
“Like the air we breathe, we take our skin for granted . . . Yet it is remarkable; it mitigates and ameliorates the sometimes harsh world we dwell in, and is at the interface of so much of what we encounter. It is our border, the edge of ourselves, the point where we meet our universe.”Original Skin is at times a scientific study, remarking on the biological magic behind the human body’s largest organ. At others it becomes an anthropological survey, dissecting separate societies’ attitudes towards bare bodies, and the motives behind cultural rituals such as tattoos. However, Original Skin is, above all, a celebration of the human body; its tone one of absolute awe for the simultaneously protective and fragile membrane that divides us all from the world that surrounds us. Maryrose Cuskelly’s book—in its examinations of everything from tickling to Botox to books bound in human derma—is a delightful meditation on skin.


In Shishmaref, Alaska, new seawalls are constructed while residents navigate the many practical and bureaucratic obstacles to moving their entire island village to higher ground. Farther south, inland hunters and fishermen set out to grow more of their own food—and to support the reintroduction of wood bison, an ancient species well suited to expected habitat changes. First Nations people in Canada team with conservationists to protect land for both local use and environmental resilience.In Early Warming, Nancy Lord takes a cutting-edge look at how communities in the North—where global warming is amplified and climate-change effects are most immediate—are responding with desperation and creativity. This beautifully written and measured narrative takes us deep into regions where the indigenous people who face life-threatening change also demonstrate impressive conservation ethics and adaptive capacities. Underpinned by a long acquaintance with the North and backed with scientific and political sophistication, Lord’s vivid account brings the challenges ahead for us all into ice-water clarity.


A plague is spreading throughout the Florida Everglades. The nonnative Burmese python—one of the largest snakes on the planet—is now known to be reproducing freely in the shallow waters of the famed River of Grass. Over the past decade, thousands of pythons have made themselves at home across the landscape. And though scientists work feverishly to learn as much as possible about this unprecedented invader, methods of control remain elusive. Many questions remain in the wake of this troubling discovery. How far north might Burmese pythons venture from the Everglades wilderness? What might their presence mean for the countless birds and mammals—some of them endangered—with which south Florida has become synonymous? And does history seem poised to repeat itself as new, large reptiles are discovered to be thriving in the area's favorable climate? An Everglades naturalist describes how the story unfolding in the Florida Everglades provides new opportunities to revisit our understanding of wilderness and man's place within it.


Международный научно-исследовательский журнал «Человек и современный мир» – электронное периодическое издание, освещающее широкий спектр проблем социогуманитарного знания, человековедения, экологии, психологии и других научных проблем, касающихся мира современного человека. Журнал публикует результаты научных исследований научно-педагогических работников вузов, научных и практических работников, аспирантов, студентов, а также для всех, кого интересует проблематика журнала. Журнал адресован ученым, аспирантам, соискателям, магистрантам, преподавателям-практикам, студентам. Публикации в журнале учитываются как опубликованные работы при защите диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней России и зарубежья.


Международный научно-исследовательский журнал «Человек и современный мир» – электронное периодическое издание, освещающее широкий спектр проблем социогуманитарного знания, человековедения, экологии, психологии и других научных проблем, касающихся мира современного человека. Журнал публикует результаты научных исследований научно-педагогических работников вузов, научных и практических работников, аспирантов, студентов, а также для всех, кого интересует проблематика журнала. Журнал адресован ученым, аспирантам, соискателям, магистрантам, преподавателям-практикам, студентам. Публикации в журнале учитываются как опубликованные работы при защите диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней России и зарубежья.


Международный научно-исследовательский журнал «Человек и современный мир» – электронное периодическое издание, освещающее широкий спектр проблем социогуманитарного знания, человековедения, экологии, психологии и других научных проблем, касающихся мира современного человека. Журнал публикует результаты научных исследований научно-педагогических работников вузов, научных и практических работников, аспирантов, студентов, а также для всех, кого интересует проблематика журнала. Журнал адресован ученым, аспирантам, соискателям, магистрантам, преподавателям-практикам, студентам. Публикации в журнале учитываются как опубликованные работы при защите диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней России и зарубежья.


