
PROTECTOR…LOVERShe'd been a prodigy since birth, a woman for whom no puzzle was unsolvable. But when she was attacked in her very own research lab, brilliant, reserved Dr. Genie «Genius» Watson quickly discovered that this time she didn't have all the answers. Only Dr. Nick Wellington, once considered more foe than friend, could help unlock the memories her brain refused to reveal. Like a sexy, gallant knight, he'd come to her rescue, insisted on protecting her from a madman hell–bent on revenge–and determined to break through her icy veneer. But with time running out and a killer closing in, would Genie surrender to the ache in her heart that only her Dr. Bodyguard could cure?


Experience the thrill of life on the edge and set your adrenalin pumping! These gripping stories see heroic characters fight for survival and find love in the face of danger.Hot-shot doctor, fearless bodyguardDr Parker Radcliffe never expected to see Mandy Sparks again…until she got a job at his hospital. Keeping their past relationship a secret was a challenge, especially once Mandy uncovered a medical conspiracy and became a killer’s target.Gorgeous Parker had a reputation as driven and unforgiving, making him Mandy’s perfect personal bodyguard. Pitting himself against a madman was dangerous but necessary if he was to achieve what he wanted: keeping Mandy safe and getting her back in his arms.And Parker always got what he wanted – even against a killer!


HIS JOB WAS TO PROTECT THE CLIENT, NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH HER…AGAINMedical expert Raine Montgomery never dreamed the drug she created would be responsible for so many deaths. Suspicions on high alert, Raine was convinced someone was out to destroy her reputation–and her life. Turning to the best for help, Raine knew she and investigator Maximilian Vasek had to put aside their rocky history and focus on who wanted her eliminated….Being around Raine reminded Max of a past he'd tried hard to forget. Still, he couldn't ignore the vulnerability in her brown eyes, or the sizzling tension between them. Keeping her safe he could do. Walking away in the end might not be so easy….




Olles ühtaegu nii ninakas kui ka šikk, peitis see tüdruk oma tõelist olemust kõigi, välja arvatud ühe mehe eest. Ike Rombout pidi kõike enda kontrolli all hoidma – tööd, elu ning eriti mehi. Tema hirmutav välimus, mis kujutas endast lühikesi tumedaid juukseid ning liibuvaid musti riideid, hoidis enamiku mehi temast eemal. Ent mitte endist FBI agenti William Caine´i, kes läks kaugemale kui enamik mehi. Bostoni üldhaiglas töötades leidis Ike end mitme võimuka mehe teelt. Kui Ike´ile mõeldud kuul tabab hoopis tema armsamat, leiab William Caine nende ühise vaenlase vastu ideaalse lahenduse. Sõjaväelise taustaga mees laseb isiklikel salajastel põhjustel mässumeelse naise ümber muuta. Mitte keegi ei usuks, et see õrn süütu naine ihaldab kättemaksu. Ent kui Williami ettevaatlikkus muutub murelikkuseks, hakkab Ike mõtlema, kas mees ihaldab rabavat kaunitari enda ees või hoopis tõelist naist selle sees…