
The writer of this book is well aware that it will not stand the test of criticism as a literary production. A frontiersman himself, his opportunities for acquiring information, and for supplying the deficiencies of a rather limited education, have of course been «few and far between;» and therefore it cannot be reasonably expected that he could make a book under such circumstances which would not be sadly defective as to style and composition. However, it can justly lay claim to at least one merit, not often found in similar publications—it is not a compilation of imaginary scenes and incidents, concocted in the brain of one who never was beyond the sound of a dinner-bell in his life, but a plain, unvarnished story of the «'scapes and scrapes» of Big-Foot Wallace, the Texas Ranger and Hunter, written out from notes furnished by himself, and told, as well as my memory serves me, in his own language.


Canada under British Rule covers the first 400 years of Canadian history, from the French discovery in the early 16th century until the establishing of the Confederation in 19th century.


"In the following pages I have endeavoured to give the reader a plain, honest, homespun account of my state in life, and some few of the difficulties which have attended me along its journey, down to this time. I am perfectly aware, that I have related many small and, as I fear, uninteresting circumstances; but if so, my apology is, that it was rendered necessary by a desire to link the different periods of my life together, as they have passed, from my childhood onward, and thereby to enable the reader to select such parts of it as he may relish most, if, indeed, there is any thing in it which may suit his palate."


Macbeth is among the best-known of William Shakespeare's plays, and is his shortest tragedy, believed to have been written between 1603 and 1606. It is frequently performed at both amateur and professional levels, and has been adapted for opera, film, books, stage and screen. Often regarded as archetypal, the play tells of the dangers of the lust for power and the betrayal of friends. For the plot Shakespeare drew loosely on the historical account of King Macbeth of Scotland by Raphael Holinshed and that by the Scottish philosopher Hector Boece. There are many superstitions centred on the belief the play is somehow «cursed», and many actors will not mention the name of the play aloud, referring to it instead as «The Scottish play».


The History of the Five Indian Nations is a first hand account written by Cadwallader Colden. He served as the first colonial representative to the Iroquois Confederacy. Impressions he made during the service resulted in writing this book, the first one on the subject. This book brings the first information regarding the life and customs of indigenous people from the North.


My Indian Boyhood is a classic memoir of life, experience and education of a Lakota child in the late 1800s. Author's wish was to to educate the public about Lakota culture and to challenge government policies toward Native Americans by presenting his personal life story.


Six years with the Texas Rangers is a memoir of James B. Gillett, a lawman of the Old West, mostly well known due to his service as a Texas Ranger, and as a member of the Texas Rangers Hall of Fame. The author brings many authentic, exciting stories from his career including famous capture of the Baca brothers and battles with Apaches.


This edition presents a historical record of legal cases tried against escaped slaves across the United States of America. The author, Marion McDougall, has drawn together and compared many cases found in obscure sources and made an effort to use the cases as illustrations of principles of how the legislature worked in certain places and certain eras. Her aim was, in some measure, to trace the development of public sentiment upon the subject, in order to prepare an outline of Colonial legislation and of the work of Congress during the covered period.


"I was a member of a small company of emigrants, who were attacked by an overwhelming force of hostile Sioux, which resulted in the death of a large proportion of the party, in my own capture, and a horrible captivity of five months' duration. Of my thrilling adventures and experience during this season of terror and privation, I propose to give a plain, unvarnished narrative, hoping the reader will be more interested in facts concerning the habits, manners, and customs of the Indians, and their treatment of prisoners."


Land of the Spotted Eagle is an ethnographic description of traditional Lakota life and customs, criticizing whites' efforts to «make over» the Indian into the likeness of the white race. "In this book I attempt to tell my readers just how we lived as Lakotans—our customs, manners, experiences, and traditions—the things that make all men what they are. There are reasons why men live as they do, think as they do, and practice as they do; hence, there were forces that made the Lakota the man he was. White men seem to have difficulty in realizing that people who live differently from themselves still might be traveling the upward and progressive road of life. After nearly four hundred years' living upon this continent, it is still popular conception, on the part of the Caucasian mind, to regard the native American as a savage, meaning that he is low in thought and feeling, and cruel in acts; that he is a heathen, meaning that he is incapable, therefore void, of high philosophical thought concerning life and life's relations. For this 'savage' the white man has little brotherly love and little understanding. From the Indian the white man stands off and aloof, scarcely deigning to speak or to touch his hand in human fellowship. To the white man many things done by the Indian are inexplicable, though he continues to write much of the visible and exterior life with explanations that are more often than not erroneous. The inner life of the Indian is, of course, a closed book to the white man. So from the pages of this book I speak for the Lakota—the tribe of my birth. I have told of his outward life and tried to tell something of his inner life—ideals, religion, concepts of kindness and brotherhood; of laws of conduct and how we strove to arrive at arrangements of equity and justice."