
Величайшие загадки жизни! Опубликованная в 1859 году книга Чарльза Дарвина «Происхождение видов путем естественного отбора» потрясла западное общество. Однако Дарвин едва ли мог вообразить, что поднятая им буря не уляжется даже через полтора столетия. Хотя серьезные ученые и многие теологи сейчас признают правоту эволюционизма, миллионы людей продолжают его отвергать. Ричард Докинз всемирно известный биолог, популяризатор науки, атеист, рационалист, «ротвейлер Дарвина»? берется убедить любого непредвзятого читателя в том, что эволюция – это не «просто теория», а всесторонне подкрепленный доказательствами факт. ©Richard Dawkins, 2009 ©Фонд Дмитрия Зимина “Династия”, издание на русском языке, 2012 ©Д. Кузьмин, перевод на русский язык под редакцией А. Маркова, Е. Наймарк, 2012 ©А. Бондаренко, оформление, 2012 ©ООО “Издательство Астрель”, 2012 ©Издательство CORPUS © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2021


Owners of this assertive breed are advised on the importance of rigorous but humane obedience training. All other aspects of purchase, health care, feeding, and housing are discussed in detail. Titles in B.E.S. popular Pet Handbooks series instruct pet owners on health care, proper feeding and housing, and other facts important to owners and their pets.


It's well known that each canine breed has its own traits, but when acquiring a new pet dog, many inexperienced owners mistakenly assume that the «one-size-fits-all» approach is adequate for purposes of dog training. This title in B.E.S. <i> Training Your Dog </i> pet care series focuses on the distinctive traits of the Shih Tzu. Dog owners learn humane but effective methods of housebreaking and paper training, obedience training, teaching the dog to respond to verbal commands, walk on a leash, and more. All books in the <i> Training Your Dog </i> series are filled with instructive, step-by-step color photos that demonstrate training methods.


It's well known that each canine breed has its own traits, but when acquiring a new pet dog, many inexperienced owners mistakenly assume that the «one-size-fits-all» approach is adequate for purposes of dog training. This new title in B.E.S. <i> Training Your Dog </i> pet care series focuses on the distinctive traits of the Pug. Dog owners learn humane but effective methods of housebreaking and paper training, obedience training, teaching the dog to respond to verbal commands, walk on a leash, and more. All books in the <i> Training Your Dog </i> series are filled with instructive, step-by-step color photos that demonstrate training methods.


Books in B.E.S. <i> Training Your Dog </i> series offer breed-specific advice on virtually every aspect of canine training, including housebreaking, obedience to basic verbal commands and hand signals, retrieving, and walking on a leash. Also covered are humane methods of breaking a dog's bad habits. The typical Labrador Retriever is good-natured by temperament and willing to please his master–qualities that make him relatively easy to train. In this book, the author takes Lab owners step-by-step through her time-proven training method, which emphasizes positive reinforcement. Instructive color photos are found on most pages.


B.E.S. <i>Training Your Pet</i> books are for inexperienced pet owners who seek detailed advice on how to get started in keeping and training caged pets. These books describe and illustrate the correct housing and equipment, and advise on getting all members of the household acquainted with the newly acquired pet. Guinea pigs are docile, easy to care for, and are capable of learning tricks. This book advises on keeping healthy and contented guinea pigs, and suggests activities that will amuse both the pets and their owners.


This book tells readers what they need to know about acquiring and caring for cats–both the ordinary household kind and the registered breeds. Here are facts, advice, and insights into feline psychology. B.E.S. <i>Pet Handbooks </i> present comprehensive information and helpful advice from breeders, veterinarians, and other pet experts on housing, feeding, health care, and where applicable, grooming and training. Filled with photo illustrations, these instructive books resemble B.E.S. alternate series, the <i>Complete Pet Owner's Manuals, </i> but the <i> Handbooks </i> have been written especially for pet owners who have some experience with animals. These books have larger page counts and contain more detailed information, advice, and instruction. Color photos throughout.


The large and handsome Great Dane is impressive in stature, but despite his formidable appearance he is typically friendly and good-natured. Books in the B.E.S. <i> Dog Bibles </i> series are breed-specific titles that present veterinarian-approved advice and information on canine care and training. Each <i>Dog Bible </i>describes the title breed's traits, history, and behavior characteristics. These books also instruct readers on what to look for when choosing a puppy and advise on nutrition, exercise, grooming, and maintaining the dog's health. Every <i>Dog Bible </i> comes with an enclosed DVD that presents methods for housetraining, teaching obedience using hand signals and vocal commands, and more. All books in this series feature attractive color photos on most pages.


This complete guide was written for new dog owners or for prospective pet parents who are about to acquire a canine companion. Author Andrea Arden is a well-known trainer who currently works on Animal Planet's shows, <i>Underdog to Wonderdog, Dogs 101, </i>and <i>Cats 101. </i>She begins by pointing out the importance of understanding canine psychology and a dog's learning capacity as necessary prerequisites to effective and humane training. Also discussed are several different approaches to dog training, canine temperaments, and impulse control. Her training directions cover topics that include– <BR> <BR> <B> <LI> Housetraining, </B> with reference to short-term and long-term confinements, food, water and walking schedule, and more <B> <LI> Socialization, </B> with reference to handling and gentling, bite inhibition, introduction to people, socializing with kids, and more <B> <LI>Dog Training 101: Foundation Exercises, </B> which includes exercises in eye contact, teaching a dog to come when called, sit, down, and stand commands, walking on leash, and more <B> <LI>Physical and Mental Activity, </B> with advice on teaching games and tricks, agility training, and more <B> <LI> Correcting Behavior Problems, </B> including excessive barking, destructive chewing or digging, begging, and more <BR><BR> <i> B.E.S. Dog Training Bible </i>is filled with instructive color photos, and features a spiral binding, which will keep the book open to chosen pages when training is in progress.


The United States has been fighting wars constantly since invading Afghanistan in 2001. This nonstop warfare is far less exceptional than it might seem: the United States has been at war or has invaded other countries almost every year since independence. In&#160;<I>The United States of War,</I> David Vine traces this pattern of bloody conflict from Columbus&rsquo;s 1494 arrival in Guantanamo Bay through the 250-year expansion of a global US empire. Drawing on historical and firsthand anthropological research in fourteen countries and territories, <I>The United States of War</I> demonstrates how US leaders across generations have locked the United States in a self-perpetuating system of permanent war by constructing the world&rsquo;s largest-ever collection of foreign military bases&mdash;a global matrix that has made offensive interventionist wars more likely. Beyond exposing the profit-making desires, political interests, racism, and toxic masculinity underlying the country&rsquo;s relationship to war and empire, <I>The United States of War</I> shows how the long history of U.S. military expansion shapes our daily lives, from today&rsquo;s multi-trillion&ndash;dollar wars to the pervasiveness of violence and militarism in everyday U.S. life. The book concludes by confronting the catastrophic toll of American wars&mdash;which have left millions dead, wounded, and displaced&mdash;while offering proposals for how we can end the fighting.<BR /> &#160;