Международный научно-исследовательский журнал «Человек и современный мир» – электронное периодическое издание, освещающее широкий спектр проблем социогуманитарного знания, человековедения, экологии, психологии и других научных проблем, касающихся мира современного человека. Журнал публикует результаты научных исследований научно-педагогических работников вузов, научных и практических работников, аспирантов, студентов, а также для всех, кого интересует проблематика журнала. Журнал адресован ученым, аспирантам, соискателям, магистрантам, преподавателям-практикам, студентам. Публикации в журнале учитываются как опубликованные работы при защите диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней России и зарубежья.


"An elegant, eccentric novel of love, loneliness, and lepidoptera . . . Worthy company for work by other naturalist/novelists: Nabokov, Matthiessen, Kingsolver." ― Kirkus Reviews In Magdalena Mountain , Robert Michael Pyle's first and long-awaited novel, the award-winning naturalist proves he is as at home in an imagined landscape as he is in the natural one. At the center of this story of majesty and high mountain magic are three Magdalenas—Mary, a woman whose uncertain journey opens the book; Magdalena Mountain, shrouded in mystery and menace; and the all-black Magdalena alpine butterfly, the most elusive of several rare and beautiful species found on the mountain. And high in the Colorado Rocky Mountain wilderness, sharing the remote territory of the Erebia magdalena butterfly, lives the enigmatic Oberon, a reluctant de facto leader of the Grove, a diverse community of monks who share a devotion to nature. Converging in the same wilderness are October Carson, a beachcomber-wanderer in pursuit of the alpine butterflies he collects for museums; James Mead, a young graduate student intent upon learning the ecology of this seductive creature; and Mary Glanville, who also seeks the butterfly but can't remember why. While the mystery surrounding Mary takes a menacing turn, their shared quest pulls them deeper into the high mountain wilderness, culminating in a harrowing encounter on the stony slopes of Magdalena Mountain.


"Fast claiming his place as one of the country’s finest natural history writers, Pyle takes to the hills in search of Bigfoot in this absorbing, classily written field report. Pyle makes all the right connections. Best of all, he loves a good mystery and is smart enough, open and radical enough, to never say never." — Kirkus Reviews Awarded a Guggenheim to investigate the legends of Sasquatch, Dr. Robert Pyle trekked into the unprotected wilderness of the Dark Divide near Mount St. Helens, where he discovered both a giant fossil footprint and recent tracks. He searched out Indians who told him of an outcast tribe, the Seeahtiks, who had not fully evolved into humans. He attended Sasquatch Daze, where he met scientists, hunters, and others who have devoted their lives to the search, and realized that «these guys don't want to find Bigfoot—they want to be Bigfoot!» A handful of open-minded biologists and anthropologists countered the tabloids he studied, while rogue Forest Service employees and loggers swore of an industry conspiracy to deep-six accounts of unknown, upright hominoid apes among us. In the years since publication, the author's fresh experiences and finds—detailed in an all-new chapter which includes an evaluation of recent DNA evidence from Bigfoot hair and scat, the study of speech phonemes in the “Sierra Sounds” purported Bigfoot recordings, Pyle’s examination of the impact of the wildly popular Animal Planet series Bigfoot Hunters , the reemergence of the famous Bob Gimlin into the Bigfoot community, and more—have kept his own mind wide open to one of the biggest questions in the land.


David Kline has been called a “twentieth-century Henry David Thoreau” by his friends and contemporaries; an apt comparison given the quiet exuberance with which he records the quotidian goings-on on his organic family farm. Under David’s attentive gaze and in his clear, insightful prose the reader is enveloped in the rhythms of farm life; not only the planting and harvesting of crops throughout the year, but the migration patterns of birds, the health and virility of honeybees left nearly to their own devices, the songs and silences of frogs and toads, the disappearance and resurgence of praying mantises in fields-turned woodlands, the search for monarch butterflies in the milkweed. There’s rhythm in community, too—neighbors gathering to plant potatoes or to maintain an elderly friend’s tomato garden, organic farming conferences and meetings around family dining tables or university panels. Interspersed with local lore (when the spring’s first bumblebee appears the children can go barefoot) is deep technical knowledge of cultivation and land management and the hazards of modern agri-business. Kline records statewide meetings of district supervisors, knows which speakers and committee chairmen are in the pockets of the oil and gas lobbyists, stands up and says his part. At a time when America’s population is being turned toward the benefits of small, local farming practices on our health and our environment, Kline’s daybook offers a striking example of the ways in which we are connected to our environment, and the pleasure we can take in daily work and stewardship.