


A history of COVID-19 and the sociopolitical conditions that led to the 2020 global pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the world. It shouldn’t have. Since this century’s turn, epidemiologists have warned of new infectious diseases. Indeed, H1N1, H7N9, SARS, MERS, Ebola Makona, Zika, and a variety of lesser viruses have emerged almost annually. But what of the epidemiologists themselves? Some bravely descended into the caves where bat species hosted coronaviruses, including the strains that evolved into the COVID-19 virus. Yet, despite their own warnings, many of the researchers appear unable to understand the true nature of the disease—as if they are dead to what they’ve seen. Dead Epidemiologists is an eclectic collection of commentaries, articles, and interviews revealing the hidden-in-plain-sight truth behind the pandemic: Global capital drove the deforestation and development that exposed us to new pathogens. Rob Wallace and his colleagues—ecologists, geographers, activists, and, yes, epidemiologists—unpack the material and conceptual origins of COVID-19. From deepest Yunnan to the boardrooms of New York City, this book offers a compelling diagnosis of the roots of COVID-19, and a stark prognosis of what—without further intervention—may come.


The Great Global Warming Blunder unveils new evidence from major scientific findings that explode the conventional wisdom on climate change and reshape the global warming debate as we know it. Roy W. Spencer, a former senior NASA climatologist, reveals how climate researchers have mistaken cause and effect when analyzing cloud behavior and have been duped by Mother Nature into believing the Earth’s climate system is far more sensitive to human activities and carbon dioxide than it really is.In fact, Spencer presents astonishing new evidence that recent warming is not the fault of humans, but the result of chaotic, internal natural cycles that have been causing periods of warming and cooling for millennia. More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not necessarily to be feared; The Great Global Warming Blunder explains that burning of fossil fuels may actually be beneficial for life on Earth.As group-think behavior and misguided global warming policy proposals threaten the lives of millions of the world’s poorest, most vulnerable citizens, The Great Global Warming Blunder is a scintillating exposé and much-needed call for debate.


Environmental regulations aren’t always about environmental protection. Today, more than ever, regulations seem to have been designed by activists, rather than scientists. Regulators Gone Wild is the shocking inside story of how the green movement and big government have united to stifle American productivity and hamstring American innovation, not by design, but as the inevitable consequence of pursuing a utopian vision of environmental purity.As a respected scientist and consultant, Rich Trzupek has seen the EPA lose its focus on cleaning up the environment, turning instead to mindless bureaucracies and sweeping policies with negligible environmental impact. Meanwhile, the green industry continues to exploit bad science to sell the public on their aggressive agenda. The result, Trzupek reports, is a plethora of regulations that have warped incentives and thwarted American industry’s ability to create long-term wealth.With these forces now focused on climate change and initiatives to reduce fossil fuel use, the march to castigate and control industry, Regulators Gone Wild contends, is entering an unprecedented and dangerous phase that could put the economic fortunes of the country in peril for generations. This enhanced ebook features the bonus video «The EPA's Green Tyranny».


The relationship between environmental regulation and economic growth has gone from dysfunctional to disastrous under the leadership of Barack Obama’s USEPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson. Jackson’s EPA has assumed broad new powers and promulgated sweeping new regulations unlike anything that America has seen since the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act were signed into law forty years ago. While much of the public has focused on the EPA’s plans to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, the Agency’s power grab extends into far more areas of society and the economy than fossil fuel use alone.Rich Trzupek explains why Obama’s EPA is different and more dangerous, than any other since the Agency was created forty years ago. From the oceans to consumer products, from the manufacturing line to the showroom floor, the tentacles of this EPA are silently creeping into more and more parts of our lives as Lisa Jackson smilingly assures the nation that everything the EPA does generates revenue rather than costing industry billions of dollars and America hundreds of thousands of jobs.


As the U.N. moves closer to a new global warming treaty, it is time to examine the calls for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The health and welfare of humanity has benefited from access to fossil fuels, and any drastic move to limit that access must have extraordinary evidence to support it.While alternative energy technologies will increasingly be relied upon in the face of dwindling fossil fuel supplies, leading climate researcher Dr. Roy W. Spencer argues that the free market is the best mechanism for solving the problem. In addition, Dr. Spencer addresses the new science that suggests that our modern fears of anthropogenic global warming might well be unfounded, because the climate system itself might be responsible for causing what is now known as “climate change.”
