's policies has appeared to pour petrol on the flames, emboldening the other superpowers involved in the proxy wars. Following the collapse of the deal with Iran, and the threat of war crimes, is a new balance of power possible?


Following a remarkable epoch of greater dispersion of wealth and opportunity, we are inexorably returning towards a more feudal era marked by greater concentration of wealth and property, reduced upward mobility, demographic stagnation, and increased dogmatism. If the last seventy years saw a massive expansion of the middle class, not only in America but in much of the developed world, today that class is declining and a new, more hierarchical society is emerging. The new class structure resembles that of Medieval times. At the apex of the new order are two classes—a reborn clerical elite, the clerisy, which dominates the upper part of the professional ranks, universities, media and culture, and a new aristocracy led by tech oligarchs with unprecedented wealth and growing control of information. These two classes correspond to the old French First and Second Estates. Below these two classes lies what was once called the Third Estate. This includes the yeomanry, which is made up largely of small businesspeople, minor property owners, skilled workers and private-sector oriented professionals. Ascendant for much of modern history, this class is in decline while those below them, the new Serfs, grow in numbers—a vast, expanding property-less population. The trends are mounting, but we can still reverse them—if people understand what is actually occurring and have the capability to oppose them.


o Teaduse, innovatsiooni ja ettevõtluse ühendamine loob ühiskonda ümberkujundava uue ärimudeli. o Mõiste “sinine majandus” viitab uuele ärimudelile. Näiteks Hiinas muudab uudne paberitootmine purustatud kivimid, sealhulgas sajandite jooksul kogunenud kaevandusjäätmed printimiseks, kirjutamiseks ja pakendamiseks sobivateks paberilehtedeks, kasutamata selleks vett, langetamata ühtegi puud, kusjuures toode on lõputult taaskasutatav. See räägib, kuidas umbrohuks peetavad ohakad vanas, biokütuste rafineerimistehaseks muudetud naftatehases Sardiinias plastiks, määrdeaineks ja herbitsiidiks muunduvad. o Gunter Pauli on innovaatiline ettevõtja, kelle poolt loodud sinise majanduse ärimudeli raames on üle kogu maailma käivitatud enam kui 200 sotsiaalselt ja ökoloogiliselt jätkusuutlikku ettevõtet, loodud enam kui 3 miljonit töökohta ning investeeritud üle 5 miljardi dollari. Ta teeb koostööd mitmete riikide valitsustega kohalike majanduste ümberkujundamiseks ja raha suunamiseks tagasi kohalikku kogukonda. o “Me ei saavuta muutust majanduses ja ühiskonnas inimesi käskides ja keelates. Muutuste võti on pakkuda lahendusi, mis on lihtsalt niipalju paremad kui need, mida me täna kasutame”. Gunter Pauli


Talent Liberation is the book for every business and HR leader who has been wanting to axe the annual performance appraisal process but is unsure of either how to do that or of what to replace annual appraisals with. In this candid how-to-guide, Deborah Hartung clarifies and explains: • The outdated attitudes and beliefs towards work, performance and culture that we need to permanently retire; • The link between performance management methodologies and toxic workplace culture and how to break the cycle; • How to manage and measure on outcomes instead of hours worked; • How to improve performance and engagement through regular feedback and recognition; and • How to use the DIRC model of performance management to improve both overall organisational performance levels and workplace culture. By the end of Talent Liberation you will have a blueprint to implement in your organisation to help you unleash human potential whilst ensuring that you improve collaboration, transparency and accountability in your teams and reach new levels of organisational efficiency, innovation and profitability.