
Keeping her tiny baby safe Stranded on Christmas Eve in the middle of a snowstorm, Carey Mooreland wondered if she had finally reached the end of the road. Especially when she was rescued by handsome police officer Ben Martin. Ben knew the single mother was hiding something. Casey awoke a shockingly fierce protectiveness in him, but their passion took them both by surprise.What would happen when she was ready to move on? Could he convince Carey that the safest place of all was here with him?BABY DAZE Because a baby changes everything!


Who says you can't buy love?After one bad experience with a jerk who broke my heart, I honestly thought it was no longer possible to fall in lust – and downright absurd to fall in love. But Adam Richards, the older man who «bought» me at a charity bachelorette auction, is quickly proving me wrong – on both counts.He's wealthy, kind and absolutely gorgeous – and he's interested in me. Ordinary, average Meredith Blair. And not just as a date for the evening, but as something much more…permanent!


Maura Chambers needed help with her unborn baby. Doug Connelly wanted to make up for a friend's bad judgment. Not the best reasons for marriage, but enough to make Maura and Doug say «I do.»It was to be a marriage of convenience, to get Maura through a difficult time. But how, then, could she explain the hungry look in Doug's amber eyes, the longing she felt during their nights together? The handsome doctor's hands made her feel nothing like a plain Jane nurse but rather like a wanton, wanted woman. Everything was within reach–a husband, a family. Until she discovered Doug's little secret…




Lovely physical therapist Rebecca Calloway might not actually be residing with a fire-breathing dragon, but at times it seemed that way.For corporate mogul Grant Berringer, who'd once possessed the golden touch in business – and with women – had seemingly lost it in a tragic accident. And Rebecca's assignment was to bring back his physical powers, on the assumption that his other gifts wouldn't be far behind….Grant Berringer knew that he needed someone not only to help him get out of bed in the morning, but to make him want to. Yet was Rebecca really the right one for the job? Because with her on his case, bed was looking more and more appealing all the time….


Wealthy New York businessman Jackson Bradshaw was used to going after what he wanted, but this time it was what he didn' t want that was making him pound on some stranger' s door in the godforsaken hamlet of Sweetwater, Texas. And he didn' t want his younger brother to marry his obviously gold-digging fiancé e….But when beautiful single mother Annie Price opened that door, it was quickly evident that it was her sister who was set to marry Jackson' s brother. Why, he' d been set up! And though the storm that marooned Annie and Jackson in her tiny cabin for days seemed to ignite a fire that Jackson had never experienced before, clearly he' d found the wrong sister.Or had he?


Once, Laurel Sutherland had been to the manner born, while Connor Northrup was the chauffeur' s son– and they' d had nothing in common but young, innocent love. Now Laurel was in desperate financial trouble, and the only man who could help was Connor– who had both money and a plan to save the woman he' d never been able to forget.He was proposing marriage, and though Connor feared that Laurel saw it as merely a business arrangement, he still had hope. Because though money couldn' t buy him love, maybe it could buy him time– time to show Laurel what had always been clear to him. Namely, that some things were just meant to be…



Carey Window had exactly ten hours to find herself a groom of good character if she didn't want to lose her father's ranch. She was about to concede defeat when a dangerously handsome foreman named Luke Redstone turned up with his adorable nephew, Tyler, and offered his help–as a husband candidate.But from their first kiss as husband and wife, Carey knew her heart was in trouble. For even though the marriage was in name only, she found herself indulging in dreams of happily ever after. Yet Luke and his nephew had a secret–one that could smash her fantasies to bits. Would their marriage of convenience ever become a match made of love?